Fiddle Me This (Unedited)

" Hey there's a little spot "" I don't know it looks a little snug "" Non sense," Hop pop said backing Bessie up,her she'll scrapped along other snails in the process.

" Alright kids,meet back here in fifteen minutes," Hop pop said as the kids got off and scattered.Hop pop went into store and grabbed some ascots/clothing,he headed to the counter and placed the there.

" Well Good mornin Hopediah "

" Mornin' Lortilda(?),how's the kids? "

" Great,ya know,my daughter got accepted to Newtopia University "

" That's the big leagues right there"" Yup,she's got a bright future,good thing too,ascots aren't as popular as they used to be "

" Yup vegetables aren't doing so hot either,these days are all about fruit,that's life I suppose,um maybe only four ascots this month Lortilda" Hop pop says as he leaves the shop with a frown on his face.

" Sure wish I could give Sprig and Polly a better future," He says to himself until he heard gasping and awing so he went to see what was going on.

" Woohoo!Amphibia's got talents coming to Wartwood," Sprig says.

" Wait what is this nonsense? "

" We have this back at our world,it's a contest where regular people get on stage and try to prove there special "

" Or stupid "" That's sounds potentially humiliating "

" Ya you get it "" Ya I get it "

" Auditions are being held this weekend!Hey,it could be fun to play my fiddle in front of a crowd," Sprig said as he pulled out a fiddle.

" Eh eh? "" I don't know Sprig "" One things for sure,winning this kinda thing sets you up for success and opportunity," Anne added as the word opportunity replayed in Hop pop's head and he started to zone out.

" Hey Hop pop? " Anne said snapping her fingers in his face.

" Aaaaand he's gone "" Should we get help,I'll go get help " " Hold on there boy,let's get this talent show nonsense a try,it's a long shot,but with enough dedication and team work,I'm sure we can make you a star.Who's with me? " Hop pop said as everyone cheered.

" Anne who'd you pay for all that Junk? "

" I may or may not have mortgage the house "

" What?! "

-Later back Home-

" The moth,one of nature's most seductive animals "

" Cool "" Ok "" Ya "" Alright "

" Inspired by this majestic creature,I've designed an act for Sprig that will guarantee we take home first prize!Anne,you and Y/n are in charge of costume design and make up. "

" I'm thinking cosmic,atherial,inter-dimensiinal "

" Or ya know just an asthetic maybe,also why does he look like that "

" Rude! "

Anne and Y/n bickered." Both ideas are very flattering,Polly,you're chief Moral officer "

" What!That's not a job,why can't I be the star?I've got talent too! " Polly questioned.

" Alright let's see what ya got "

Polly cleared her throat and begining to let out an ear penetrating sound." Like I said Morale," Hop pop said butting a hat on Polly," fine ," she said not happy.

" And as for you Sprig,you have the hardest job of all "" Huh? "" We'll be workin on your act together,from dusk till dawn,rain or shine!Till heck(?) Or high water! " Hop pop said shaking Sprig." Hop pop aren't we taking this all just a little too seriously? " Sprig questioned stopping Hop pop from shaking him.

" Sprig success takes work,takes dedication! Sacrifice!You don't wanna end up like that guy do ya?No job,no prospects,no future.Just look at him Sprig! " Hop pop yelled,

" Hop pop that's a wor-"" Let the hard work begin!"" Aaa!"

Hop pop then started to train Sprig,making him run miles and chug a creature cracked from its egg.

Anne was currently starting the make the suit as she held it up.

" Well,this is horrible "" Pfft "" Quit laughing and help! " Anne said to Y/n as she tossed the ugly suit into the furnace.

Hop pop continued to train Sprig all throughout the week.Soon Sprig was preforming effortlessly as Anne,Polly,and Y/n clapped impressed at his improvement.

" Well,how was that? "" It was amazing dude "" Visible improvement in skill,love it! "" You're gonna slay brother! "

Hop pop threw down his clip board," you call that an act,I counted three whole mistakes Sprig,three! " Hop pop stated holding up three fingers." I mean it doesn't have to be perfect,right? " Sprig questioned Hop pop.

" It does if you want to win,now go give me fifty laps! " Hop pop ordered pointing onward.

" Hop pop this is crazy,I just want to have fun up there! "" Fun?Can you eat fun?Can you make a fun deposit in your fun savings?Is fun a beautiful mansion with the front gates shaped like a giant fiddle! "

" What? "Sprig didn't get an answer as Hop pop blew the whistle repeatedly.

" Ok geez fine " Sprig said leaving to do hislaps.

The girls have concern looking as they watched Sprig run laps around a tree as Hop pop blew the whistle.

Later that night,everyone was at the talent show.

" Welcome to Amphibia's got talent! " An announcer said as frogs cheered watching as the talent show started.Many frogs preformed some basic,some destructive and others uninteresting and deserving a launch.

Hop pop laughed behind the curtains," Alright gang this is ours to lose,Sprig you ready? " Hop pop questioned.

" As ready as I'll ever be "" Then get out there and win!Win!Win! " Hop pop chanted.

" Alright,next up is Sprig Plantar "" Sprig ugh "" Preforming flight of the moth "The judges announced uninterested and annoyed.

The curtains opened revealing Sprig in shiny gear,everyone was in aww and wow at the brightness.

" Well,hello there "" I know right "

Sprig started the play his fiddle as the crowd started to cheer for him.

" It's working,it's working!Now Anne!The final touch! " Hop pop shouted.

" On it! " Anne said pulling a rope that lifted Sprig off the ground as he continued to play.

" It's perfection, everything I could of hoped for! "

Hop pop said as Sprig continued to play,that is until a bat creature ripped him from the rope and took off.The crown and the Plantars gasped as the bat carried Sprig in its mouth," ah Sprig! "" What do we do!? "" What can we do!? "" Woah "

The four ducked as as the bat flew pass them,Hop pop quickly looked around before he spotted a lever on the side of the stage.

" You two,get to that judges table and wait for my signal! "

" Pardon me,saving our friend,love your hair by the way "" Eh,basic "

" Hang on Polly," Hop pop said as he ran to the center of the stage.