Cracking Ms.Croaker (Unedited)

Anne,Polly,Sprig,and Y/n were walking around down when Felicia,one of the town frogs came up to him.

" Hey Sprig,thanks for your help at the tea shop the other day," she said.

" No problem Felicia,I had a tea-rrific time," Sprig joked as Felicia squished his face before leaving.

" Ok bye "" Alright see ya! "

They four continued to walk around town.

" Heya Sprig! "" Mornin Jerry "Top of the mornin to ya Sprig "" Lookin good Patrick! "" Bonjour'no Sprig "" Hey alright! "

" Wow,people around here really seem to like Sprig," Anne finally commented." Yup,he's always been something of a town favorite,those big eyes and goofy grin are hard to resist," Polly responded just as a honking noise was heard,the group turned there heads.

" Hey!Here comes Mrs.Croaker!Hi Mrs.Croaker! " Sprig says waving to her,but she mearily passed him on her ladybug not even bothering to say hello as she stopped by Polly,Anne,and Y/n.

" Heh,is this thing broken? " Sprig said waving his arm a bit.

" Hi Mrs.Croaker," Polly,Anne and Y/n said.

" Well hello girls," she said poking Polly causing her to laugh.

" Hey Mrs.... Croaker," Sprig started but Mrs Croaker walked right pass Sprig,ignoring him." Guys you're not going to believe this,but I don't think Mrs.Croaker likes me," Sprig says as if it's the most horrible thing to hear.

" Huh...So what do you think Hop pop's making for dinner tonight? "

" How could she not like me?I'm Sprig!The fun Plantar!

" Don't worry about it dude,it's ok if one person doesn't like you," Anne reassured," you know what Anne, you're right,that is not ok! "

" That's not what she sai- "

" Looks like it's time to crank up the charm on this widow," Sprig said following Mrs.Croaker.He watched as Mrs.Croaker got ready to leave with her groceries,he opened the door a few seconds before she came out," after you m'lady " he says only for Mrs.Croaker to walk out and ignore him once again." What? " He said confused.

" Oh hey!Thanks so much " A frog said holding his groceries but Sprig let go of the door and chased after Mrs.Croaker.

" Wait!Let me help you with that! " Sprig said stopping Mrs.Croaker to take her groceries,only for her to toss him to the side and continue walking,she got on her lady bug with a neutral expression and took off.

" No!Wait!Mrs.Croaker come back! " Sprig cried watching her leave.

" Acknowledge me! " Sprig said as Mrs.Croaker road her lady bug pass him and splashed mud on him.

" That,was the saddest thing I've ever seen and I've seen some things," Polly said as Y/n shifted away from Polly a tiny bit.

" How do I fix this! "" Totally feel for you dude,I had this same issue with a girl named Jamie Krieger,my advice just let it go," Anne states.

" Huh," Was all Y/n said.

" You know what,you're right Anne,I can't just let this go!I have to get Mrs.Croaker to like me,and I can't do that unless I know more about her.Fact finding mission engaged! " Sprig says as Anne and Y/n give a really face.

" Sprig!ugh "" Get use to this feeling "

Anne,Polly and Y/n near the shop.Polly watched Anne play her game as Y/n seemed to be doing her own thing on her own phone,until Sprig appeared as he fell face first onto the ground." I spent all day and I know even less than I knew about her before," Sprig complained.

Just then,Hop pop appeared out of the store with his groceries," sorry about the wait kids," He said just a Sprig came and startled him a bit." Hop pop!Mrs.Croaker doesn't like me! " He cried.

" what do you kids want for Dinner I was thinking ravioli," Hop pop spoke completely pushing aside Sprig's statement as unimportant.

" Aw ya,that's what I'm talking about! "

Sprig mearly sighed knowing that no body was even bothering to consider his problem as important.

Back at the farm,Anne and Y/n were sitting next to each other viewing one of Anne's magazines when suddenly Sprig bursts in unannounced.

" Guys!I've got it!I've got a completely reasonable plan for Mrs.Croaker to like me! " Sprig states.

" Glad to hear it,lay it on me "

" Well, I'm going to break into her house,search through her belongings,find the key to her secret wishes,and make them all come true," Sprig explained.

" Talk about invasion of privacy,yeesh," Y/n spoke her mind.

" Dude,what!That's completely crazy pants!Listen Sprig,Mrs.Croaker is just like Jamie Krieger,who for some in despicable reason didn't like me," Anne stated." Guys,this is different,this is about me.I'm totally likeable,while you can be a bit...." Sprig said as Y/n gave him a don't say it look.

" Go on," Anne said in an almost threatening way.

" Likeable,also " Sprig said quickly.

" Darn right I'm likeable,I gave Jamie all my pudding cups at lunch,even the chocolate ones with vanilla ribbons.Then NOTHING!What was her problem! " Anne started to shout.

" Will you three stop yelling,you know there's no sound proofing on these walls right? " Polly yelled from the top of the stairs.

" I didn't say anything but ok "" Wait seriously? "" Yup,don't you two hear Hop pop yodeling himself to sleep at night? "" I thought someone was dying "" I thought it was a stray animal or something "

" Nope,just our Hop pop being a freak "

Suddenly banging was heard from above." You're a freak! " Hop pop yelled from above.

" Welp,I've got a house to break into so," Sprig says hopping away to Mrs.Croakers place.

Mrs.Croaker hopped on her lady bug with her pet spider before leaving.Sprig climbed up the pipes to the top of the roof before jumping in through the open window." Alright Mrs.Croaker,let's see what you're all about," Sprig said looking around at her things." Huh,wonder what kind of books she reads," Sprig said picking a book she had and reading the title," that's going to be hard to forget," he says clearly disturbed.

" Oo! Candy," Sprig says but instead of taking one the whole thing was taken as he made a noise of disguised and tried to unstick it from his hand.He unfortunately managed to break the bowl and a piece of the table in doing so.

He found himself staring at some teeth in a jar," probably should put these on," he says but does it anyway messing around.

The front door to the house opens a bit as Anne,Y/n and Polly peek inside.

" Sprig! Pst,you gotta get out of here man! " Anne said as the three walked inside.

" Oh,hi guys!Come to help? " Sprig questioned holding some of Mrs.Croaker things.

" Definitely not "" Uh ya,you need help bud,but not with this " " This is deranged "" Alright dude,put the stuff back, we're leaving "

" What no "" Come on Sprig! "Anne said grabbing the items in Sprig's hand,but he wouldn't let go as the two pulled at the items until they fell.A particular small chest fell,opening and revealing the things it had kept inside of it.