Bizarre Bazaar (Unedited)

" Well that was a waist of time," Hop pop spoke up as the five rode on Bessie back on the trail.

" Ugh,you said it,can't believe there was nothing in the archives about my music box," Anne said as she held the box.

" Wow " Sprig and Polly gawked at the box.

" So you really think this is your key to getting home? " Sprig questions.

" Well it zapped us here,it's pretty much our only lead,really looking forward to finding someone who can fix this thing," Anne said.

" The sooner it's fixed the better," Y/n commented staring out beyond the trail with her arms crossed.

" Don't worry girls, we'll figure it out eventually," Hop pop said but shouted as Bessie haulted to stop." Hey get out of the way you,whatever the heck you are! " Hop pop yelled as tiny insects and creatures walked across the trail path,blocking Bessie from moving.

" Hmmm,oh hey what's that? " Sprig said hopping out of the seat and towards the tree where the creatures where coming from.

" Hmm,man these things are cute," Sprig commented as the last popped out.Sprig walked closer to the tree to get a look.

" Sprig, Sprig!Don't you stick your hand in that tree," Anne warned.

" He's gonna do it," Y/n said unbothered.

" Woah!Hey guys look what I found!I think it's an entry ticket for the Bizarre Bazaar, " Sprig said pulling a weird egg out of the tree.

" Huh? "" The what now? "" The Bizarre Bazaar,I've never been but I've heard stories,it's the scariest night market that passes once a year.Selling foods,games,and scary treasures," Sprig explained.

" That sounds sort of fun! "

" Really?Maybe someone there will know how my music box works," Anne said excited.

" Hold up!What I've heard is that Bizarre is full of greedy degenerates,leave that thing around and it will be stolen for sure.Tell ya what,I'll reach out to some frogs I know and see if they know something about your music chest," Hop pop suggested.

" Box "" That too"" Alright "" Finally,let's go," Hop pop said motioning for Bessie to continue just as the creatures cleared up.

" We're going to the Bizzare Bazaar tonight are we? "" Uh huh "" Saw that coming "

Later that night,Anne,Sprig and Y/n walked out of the house silently closing the door.

" Ya,Bizarre Bazaar here we come,ok which way? " Anne questioned.

" I don't know,I think the egg's supposed to show us," Sprig said just as the egg jumped out of Sprig's hand and fell cracking.

" Whoops "" Dude "

Anne was about to complain until one of the small creatures from before popped out from the egg shell and started running away.

" After it! " Anne shouted as the three chased after the creature.

" It got away," Anne gasped." There it goes," Sprig said pointing to the creature digging underground." It's escaping! " Y/n said as the creature disappeared into the hole before they could catch it.

Anne got on her knees in despair," No!We we're so close! " Anne said with her head down,but she quickly looked up when mushrooms around them started to light up a path towards the entrance of the Bizarre Bazaar.

"  woah " the three awed as they looked inside to see the hidden market,frogs,creatures and toads alike walking around or selling.

Y/n pulled out her stick and put it in a resting position as she gripped it.

" Why'd you bring your stick? " Anne questioned.

" I like to call it staff,and I brought it because I have a feeling I'm going to need to hit people," Y/n said casually before Anne turned her attention back to the market.

" Hop pop was right this place is intense," Anne said before accidentally bumping into someone.

" Oh sorry," she said moving on and Y/n kept close to her.

" Hey look!Check it out,those look like the markings on my music box," Anne said pointing to some markings on some treasures.

" Suspiciously so "" Too bad there out for lunch," Y/n spoke reading the sign.

" Are you kidding me," Anne spoke fustrated.

" Hey hey it's fine,they'll be back,and in the meantime,might as well check out the rest of the Bizzare," Sprig said walking off.

" Ok,but we've got to come right back here,I don't want to mess this up," Anne said sternly.

" Three please," Sprig said as the frog gave Sprig three dumpling like foods that were hot,he quickly passed them out," hey these actually look pretty good," Anne said but paused when he saw Sprig chew into his revealing bugs and insects still alive.

" Never mind " Anne said tossing hers.Y/n simply took the bugs out and ate the outer part.

The three ventures around the Bizarre,trying out new things,Y/n occasionally hitting thieves who tried to take Anne's bag,on the head.

" Wow,it's amazing how far and moved this place is from wart wood, There's absolutely nothing fimilar here," Anne spoke.

" Oh hey there's Wally "

Sprig said pointing to Wally,he rolled the dice and got matching but a creature kicked it making it unequal.Wally got upset wanting a refund but was quickly taken away by two amphibians dressed in cloaks.

" Yikes "

The time was ticking as Anne,Y/n and Sprig waited at a table near the stand.

" Finally! " Anne shouted as she watched the sign turn to read 'Open'.She pulled Sprig and Y/n with her towards the stand as they watched the search for something before turning to them and welcoming them to her stand.

" Guys,She's missing an arm "" I heard that "" Oh hey what is this thing? " Sprig questioned picking up and item to change the subject.

" Just one of my many treasures,collected from my years of travel," she said pouring a liquid into the small pot causing a small tree to grow,the group stared in aw.

" I've seen and heard it all "" Seen it all,heard it all " the bird creature repeated.

" Bet you haven't seen anything like us though," Anne said gesturing to her and Y/n.

" No,not exactly," The owner states.

" Uh,there's someone I would like you to take a look at," Anne said turning to open her bag.

" Anne are you sure about this?Maybe Hop pop was right "

" Ya,I have already fended off so many thieves,we can't just present it so easily," Y/n spoke.

" You've heard her,she's seen it all,if anyone knows anything about the music box it's-My back pack! Where'd it go!? " Anne yelled as the back pack disappeared from her grasp.

" There! " Y/n shouted pointing to a masked frog running away with her back pack,the three instantly gave chase leaving the shop owner.

" Hey!That's my back pack you little creep! "