Children of the Spore

Dramatic music played as Hop pop worked on one of his little antiques/projects,he glued a piece together,wiping it clean before speaking,"

" Well after five years of work on this gal,I might actually finish," He spoke just as the glass broke and a ball flew pass.

" My baby! " Hop pop screamed holding his boat project protectively.

Anne peeked through the window," Ooo sorry about that Hp, we're trying to teach Polly how to play kick ball "

" Which is challenging for oblivious reasons "

" Hey guys,I found an extra ball "

" Dang it kids!What have I told you about rough housing near the windows!Now come inside and play a quiet game,Hop pop's working." Hop pop exclaimed.

" Ya I can see that,nice toy boat "

" It's not a toy boat Anne,it's a replica of a famous war ship "

" Potatoe Tomato," Anne said as she,Y/n and Polly left.

Sprig went to touch the Replica but Hop pop stopped him,

" Scram! " He said as Sprig left.

Hop pop stared for a minute before picking up his glue and was about to go back to work when all of the sudden the kids burst in laughing,Sprig following behind.

" Tongue tag!If you get tongued you lose! " He yells.

Hop pop panicked as he tried to get them to stop before disaster happened but it was too late as Sprig's tongue hit the Replica war ship and sent it flying until it hit the ground and broke.

" Aaaaaa! " Hop pop shouted.

" Oops," Sprig said.

" Why don't you kids ever listen to me! Ok everything's fine,we can still fix her," Hop pop said trying to see if he can put pieces back together.

" To Loggle's! " He yelled as they got on Bessie and drove to Leopold Loggles.

" Ok I'm going in,give Bessie some mushroom treats if she acts up," Hop pop said handing them a bag of treats.

" You got it! " Anne said taking the bag.

Hop pop burst in," Loggle,you gotta help me save her! " He yelled.

Loggle gasped adjusting his glasses," is that a 180 scale model of The Green Lady ? "

" Ya and she's damaged! "

" Wait here,I have just the thing," Loggle said leaving with the Replica War ship.

Hop pop waited anxiously until he was frightened by a frog in a cloak.

" Excuse me sir " The frog spoke.

" Oh eh,hello "

" Is that your snail out there? " The frog asked pointing to Bessie driving fast in circles with everyone(kids) on it cheering until a cop came.

Hop pop groaned in frustration," Those kids are driving me inside."

" Unruly kids is it?Well,allow me to introduce myself!I'm Apothegary Gary,you can also call me Apothegary if you'd like," the frog introduced.

" Ya I'm not doing that "

" Eh suit yourself,I have just the thing for your troubles,just rub a little of this on there foreheads and your kids will be behaving in a jiffy," Gary explained.

" See it has these special enzymes- "

" Enzymes,heh old Hopediah is not falling for no spams," Hop pop exclaimed.

Gary laughed giving Hop pop the small potion," it's not a scam,I guarantee once you've tried it,you won't be able to live without it "

" I don't know,my experiences is kind of malarkey and- " Hop pop stopped when he realized no one was with him anymore.

" Apothegary? "

Hop pop yelled when Loggle burst through his door with his Replica War ship," Here you go Hopideah "

Soon Hop pop was walking back to Bessie and the kids.

" Did you get everything Hop pop? " Sprig questioned.

" Yup,now all I need is a quiet afternoon to fix this old gal," Hop pop states.

" Well listen, we'll be on our best behavior "

" Ya,the least we can do is give you the time to fix it "

" I can always sit down and read a book "

" We're sorry Hop pop.....this is yours by the way," Polly said handing him a ticket.

" Thanks kids,but the apology is not the ticket "

" Wo hoo! " The kids cheered getting back on Bessie.

" Guess I won't be needing this stuff after all ," Hop pop said just as Bessie licked the potion top.

" Eh shoo girl this ain't a snack," Hop pop said before they all drove back to the farm.

" I'll be in my study if anybody needs me "

" Ugh I'm starving "" I think there's one more beetle bite left in the kitchen "The kids instantly shoved each other to get there first.

" Hey! " Y/n said upon getting shoved and raced after them,the shoving of the kids caused them to knock into Hop pop making him drop his Replica war ship as it broke again.

" No,no no no "

" Sorry Hp,let me get that for you "

" Don't you touch her! "

Later that night,Hop pop took out the potion and went to each of the kids rooms and placed some of the serum over there heads.

" Eh it probably won't do much anyway " Hop pop yawned as he exited the basement and went to sleep.

Soon it was morning and Hop pop was making breakfast.

" Kids!Breakfast! " He yelled and sighed when they didn't respond.

" Dang kids always take so long to wake up,Woah! " Hop pop said startled when he turned around to already find the kids there and staring at him.

" Good morning Hop pop "

" O..k,now I'm fin to start working on my ship,so I want you kids to finish your breakfast quickly and sit on that couch and not say a wo-word " Hop pop said as he turned to see the kids already finished and gone.He looked in the living room and saw all the kids sitting down," yes Hop pop," they said in sync.

Sparking up Hop pop began to work on his Replica War ship,he felt watched as he turned his head to see the kids staring at him blankly.

" Hey kids...."

" Hey Hop pop "

" Um....why don't you kids go outside and play- "

" Yes Hop pop " The kids said leaving the house to go outside.He watched as they numbly played a game,he felt a little nervous and closed down the curtains.

Later that night,Hop pop yawned as he took a break from fixing his ship.

" Almost done,still I shouldn't use any more of that gunk on the kids, something about it don't sit right with me," Hop pop exclaimed eyeing the kids who were sitting on the couch and staring at nothing.