Dating Season

" Why do we always hang out in the woods?We have a perfectly good living room," Anne questioned.

" What's the fun in that?This place is full of nature! " Sprig explained as a Spider ate the lady bug that was walking along the tree log.

" Ugh "" Exactly "

The three carried on through the woods until they stopped hearing a bush rustle.

" Stay back!It could be a blood sucking predator! " Sprig states picking up a stick.

" You are really not selling me on this place," Anne commented as Sprig moved the bushes cautiously to see a pumpkin with twigs for hair and a smile drawn on its face.

" Oh no!It's an-"

" AMBUSH! " A voice cried from the trees as a frog around Sprig's age leaped down and tackled him.

" I'm hit,I'm hit!Sprig down! " Sprig said laying on the ground.

" Haha!"" Hey Ivy!Nice ambush! "

" Heh,can't take all the credit,you're really easy to trick," Ivy stated.

" Guilty as charged! " Sprig said as the two laughed,that is until Anne fake coughed catching there attention.

" Oh!Ivy meet Anne and Y/n,two human beings from another world!Y/n and Anne meet Ivy,childhood acquaintance and occasional sparing partner," Sprig said as

" Hey Ivy "" Hey "

" Hey!I've seen you two around,nice to officially meet!Do you like being randomly attacked? " Ivy said.

" Nope "" Not at all "

" Welp,too bad,see you later Sprig!But you won't see me! " Ivy said as she hopped away as Sprig laughed.

" Well well well "" Oh no"

" She's kind of cute huh? " Anne questioned." I don't know what your talking about," Sprig said as Y/n sighed knowing exactly where Anne was going.

" Well,well,well,well,well,well,well."" You're being weird Anne"

The three went back home soon after the meeting of Ivy,

" We're home! " " What have you three been doin,I've been looking for you all morning," Hop pop exclaimed.

" Oh nothing... Except!Sprig was totally flirting with a cute girl! " Anne stated as Hop pop gasped.

" No kidding"" Anne it's not like that,Ivy Sundew and I are just friends," Sprig tried to explain.

" Ivy Sundew! " Hop pop repeated,

" Nobody move!I'm getting the courtship kit! " Hop states running off.

" This is so exciting!I'm gonna go get my dating magazines!BRB!" Anne says leaving.

" I feel sorry for you Sprig,I do," Y/n says." I don't actually care," Polly says as Hop pop returns." Here we go!The firefly formal is tonight,it's the perfect opportunity to begin the ritual," Hop pop said as Anne appeared from the basement." Ritual? " Anne questioned.

" Ah huh,only frogs who preform the ceremonial dance in the ceremonial garb is allowed to be wed," Hop pop explained.

" Guys!We're just friends!Besides,I'm already engaged to Maddie right,she gave me this nifty ring," Sprig said revealing a creepy ring if his finger," oh ya," Y/n said remembering the day they sold Sprig's happiness for dough." Forget her,the Sundews have secret proprietary crops!Do you have any idea what that means? " Hop pop shouted grabbing Sprig.

" Uuuh"" If our families merge,we'll be rich! " Hop pop yelled.

" Wow,so romantic" Polly said sarcastically." Tell me about it," Y/n says as she and Polly give each other a knowing look.

" I love these magazines,look Sprig!It says 2/3rd of soulmates start out as 'Just friends'," Anne points out in her magazine.

" Wait what,you trust these things? "" Of course I do, magazines never lie," Anne said holding a magazine about a cat and a bat having a baby.Y/n couldn't help but roll her eyes.

" Could Ivy been my eternal love,my soulmate,my cat to my bat? " Sprig questions.

" Well we're about to find out,because I already asked her family," Hop pop said as a big mosquito flew onto the window and gave him a note." They agreed to a date! " Hop pop said before looking at the mosquito," what do you want? " He questioned as the mosquito buzzed." All right here you go,don't take too much I have chores to do later," Hop pop said revealing his neck as Y/n looked unnerved.

" Well,missing out on eternal love could be a bad thing,I guess one date wouldn't hurt," Sprig said as Anne got excited.

" That's my boy!"

Later that night at the firefly formal,Anne and Hop pop were finishing up on Sprig as he squirmed around.

" My boy,you look incredible "" Eh,I don't know about this.Ivy's gonna think I look stupid,I think I look stupid "

" Great!You'll have something in common," Anne said as Y/n appeared shaking her head.

" All right boy,go get that lucrative business relationship," Hop pop states as Sprig gulps holding some mushrooms as he oddly walked to Ivy who also was dressed up.

" Hey"" Hi "

Sprig and Ivy stood there awkwardly," these are for you," Sprig said turning to his side to hand Ivy the mushrooms.

" Oh,thanks "The two awkwardly started to compliment each other as everyone watched the two from afar.

" This is so exciting,I wonder what there ship name will be,Ivig?Sprigivy! "

" Oh dear "" What are you even saying ! " Polly shouted until Hop pop shushed her.

" Let's watch our little love doves fly," Hop pop said as he started to explain what love does until Anne stopped him with a simple ok.

" Excuse me everybody,but I hear we have two love doves here tonight,Ivy Sundew and Sprig Plantar woo! " a salamander announced as all the frogs attention turned to the two as the Salamander reads some messages that Hop pop and Ivy's mom,Felicia Sundew had wrote.

" Alright then,hit it boys! " The salamander said as music started to play.

Sprig and Ivy awkwardly tried to dance with each other.

" I had no idea you felt this way about me Sprig "" Oh sure,did you know that 2/3rd of soul mates start out as souls,I mean- " Sprig said jumbling over his words until he finally sighed.

" I can't do this,I'm really sorry Ivy,I don't want to date you.Everyone just convinced me it was a good idea," Sprig admitted.

" Oh thank goodness!I only went along because I didn't want to hurt you!Also because my mom forced me," Ivy explained as Sprig laughed." Parents am I right?What do ya say we ditch this place and see the fireflies,there in season," Sprig offered," after you friend," Ivy spoke," why thank you friend," Sprig replied as the two took off into the woods.

" Oh lala,the little love doves are sneaking off into the woods,you know what that means," Anne said as Y/n and Polly made a face.

" It means there abandoning the ritual,if those two don't finish that dance-"