Combat Camp

" I still can't believe you're bringing us to a day care Hop pop," Sprig states, everyone seems upset.

" Look I'm sorry ok,but I have to go to the annual crop convention.It's a long ways away and I can't leave you kids on the farm for the weekend," Hop pop exclaims.

" Whaaaat "" WHAT "" Vaguely understandable " " Ugh,Are you kidding? "

" Wish I was Anne,but you kids need super vision.Why sometimes it feels like we have two wacky adventures a week," Hop pop says seeming disturbed.

" Here we are! " Hop pop said as they arrived at there destination.

The door swung open revealing newt,he came out and started to introduce himself.

" Greetings,I am Tritonio Espada,the instructor of this daycare "

" Huh I thought Briar and Iris bogwater ran this place," Hop pop questioned.

" The bogwater's retired last year,and sold there business to me "

" Well in that case,I am Hopediah Plantar.This here is Sprig,Polly,Y/n,and Anne," Hop pop introduced," These two may be gigantic but they're both children."

" Hey! "" Excuse me "

" Ah yes,I shall educate them and teach them true discipline "

Hop pop seemed to take a liking to Tritonio Espada,but pronounced his name wrong.

" This isn't so bad I guess,there is a cool Tower "

" I'm going to climb it "

" You guys don't understand,Tritonio is a teacher! Enemy of all that is good," Anne spoke.

" What's so bad about teachers? "

" Let's just say,me and them don't mix," Anne states having a flashback.

" Teachers,they just don't like me, probably because they just don't like my care free spirit "

" Teachers ignore me all the time.That's why I sit in the back of my class and say nothing,I'm none existent,except when nobody wants to answer a question," Y/n says

" Welp kids,looks like you're in great hands here with Tritonio,crop con here I come! " Hop pop said leaving with Bessie.

" Finally,it is just us now.So let us cast aside these illusions yes," Tritonio said ripping his fancy clothes away to reveal his true look.

" Woah "

" And this is no mear daycare,this is a combat crash course,for kids, " Tritonio states kicking the sign until it was showing it's true look.

" Adults,they shelter there children,I say no.Teach them to fight,for danger lurks around every corner in Amphibia,stay on your toes,trust no one...AH look over there! "

" Ah what is it?Danger? " Sprig said looking away only to be hit on the head with a stick.

" I said trust no one!Now follow me and we'll begin the next lesson! "

" Hit me again Tritonio! "" This guy is awesome! "" I could do with some combat training! "" Eh we'll see "

" Your first lesson is to pick a weapon,find one that resonates with you "

" Cool "

" Oh what are these? " Polly asked." Ah the noble boom shrooms,small,unassuming,but in the right hands," Tritonio started holding one and pushing the step in." EXPLOSION! " Tritonio said throwing it in the air as it exploded.

" Perfect for you,I think "

" Who's next,no wrong answers "

Anne went to pick a sword but was admittedly stopped by Tritonio, " NO WRONG! "

" What!How so? "

" From what I have seen you do not have the dexterity to weld the sword,pick something else," He instructs.

" Woah,these are big forks "" Ah excellent choice Sprig "

Y/n seemed to wonder off towards the weapons on the wall,she stared at the Scythe,her eyes shifted over to a smaller one, as her eyes widened.She reached out and grabbed it," the power I weld in my hands," she says spinning it.

Suddenly an explosion was heard as Polly slid towards them laughing," so when's the next lesson," Polly questioned.

They started to train,Anne wasn't really trying and this resulted in Tritonio lecturing her to do better.Y/n was doing great like Polly and Sprig,but she seemed to get less attention and praise for it.

Soon they were climbing the tower.

" That's it children feel the stone beneath your hands,the breeze in your hair,much like the breeze in a fast moving train! " Tritonio says complimenting Sprig and Polly only.

" Man,Tritonio is so encouraging! "

" Not really," Y/n said getting to the top before the others," but hey,I beat you all to the top! "

" Ah man "" You're cheating! "" Am not! "

" Must be nice," Anne said just as Tritonio started to call her name and lecture her.

" What did I tell ya!The guys totally picking on me," Anne states.

" Why don't you ask him why he's doing it,Tritonio says,an honest duologue is more powerful than any weapon," Sprig said as Anne groaned.

" Bleh,that's the corniest thing I ever heard- Aaaaaa! " Anne said loosing her grip and falling.

" Even your fall needs work "

Later that night outside,Tritonio started to pass out food to Polly and Sprig.

" Where are gangly ones? "

" Y/n went somewhere to train by herself "" And Anne said she wanted to be alone," Sprig said pointing to where Anne was.

Tritonio went up to the tower where Anne was,

" You must eat Anne,only a fool fights on an empty stomach," Tritonio says holding a bowl for her.

" Tritonio can I ask you something?Why don't you like me? "

" What I like you," Tritonio says not quite understanding why she would ask that.

" Oh come on,you're always being super tough on me for no reason.Just like my teachers back home "

" Oh Anne if I seem tougher on you,it's not that I don't like you.It's because I see a girl not living up to her full potential," Tritonio exclaimed to her.

" Really? "

" In you I sense that with a little effort you can achieve greatness,and I am sure your teachers back at home felt the same way," Tritonio continued.

" Ya well,what about Y/n?She was doing way better than me,and yet you didn't pay no notice to her," Anne questioned confused.

" Ah,it's because she needs time to understand self reliance.I can also tell she relies on reassurance,she needs to develop self-reassurance to shoot towards greater goals.Come here," Tritonio says walking towards the opposite side of the castle,he pointed towards a small area where Y/n was standing.

She was pacing,seeming unsure and too much in thought.

She looked around wearily before holding the Scythe she picked earlier,running towards a big tree and thrusting the scythe into it before quickly pulling it out and smashing it up more into the tree allowing herself to pulled upward until she made it to the highest branch.She then proceeded to jump from the tree with ease,landing on a mushroom and propelled into the air before nearing the ground and slicing a makeshift target.