A Night at the Inn (Unedited)

Dramatic music played as a sign that read 'Mountain Pass' was standing,the music cuts short as the scene turns to a ice block with a creature frozen inside,blocking the passage way.

" We'll girls,I didn't want to say I told you so-"" Yes you do "" Ok you're right,I told you so!Still gonna be a few weeks until that snow pack melts," Hop pop explains as everyone frowns.

" My feelings of goodness just dropped so fast," Y/n spoke up.

" We were so close,we've waited so long!And getting out of this valley might help me find answers on how to get us home," Anne said in distraught.

" I know it stinks,but how about some careless misadventuring to take your minds off of it?I think there's a creepy lagoon nearby," Sprig states.

" Oh!Think we'll find some blooded remains? " Anne questions.

" Here's hoping! "

" I actually feel like getting chased by danger," Y/n commented as the three raced off to the lagoon laughing at each other's statements.

" And while they do that,I'm going to check out this scary forest! " Polly as she starts to leave but Hop pop catches her.

" Oh no,you don't!Not by yourself "" Ugh,but why not? "" Cause you're a pollywog,you're too young to go off on your own," Hop pop explained.

" But the other kids did! "

Just then screeching was heard as Anne,Y/n,and Sprig raced back to Bessie yelling for the to go.Bessie took off as the three looked behind them to make sure the monster wasn't following them.

" Who knew leeches could run so fast! "" Or had legs "" My eyes have never been so violated "

The three told each other,

" Ya but glad,I got to see them! "" Truly a once in a life time experience "" Ya,if you don't die in the one life "

Polly seemed a bit mad about the conversation until she was jolted from her thoughts when Bessie started to swerve until she stopped completely.

" Uh shoot,snail trouble everyone!Snail trouble! " Hop pop said resting a hand on Bessie.

" Hmm,stranded eh?Couldn't have pick a nicer day," Sprig said just as lightning struck near by and it started to rain.Hop pop tried to lift Bessie's shell but it was too muddy for him to do so.

" Hey I can fit under Bessie," Polly offered to help.

" No,you stay up there were it's safe," Hop pop said causing Polly to frown.

Anne turned to see look at a place near them," hey look!There's a bed and breakfast right down the road! " Anne pointed out.

" Forget it!We ain't spendin Coppers on lodging when we have a perfectly good tent- " Hop pop didn't even get a chance to finish as the tent was swept away in the wind and broken in the lightning.

" Alright,BnB it is,but no extras.Hang on Bessie, we'll find a place for you to rest in jiffie," Hop pop said wrapping clothing around her head.The five ran inside as they looked around in aw.

" Look at this place,so cozy," Sprig commented as they walked to the counter and Hop pop rang the bell.

" Well hello there,welcome to the Dandelion BnB,I'm Teddy,this is my wife Martha "

" Please,warm yourselves by the fire," The owners of the BnB said as they group walked over to the fire.

" Oh that sounds nice," Hop pop commented.

" Yes please,wow haven't come across a species like you before," Anne spoke up.

" There horned bull frogs I believe," Y/n spoke to Anne.

" Well aren't you a smart one,we haven't seen anything like you two either," Martha says.

" Oh,so not from around these parts," Hop pop said.

" We travelled here a long time ago,and just you know,fell in love with the area,ain't that right sweetie "" We sure did "" So,I take it you'll be needing some rooms? " Teddy asked.

" Just one please, we'll all pile in," Hop pop answered.

" Oh no need,we only have a couple of guests tonight so the Inn is mostly empty "" We'll make you a deal,five rooms for the price of one,what do ya say? " Martha asked.

" Can it just be four rooms,me and Y/n kinda are room buddies," Anne questioned as she and Y/n smiled hugging each other.

" Alright four it is " Martha said as the group cheered as Polly made her way to pick a room but was stopped by Hop pop.

" Thanks but we only need three,Polly here is bunking with me," Hop pop stated.

" What!Aw,Hop pop! "

" Here's some fresh cookies," Martha said putting cookies down for them to enjoy.

" And we'll go put your snail out in the barn "

" Hey!Watch it! "" Mine! "" Get your hands off my cookies "" I touched it first! "

Hop pop and Polly walked into there room,Hop pop shut the door and places Polly on the bed.

" This is so not far,I want my own room! " Polly shouted.

"Sorry kiddo but you're just too young for that,but you can have as many cookies as you want! "

" I don't want your pity cookies," Polly says slapping the cookie in Hop pop's hand away." No,well how about a pity early bed time," He spoke," but I'm not tired! " Polly told Hop pop.

" Yup,well I am,one room one bed time.Lights go out in 5 minutes," Hop pop stated.

Polly sighs,looking around until she spots a door open,she hops towards it looking inside before going in." Hop pop look,there's another room connected to this one!Can I stay in here? " Polly questions." Well, I'll leave the door open and go straight to bed.Pretty,pretty please? " Polly questions giving him puppy eyes.

" Ok fine"" Woo!Thanks Hop pop,you're the best! "" But this door stays open,and no jumping about,straight to bed "" Absolutely "

Hop pop goes to his bed and gets settled," now I'm right here if ya need me," he says to Polly.

" Got it! " She replies as Hop pop continued to stare.

" Three....two...one " Polly counted right as she reached one,Hop pop fell asleep instantly.She took the opportunity to shut the door," Finally! Independence! " Polly yelled as she started to play around and do things Hop pop told her not to.

She soon grew tired as she yawned getting in her bed," time to snuggle up in my own bed," Polly said turning off the light.

As soon as she closed her eyes,she snapped them back open unable to sleep by the noise and the disturbing dolls in the room.She tried to reassure herself everything she could handle,but was instantly scared by a skeleton staring at her.When she turned on the light it turned out to be just some items stacked together,she let out a nervous laugh of relief,she turned off the light again but quickly turned it back on upon hearing a noise.