Civil-Wart (Unedited)

" Ah Theater night,the one night we come together,watch our stories and forget our horrible horrible troubles," Hop pop said in a depressing way making everyone sigh.

" Now who wants popcorn! " Hop pop shouted as everyone followed him inside happily.

" Oh there!Right in the middle,that seat is mine! " Sprig shouted.

" Not if I get there first," Polly said as she hopped quickly towards the seat but just as she got there Sprig took it.

" No fair!You have appendages!" Polly says crossing her arms.

" Uh uh,Sprig give Polly the seat," Hop pop stated walking over.

" Say what!Come on Hop pop,I got here first! " Sprig said crossing his arms getting upset," that's what older brothers do Sprig,they look out for there little sister.Now move that rump over to that stump," Hop pop said to Sprig pointing to a much dirtier stump by Anne and Y/n.He begrudgingly walked over to the stump and sat on it,only for it to crumble with ease.

" Bummer dude."

" It's just not fair,just because she's a little younger she always gets special treatment," Sprig explained.

" I'm an only child so I don't  relate,all my parents attention was focused on me,and it was awesome," Anne said putting on some shades.

" Eh,I may be younger by like a minute or more but I didn't really get much attention,because it wasn't about age with my parents it was more of.... knowledge,skill?? I don't know,but..... that didn't bother me as much,I was happy she got the attention," Y/n said looking a little bummed out with the conversation.

" See Anne is lucky, " Sprig said still upset.

" Alright everybody settle down,I have some bad news," Mayor Toadstool started looking at the crowd of waiting frogs," the acting group couldn't make it on account of being eaten on the way here," Mayor Toadstool explained as the crowd clearly upset started to boo.

" We need our story! "

" Hold on everyone,I have something that might work!It's called a Movie,it's like a play but totally better," Anne said as everyone seemed to settled down.

Anne had used a shoe to hold her phone up as a frog came and pushed glass in front of her phone making the screen bigger as Anne thanked the frog named Tad.

" Ok so tonight I'm going be showing the timeless classic,The love Choice which has always been one of my favorites beca- "

" Just start the movie! "

" Ahaha you got it! " Anne says pressing play on her phone," Dang it," she said before pressing the play button a few more times until it started.

The movie started as everyone seemed to start to enjoy the show.

" Mmm Polly likey," Polly said when Hunter showed off his cybernetic abs.

Y/n couldn't help but give her a look before turning back to the movie.

" Allow me to sing you the song of my people," Alaster said making deer noises.

" I like this Alastar,he's imperial yet approachable," Sprig commented as the seen was now at the Constance was having a hard time choosing between the two.Until she was taken by a giant bird,the two boys chased after her.

" Constance! "

" We must go after her! "

" I'll save you Constance! " The two boys yelled after her.

" To be continued," The Movie narrator said.

The frogs started to get confused and fustrated because they didn't know who she chose." Trust me guys,been there,they are making a sequel,love choice two.But it's not out yet," Anne states as Polly hops on her head abruptly.

" I'll tell you who she picks!Hunter!He's a beef cake! " Polly shouted.

" What?She should pick Alaster,he's a thinker,a dreamer," Sprig intervened as the town started to erupt in argument about out Constance should pick.

" Listen up!I don't even want to live!In a town with someone who likes Alaster! " Polly says hopping on stage.Sprig glared as he marched towards her meeting eye to eye," well I don't want to live in a town with someone who likes Hunter," he said back as they two glared." That does it,everyone who like Hunter get behind me! " Polly said as a group formed by her." Well anyone who likes Alaster can get behind me! " Sprig said as he group formed behind him.Hop pop pushed threw the group behind Sprig," Sprig just let Polly get this one,before things get worse," Hop pop said to Sprig who didn't at all seemed pleased.

" Sorry Hop pop,but I've had it with this pollywog and her special treatment,we ain't backin down! " Sprig concluded.

" This means war! " Polly announced as the two sides go in opposite directions.

" I have a bad feeling about this "" You're not the only one "" Eh,I'm sure by morning clear heads will prevail," Hop pop reassured the two.

The next morning,however,the town was split,one side being red for hunter and purple for Alaster.

" Or ..not "

" I don't believe this,the town is split right down the middle," Anne observed as Y/n shakes her head in disapproval.

" This is just like an internet message board,but irl," Anne says horrified.

" Do things on this internet resolve in peaceful and civilized ways? " Hop pop questioned." See for yourself dude," Anne said as a frog from Hunter's stepped near the boarder." Gosh I forgot my house was over on Alaster's side," he said walking over the line only to be attacked by frogs from Alaster's group.Hunter frogs started vandalizing and terrorizing as well.

" If we don't stop this the whole town is going to fall apart," Anne states.

" I can already see it happening," Y/n commented.

" Polly and Sprig are the ring leaders,if we can just get them to get along then we'll be fine," Hop pop stated as the Anne and Y/n head over to where Sprig was.

" Here Sprig,you have visitorz "

" Should we throw them into deer prison? "

Sprig's guards questioned.

" No,no,no,no,no.It's ok,Thank you deer Stumpy and deer Croaker.Take five deer friends," Sprig said as the other frogs dispersed." Anne,Y/n great to see you,are you here to join our deer choir? " Sprig questions them.

" Nope, we're here to tell you that this dumb feud with Polly is dumb,and that you need to stop it," Anne started.

" Ya Sprig,it's unnecessary," Y/n added.

" Just let her have this one dude," Anne spoke again.

" You're an only child Anne,you don't understand I always give things up for Polly,surely you would understand Y/n,at least a little," Sprig exclaimed.

" I do but I wouldn't start chaos over it," Y/n replied to Sprig.

Sprig doesn't feel the same as Y/n," I'm not giving it to Polly,no more!The only way for this to stop is if Polly submits to me! " Sprig said with envy laced in his voice." But- "

" We're done here," Sprig said playing a instrument which caused some frogs to appear and take the too away.

" Ah what! "" Not cool Sprig!Not cool! " Anne states.