Family Fishing Trip (Unedited)

" Ah,the annual plantar fishing trip,I can't wait to cast off "

" Me either my froggy friend,but I'm not fishing I'm parasailing baby," Anne said pulling out a parasail she made.

" Wow,flying?What a great way to spy on my enemies," Polly laughed.

" I'm going to make sure she doesn't break a leg," Y/n commented.

" What do ya say Sprig?Why fish when you can fly! "

" Oo tempting,but nope I'd rather fish,it's what Hop pop and I have been doing on this trip since I was a pollywog.First we get the bait ready,then he'd let me steer the boat!Then we'd spend the rest of the day fishing together.We look forward to this all year,it's our special time and it's never going to change," Sprig exclaimed.

" Hello children," a voice was heard as Silvia appeared," I'm so glad I get to join you all on this boat trip," she says with a smile.

" Oh hey Silvia "" Hey "" You're coming too?Cool! "

" Oh,hey Silvia.Has anyone seen Hop pop? "

" Mornin' kids,ready for the brisk(?) open waters? " Hop pop said appearing.

" Ahoy there "" Dang Hp,lookin good," Anne complimented as Y/n stifled a laugh.

" Isn't he dreamy? " Silvia spoke as she and Hop pop exchanged looks laughing sheepishly.

" Now come on my dear,I'll show you around the boat "" Oh how lovely "

" What the heck,he can't fish in that ridiculous outfit! " Sprig said upset.

" Look like Hop pop's fishing for something else "" Stop it "" Ew,gross Anne "

" This doesn't change a thing,him and I are still gonna spend the day together and have our special time "

" Anchors away and here we go! " Hop pop said as everyone cheered,the boat was still tied to the deck which broke a peace of it off.Everyone stared blankly.

" Eh we'll fix it when we get back,to the sea! " Hop pop said taking off,just as the rock and the building broke and crumbled.

Sprig watched as Silvia and Hop pop were trying to get one another to take the wheel.He wasn't paying attention until one of the bait hit him and knocked him over.

" Parasailing is easy,the wind does all the work "" Where'd you learn all of this again? "" Hours and Hours of extensive research "" Pfft," Y/n laughed slightly looking threw her book.

" Whoo!Time to prove my mom wrong! " Anne said as the wind came out of nowhere and lifted Anne and her parasail into the sky.

" You're doing great! " Y/n said distracted." Looking good Anne! " Polly added as she hopped away in her bucket to Sprig who was tangled with a bait.

" Uh don't you and Hop pop usually do that together? " Polly questioned.

" He said to start without him "" Ouch "" This doesn't mean anything,Hop pop and I are still gonna...WAIT ,there fishing together!? " Sprig said in disbelief.

" I can't believe this,he's ditching me!? "

Sprig exclaimed just as Anne's scream was heard as she landed upside down back on the boat.

" I think I'm getting the hang of this," She said.

" Anne you won't believe this Hop pop is- "" I know dude,saw the whole thing from up top,bummer,but what can you do.It's not like you can make Silvia go awaaaay! " Anne spoke just as the wind pulled her back up into the sky.

Y/n walked towards Sprig and Polly," Hey is Anne still in the sky,I wanna ask her some- Oh is that a Lotis Blue Butterfly,those are so rare back home! " Y/n said getting distracted as she pulled out her phone to try and snag a picture,leaving Polly and Sprig to themselves.

Just then Hop pop and Silvia walked by," Over here Silvia I want to show you this thing Sprig and I used to do that's super fun! " Hop pop said walking with Silvia elsewhere on the boat.This caused Sprig to glare with a grimace.

" Hey I know that look!You're going to sabotage this fishing trip so that Silvia leaves!Aren't you? " Polly questioned Sprig.

" What!No,what do I look like some petty child to you? " Sprig asked Polly." Yes-Wah! " Polly said as Sprig threw something at her.

" Chum bomb!" He said hopping away.

He started by placing spicy peppers in her sandwich only for her to let out fire (due to how hot it was) and laugh it off, unintentionally scorching Sprig's face.

He tried placing a centipede on her head,only for her to unknowingly throw it off as she let her surprisingly long hair flow,Hop pop simply adoring it,even Sprig who had to shake his head in order to continue his objective.

He kicked a barrel of Chum and slippery water onto the floor causing Silvia to slip as she walked by,only for Hop pop to grab her in time.

Sprig had given up as he sat by the edge of the boat singing to himself,about himself.

Suddenly Anne came crashing into the boat crushing the blue lotis butterfly that Y/n was chasing.

" Hey Anne "" You almost had it Anne "" Really? "" Nah "Y/n stood there seemingly truamatized," the poor butterfly "

Anne turned to see Sprig still bummed out," Dude,you gotta shake off this whole Hop pop thing and just have some fun, we're on a boooaaaat! " Anne said once again getting carried off by the wind on her parasail.

" I'm going to mentally scream over in that corner,but hey cheer up Sprig.Things will get better, it just takes ti- Oh my gosh is that a Schaus swallowtail! " Y/n said forgetting what happened a few minutes ago and pulled out her phone once more chasing the butterfly.

" Sprig,Anne and Y/n are right,maybe it's time to let this one go,ya know,be the bigger frog and all that, " Polly said.

" Excuse me?You mean just give up my special time with Hop pop? "

" Why not?Crazier things have happened,like that! " Polly said pointing to Anne who was hit by bugs flying towards her.

" Or that- " Polly said pointing to Y/n about to take a picture of the butterfly only for a large fish to jump up and eat it,splashing her in the process.

" Sprig can we talk? " Silvia said coming up to Polly and Sprig.

" Silvia great to see you,of course we can talk,I love to talk lets talk! " Sprig said nervous.

" You're tense little boy,come on," Silvia said carrying Sprig away.

" And now back to our show," Polly laughed as Y/n grumbled trying to get her hair out of her face,only to smack into a wall.Anne's screams could be heard from above.

" Sprig is there something bothering you? " Silvia questions Sprig as she sets him on a barrel.

" What?Me?No never!Who?How? "" Hm mm,well I just want to let you know I'm having an amazing time with you and your family today,I mean just feel that breeze,see the sights, just look at that island over there! " Silvia said pointing to a small island with beautiful flowers on them.