Hop Pop and Lock

" Now kids,just because we lost our family stand doesn't mean we can't sell our produce out of a janky wheel barrel," Hop pop stated.

" This,this is pretty sad "

" I can feel all your desperation "

" Agreed "

" Ah criminal activity, excitement! " Sprig said putting on a mask.

" Take that off!This is perfectly legal! " Hop pop said.

" Then why are we hiding in an ally? " Anne questioned as they looked out of the ally way seeing residents passing by unaware of them.

" Eh,stop asking questions and follow my lead," Hop pop said slipping out of the ally way,he tapped on the closest frogs shoulder," psst lady,wanna buy an eggplant? " He questioned as the lady turned around,Hop pop seemed surprised.

" Hoppy! " The frog said.

" Silvia! " Hop pop said in shock.

" Hoppy? " Anne questioned as Y/n held in a laugh from the nick name.

" Come here you sweet potato," Silvia says hugging Hop pop," I thought you moved away," Hop pop exclaimed still surprised to see them." Yup,but now I'm back in town,now let's take a look at those veggies," Silvia said causing Hop pop to sweat nervously and blush red.

" Oh!I'll take this one,I've always had a soft spot for the weird ones," she says picking up a weird veggie from the wheel barrel.

" Well I'd better get going,goodbye Hoppy," Silvia said hugging him and playing a copper coin in his pocket." Eh uh,goodbye Silvia," he says as he red covered face turned normal as he sighed deeply.

" Hop pop,you dog! " Anne started as Y/n couldn't hold it in anymore and let out all her laughter.

" What? "" What's going on? "

" Hop pop is clearly in love," Anne stated the obvious as Polly and Sprig seemed a little surprised.

" Am not!.....ok maybe a little," Hop Pop admitted.

" Aww you should tell her how you feel," Anne suggested.

" Oh I wish I could,but you saw how I was back there,I couldn't even put any sentences together,I wish there was another way to let Silvia know how I feel," Hop pop said before the group turned to see a crowd," hmm kids watch the wheel barrel for a second," Hop pop said leaving out of the alley way to see what the crowd was doing.

" Dancing Fever,with family fun! Shenanigans!And Romance!Starts at 6pm and ends," Toady said but shrugged not giving a time for when it ends as he hopped of the stool and left.

" Hmmm "

" It's been a long time since I danced with someone,might be nice to be in the embrace of a man," Hop pop heard Silvia say.

Suddenly,he felt a tap on his shoulder as he turned but didn't see no one until he turned back with a surprise." Haha!Classic gullible Hopediah," another frog says to Hop pop," oh Menrow ."

" Who's he? "" That's Menrow,he and Hop pop have been rivals since forever "" Menrow wins at pretty much everything "

Polly and Sprig explained to Anne and Y/n.

" You're not thinking about going to this thing are ya?Wouldn't want to embarrass yourself like last year's Barn Dance fiasco! " Menrow laughed hopping around Hopediah in an almost taunting way.

"See you around Hopediah," Menrow laughed hopping off.

" Oh we'll see Menrow,we'll see," Hop pop said before hearing a whistle and snapping his head towards the ally way the kids were in.

" Hop pop!It's the fuds! Everyone scatter! "

Sprig yelled as Anne,Y/n and Polly left the Ally ways as Hop ran too.

-Back at the Farm-

Hop pop had picked up a book on how to dance as he set it down and looked threw it." Looks easy enough," Hop pop said taking a broom as a substitute.

" And a 1,and a 2-ah! " He said breaking the broom and falling into a bookshelf.

" Looks like it's hopeless," Hop pop said to himself.The house started to rumble as he looked confused," what in tarnation? " He said peaking in the basement to see Anne and Y/n dancing together,they seemed to be laughing too." They can dance? " Hop pop questioned as Anne and Y/n turned to see him,Anne being startled kicked her shoe and hit him in the face causing him to fall down the stairs as Anne paused the music.

" Hop pop,what the heck dude? " Anne said as Y/n,who was completely embarrassed just sat on her bed.

" I need your help! " Hop pop stated.

After a few minutes of explaining he put a ripped poster of the Dance Fever on the floor.

" And that's why I'm beggin ya,teach me your ways!I can't tell Silvia how I feel,but maybe I can show her!By Dancing with her! " Hop pop exclaimed.

" Huh,never figured you for a hopeless romantic Hop pop,let's do this! " Anne agreed.

" Hey uh,can you girls keep this between us? "

" I won't tell, " Y/n says casually." You got it Hp,my lips are sealed! " Anne said.

-Later That Day-

Polly and Sprig were sitting on a log cheering for Hop pop.

" What happened to the zipped lips? "

" Anne did it not me," Y/n replied.

" Couldn't help it,this is too juicy,besides when I'm done with you,you and Silvie will be locking lips by the end of the night" Anne stated as she stretched in some work out clothes.Sprig and Polly didn't like the mushy stuff as they groaned,while Hop pop blushed.

" Lesson one,foot work," Anne said as she started to dance.Y/n,Polly and Sprig watched from the side,until Anne snapped her fingers signaling it was Hop pop's turn.

He looked nervous as he took one step before tumbling into an Ant pile.

" It burns it burns! " He yells as Sprig throws water on him.

" Lesson 2, rhythm," Anne said as she took a bucket and a hammer and banged them to a beat.Hop pop started out slow but eventually missed and hit his leg with his hammer causing him to let out a shout in pain." Lesson 3, freestyle!Free style is expressing yourself in your own unique way," Anne said as she started to dance,Sprig and Polly joined in but Y/n wasn't as confident.

" Come on,you were just dancing with me in your own way,you can do it! " Anne said to Y/n who blushed embarrassed before freestyling aswell.

It was actually really good for an introvert.

This gave Hop pop motivation,but his was way horrible as everyone gave a creeped out disturbed look.

" Ta-da! " He said," I gotta say,that's the first lesson I actually felt go- " Anne stopped him as she held his face.

" Hop pop,if you want to win Silvia,never do that again! " Anne warned.

They had started practicing until it was finally getting late,Hop pop had improved over that span of time as he did his final move.Everyone clapped and praised him," woah nice work Hop pop,or should I call you Hip pop," Anne said snapping her fingers," that reference means nothing to me ," Hop pop stated before Sprig spoke up.