GrubHog Day

" Party games? Fair food? Why can't it be like this all the time? " Anne questioned.

" Welcome to Grubhog day guys,it's the one day of the year where no one works and the whole swamp cuts loose," Polly says with enthusiasm," it all leads up to the official ceremony where the Grub hog pops out of it's official stump! " Polly continues to explain.

" Grubhog,kinda sounds fimilar,I bet it predicts the weather," Y/n exclaimed as Polly gasped.

" How'd you know? "

" Believe it or not we've got the same thing in our world," Anne explained.

" Grubhog smughog,the best part about is the vomit enduciting,death defying, unforgettable rides! " Sprig shouted.

" That's what I'm talking about! " Anne said as the four started to head over to the rides but were stopped short by Hop pop." Not so fast kids," he said holding out his hand in a stop gesture." Hop pop?What are you doing hiding in the bushes? " Anne questioned.

" I...I'm not quite sure myself Anne,but never mind that!Great news,Ralphy underbrooke has the plague! " Hop pop announced as everyone gasped.

" That's horrible! "

" Oh,he'll be fine,but now someone has to take care of the grubhog,and I volunteered you Sprig "

" What? " Sprig said in disbelief.

" This is a big deal,the last Plantar to do it botched the job so bad,we shunned him for life, " Hop pop said.

" Botched it? " " Let's just say he got hungry,and he ate it "" Ew "" Oh wow ew "

" Isn't this exciting,sure you'll have to miss the fair,but it's for a good cause.Come on boy,do it for the family,what do ya say? " Hop pop questions.

" Well I uh," Sprig pauses hearing a scream from a frog on a ride in the background.

" Of course I will,there's nothing more important to me than family.Rides are for dumb dumbs anyway," Sprig spoke up." That's my Sprig,I knew I could count on you! " Hop pop said happily but Sprig frowned.The group then headed to where the Grub hog was located and went inside." Aww,he so cute,like a little sock puppet," Anne said as she and Y/n awwed over the grubhog.The Grubhog then spit causing it to phase through the floor as Anne and Y/n looked down at the hole." Don't stare into the abyss girls,after all,it stares back," Hop pop exclaimed before calling out to Sprig who came out with a costume on.He didn't seem happy but Hop pop didn't mind as Sprig started to read from a scroll.

" Congratulations lucky child,keep an eye on the Grubhog and don't pull a Plantar.Ouch," Sprig read.

" Come on Polly,lets go spread the good news,and remember the family name is in your hands," Hop pop pointed out to Sprig.

" In your hands " Polly repeated before the two closed the curtains and left.

" Alright dude, what's going on?I know you don't want to do this," Anne spoke up.

" Ya this is pretty much the opposite of you," Y/n added as Sprig sighed," I know,but I can't let Hop pop down,he's counting on me," Sprig started," Sprig buddy,just tell Hop pop how you really feel,drop that truth bomb," Anne stated making an exploding noise." No those eyes he gave me earlier were ' I'm proud of you Sprig ' eyes,I've only seen them maybe twice.Sooo,you and Y/n both go enjoy those incredible rides without me," Sprig says pushing the two as best he could towards the exit.A second later he gasped going to the open window," is that the spider spinner?I heard it's the fastest ride ever made," he exclaimed before sighing again and turning away from the window," I guess I'll have to miss it this year," he said dragging himself to a stool in front of the Grubhog.

" Hmmm,hey what did that scroll say your one job was? ""To keep an eye on the Grubhog "" So why not keep an eye on him while he's sitting next to us?On a ride," Anne told Sprig.

" You're a hopping genius Anne! "" As long as we're back here for the ceremony,what's the difference? "

" But what if Hop pop sees us out there? "" He won't! "

" Normally I would have a statement against these actions but I feel compelled to ignore it,besides what could go wrong? " Y/n questioned.

" This plan is flawless! " Sprig said as the three,including the Grubhog went out of the tent to have fun.They started off with some Webby candy,the Grub hog scarfed Anne's as the three laughed.They then head over to the Bumper bugs as Sadie Croaker bumped passed the three who collided there bugs with each other as they spun.After the dizziness,they went on a carousel ride,but it soon turned into a scramble as the three quickly fell from there seats trying to get the Grubhog that climbed away.

Once they catch the Grubhog,they got some popcorn but instantly ran upon seeing Hop pop and Polly.

They hid behind a picture board as the two passed by, eventually leaving as the three screamed and ran in the other direction because the picture board caught on fire from the Grubhogs acid spit.

After some face painting,and going on the spider spinner the three found themselves walking through the carnival.

" This is amazing!Not only am I having fun,I'm doing Hop pop proud," Sprig said.

" In our world we call it a win win"" Uh,we call it a win win here too Anne, " Sprig spoke as he gasped," a new ride," he said over excited." Let's do it! " Anne spoke.

" I'm going to sit this one out,I can't go on rides after eating," Y/n spoke as Anne was upset but complied.

" Ok,see you after,come on Sprig! " Anne said leaving with Sprig and the Grubhog.

Y/n watched them leave as she sat on a nearby log and pulled a book from her carry around pouch.

" Alright,I'm finally going to read you....Emily's story,starting with,the prologue," Y/n spoke aloud to herself as she began to read,it wasn't long before she heard Sprig screaming.

" They lost it," Y/n concluded putting a book mark on her pages,putting it away and racing over to the two.She could practically feel the distress in Sprig the more closer she got." Woah buddy,don't freak out don't freak out,maybe we can go into the woods and find a new one," Anne started trying to calm Sprig down who was currently freaking out," the ceremony starts in five minutes," Sprig shouted looking at the clock as its bell rang." Oh boy,this is not good," Y/n said looking at the clock as well.

" There's got to be something we can do,come on think "

" Socks!Buttons!Don't know why you'd want em but we got em," A frog at a stand said.

" There we go "

Anne said paying the frog as she bought some socks and buttons," what are you doing?Is it what I think it is? " Y/n questioned watching Anne," presenting one Grubhog," Anne announced to the two revealing a sock puppet similar to the Grubhog." Eehh I don't know," Sprig looked unconvinced until Anne made the puppet squeak and lick him," maybe we could pull this off," Sprig said.

" Ya he just has to pop out of the stump right? "

" Don't forget predict the weather," Y/n reminded them.

" We've totally got this! " Anne said as the announcer announced that the ceremony would be starting.

" Let's do this! " The three said going to where the ceremony took place.Y/n casually sat in the back of the crowd as to not draw attention from behind the stage or block anyone frogs view.Sprig looked nervous but smiled when Y/n gave him a reassuring thumbs up.