Anne(and Y/n) of the Year

" Man what is with this crowd?Are fruit flies on sale or something? " Anne questioned as the group walked towards a stage with frogs all around.

" Nope,today's the day they announce the frog of the year award"

" Frog of the what? "

" Frog of the hopping year Anne,every year the town gets together and votes on the frog they think best imbodies the values of wart wood," Sprig explained.

" Sounds very important,I wonder who it's gonna be," Y/n commented but she wasn't paying much attention.

" We all voted last week,dont you remember? " Polly questioned.

" Alright Folks, it's time!As you know the frog of the year goes to the most selfless,noble blah blah blah!Let's get on with it,and this year's frog of the year award goes to now this can't be right,there seems to be a tie here folks!Anne Boonchuy and Y/n Wu! " He announced as all eyes were on the two and frogs gasped before cheering for the two.

" Um excuse me " Y/n said in panic not liking all the attention.

" Go on you two get up there!A plantar,not one but two of em' frog of the year,I'm so proud," Hop pop said before trying to get a tear away.

Anne and Y/n got on stage,the Mayor seemed reluctant.

" Uh uh uh- "" Wow,thanks everyone I don't know what to say "

" I do,are you people out of your frog dang minds!They don't deserve to host the party,and only 1 frog should do it! That's the whole point of frog of the year! "

" Party?What party! " Anne budged in

" Oh it's one of our oldest traditions,the frog of the year has to put on an incredible party for the whole town," Toady states avoiding eye contact with Y/n but it goes unnoticed.

" Ya and that party is supposed to demonstrate the frog of the years selflessness! They're not selfless,fair from it!Let alone Anne! "

" The audacity you have is astounding," Y/n commented.

Anne seemed just as nerved as Y/n," You don't know us!Let alone me!Besides two is better than one,and together we'll put on a party so big it'll blow your minds! " Anne says for everyone to hear.Everyone starts to get scared,Y/n tapped Anne's shoulder and whisper in her ear.

" Oh..That's a good thing! " Anne spoke again as everyone cheered.

" I'm looking forward to seeing this thing go down in flames ," The Mayor said as he and Toady leave.

" Don't let him get to you Anne,let's just go home and plan together! " Y/n said holding Anne's hand in comfort.

" Okay..." She says but glared at Mayor Toadstool from a far.

Back at the farm,Anne had set a big paper on the table," Here are our plans for throwing the best party ever and proving that Mayor wrong," Anne said before grumbling and talking ill about Mayor Toadstool.

" Anne don't worry about what the Mayor says,just have fun planning your party "

" Ya you're frog of the year! " Polly said.

" Frogs!Of the year to be exact," Sprig adds.

" I know,I'm nervous because crowds and attention but I'm so excited to plan something big! "

" Right right right,ok guys listen up.A great party has three ingredients.Entertainment, Exclusively,and Spectacal! "

" Also Guest care, environmental safety,let's not forget refreshments and food,did you already say that?Oh!We can forget to make it feel natural,how about a settled feeling?Oo!I'll definitely be right back gotta right this down," Y/n said heading back to the basement excited.

" Alrighty then.Hop pop,you're in charge of entertainment,I dub the,the master roof ceremonies! " Anne says as Hop pop takes the mic in shock.

" Been waiting for this day my whole life "

" Polly, exclusively.It's your job to decide who gets into the party and who doesn't," Anne said.

" I can't wait to abuse this power! " Polly said hoping off.

" And what about me! "

" Sprig you have the most important job of all,the Spectacal!At the're gonna tell Ivy how you feel about her! "

Sprig's excited expression changed to a weird one.

" Wha- "

" Yup,a legendary party needs a legendary Spectacal.Can you imagine how excited party goers will be to see true love blossom before there eyes! "

" I'm not really sure I'm ready for this...and besides why don't you take some of Y/n's ideas to substitute," Sprig said nervous.

" Sprig please!I need your help to make this party amazing,we'll definitely have time to do Y/n's ideas.But you're gonna be the main event,amazing! "

" Uh....ok " Sprig said reluctant.

" Woo hoo!Come on everyone,let's bring the thunder!Ya! "

" Whoo hoo!What did I miss? "

-Later on-

Anne was walking around town making sure everything looked fine,meanwhile Y/n was also doing a walk around but the opposite way.

" Oh I love those decorations,keep up the good work! " She paused as a frog offered her to taste the snacks,she picked one up examining it before eating it." Mmmmm,what is this?It's so good "

" Stink bug berry bites,they're the town favorite "

Y/n's face scrunched up not because of the fact that it was made with bugs,it was the type of bug they used.

She swallowed it forcefully before giving a thumbs up," it's the town favorite,go with it.It's a good thing I don't have stomach problems anymore but bad breath-," Y/n said walking away.

" I feel like that could be a safety hazard Polly," Y/n said seeing Polly swing the small gate around.

" Says You! " Polly laughs.

" Polly that's not what those are for! " Anne says as she appeared next to Y/n.

" Correction,says You and Anne " Polly says before she accidentally hits a frog causing them to bump into some crates and knock them over.

" What did I tell you Toady,it will be the worst frog of the year ever " The Mayor said as he walked by with Toady.

The word 'Ever' seemed to cling to Anne as it repeated in her head.