The Big BugBall Game (Unedited)

" Aah,harvest day,my favorite holiday "" I'm hungry just thinking about it "" I get it,frog thanksgiving.You even have a turkey! " Anne gestured to the bug like Turkey.

" Looks edible but I'll pass," Y/n says." Ugh,who am I I kidding,I like it," Anne spoke.

" Here Anne how about you put these turnips all in our display? "

" Alright,alright "

" Interesting," Y/n spoke observing her surroundings," is there some sort of event going on?What's with the 'Go Farmers' signs I've been seeing? "

" Ya what's that about? "

" The big bug ball game of course "" The big wha- "" Every year Wartwood plays a friendly game of BugBall,farmers,that's us, versus the townies," Hop pop explains.

" And every year the townies destroy us!It's humiliating! "

" And to top it off the losers have to wear these ridiculous costumes for a while week "

Sprig and Polly add as Sprig holds up a paper showing the costume." Those outfits are so itchy "

" Wooo,tough break for you guys "" Couldn't be me," Y/n and Anne said.

" Hey you think I can make this? " Anne questioned as she started to shoot the turnips into the baskets from a distance.

" Nice aim," Y/n complimented

" Aw ya,Three for Three baby! " Anne cheered as the Plantars and some frogs looked shocked.

" Anne where'd you learn to shoot like that? "

" Learn?I don't know if you've noticed noticed but I have natural athletic abilities," Anne said as she scored another turnip in a higher basket.Many frogs were amazed,"you'd be perfect for BugBall!It makes me wonder,Y/n can you throw like that? "

" Woah,woah,woah woah WOAH!Even if I did shoot good you aren't catching me playing no ball game!For some reason my twin related clumsiness kicks in during sports,and back home I signed up for a lot "


" I'll take a HARD pass,video games are nicer,but hey I'll be the support I'm good at that, " Y/n said clearly not liking the memories of playing sports so much.

" Well Anne,if you join our team we might actually win! "

" Win?Not in a million years," a fimilar voice spoke up.

" Hello farmers,allow me to introduce you to this year's Townie Team," Mayor Toadstool announced introducing each team member of the Townies then started making fun of them.

" Sorry Mayor,farmers are gonna win this year because they've got me! We're gonna beat you and your fancy towner team," Anne proclaimed.

" Well I'll certainly enjoy watching you try,Townies move out! "

" We can still see you! "" No you can't! "

" Huh,guess I should learn how to play bug ball " Anne stated as everyone around agreed before the turkey destroyed a stand behind them,causing everyone to scatter.

After running,they soon came to the bug ball court.

Polly and Y/n sat to the side with Mrs.Croaker's pet.

" Welcome to Team Farmers!This is the playing field "" Those skulls are the goals "" And this is the bug ball "

" Aw how cute shaped like a real buaa!It's a bug!It's a real bug!Got it,so we just put the bug in the goal right?Seems pretty simple, " Anne states.

" Oh there's more to it then that, " Hop pop says pulling a big book from a tree stump and opening it to a page and putting on his glasses.He began explaining to explain the team.

" It says here that the most important thing about Bug ball is team work- " Hop pop spoke but was shushed by Anne.

" Toss that play book away cause all we need is the pass to Anne play," Anne said throwing the bug ball into the goal,Mrs.Croaker pulled the bug in before releasing it.

" I don't know Anne,you're good but the Townies are hard core," Mrs.Croaker warned.

" Ya Anne,I think the team should really-"

" Look,I don't usually do team sports,I do me sports,like Tennis,I win!You guys want to win right? " Anne questioned as everyone said yes.

" Well then trust me,I got this " Anne says turning to walk away but crashed into Mayor Toadstool.

" Whoopsie Daisy " As Mayor Toadstool told the Farmers to get off the court.

" Hey farmers have the field for another hour," Polly intervened.

" Oh ya?Well our schedule says different," Toadstool said snapping his fingers and the schedule was ripped by Toady who instantly got bit and hit by Polly and Croaker's pet spider.

" Unless,you'd like to scrimmage against us," Mayor Toadstool offered.

Hop pop seemed unsure," uh I think we need a little more practice," Hop pop tried to say.

" You're on! " Anne said instantly.

" Oh boy," Y/n commented.

The teams got into there positions as Polly stood near the middle,she blew the whistle and yelled," Game on! "

Hop pop had the ball first,

" Hop pop!Gimmie! " Anne's voice shouted,

" Oh ok Anne," Hop pop said passing the ball to her.She was about to shoot until Toady grabbed it from her,she looked shocked.