
Anne was riding her bike to school,once she arrived she took off her helmet and proceeded to lock up her bike.

" Hey Boonchuy,watcha eating?A puke bun? " A girl laughed teasing Anne,but Anne simply stood up and explained exactly what it was.

" It's a traditional Thai snack,made from rice and coconut milk.My mom made it for me because it's my birthday ," Anne states.

" Oh,well Happy Birthday.....Give me that! " Maggie said trying to snatch the snack out of Anne's hand but Anne held her grip not letting go.

" Hey Margo,leave her alone.Also nice guitar solo Vince," A voice said revealing it to be Sasha.

" Oh ya?Or else what? "

" Or else you can forget coming to my awesome house party next week,it'll be really sad when the whole class is enjoying the pool,without you," Sasha said.

" Ah gee Sash I was just playing,here," Maggie said shoving Anne's snack back into her hand before leaving.

" Thanks dude "

" No worries you've just got to speak their language.Never mind that,happy birthday girl! " Sasha said as the two squealed and clapped hands together.

The bell rang and Sasha scoffed," ugh buzz kill " Sasha said as they went to class.

" Ok kids,today's your lucky day cause it's frog dessection day! " The teacher said as the kids groaned and made noises of disgust.

Anne used a tool to flip over the frog she had,she gagged in disgust.

" Frogs are the worst "

" Right,let's get out of here," Sasha said before starting to act.

" Mrs.Verk!The sight of blood!I-I'm gonna be sick! " Sasha lied.

" Oh dear,Anne why don't you take Sasha to the sick room before she desicrates(?) these beautiful frog bodies with her vomit,Thank you" the Teacher says walking away as the two smile at each other.

The two race out of class and down the hall until Anne spots the Nurse,

" Yo Sash,sick rooms over here! " Anne said pointing to the sign.

Sasha turned to Anne with an annoyed look,

" Forget the sick room,forget school!Let's get out of here and celebrate your birthday in style! "

" Oof skip school,I don't know Sash "

" Anne,this is your thirteenth birthday,you only get one of these so let's make it the best birthday in the history of birthdays! "

" Well,alright,I gotta be home by 6 tho.My parents are throwing a big party they really want me to be there," Anne states to Sasha.

" Right right,you got it.Now let's get this thing started! " Sasha said as they two rode Anne's bike away from school.They went to an arcade and played a dance game,once it was over Sash kicked it to get more coins,Anne looked nervous.After that Anne and Sasha were near an ally way,Anne was looking at Sasha unsure as she sprayed graffiti on the walls.Sasha started to hand Anne the spray can but she was instantly startled as a police car rode by.

Soon Sasha was pushing Anne in a cart and hanging on to the back," whoo!Here we go! " Sasha yelled as they raced down hill and pass people who had to jump out of the way in order not to get hit.

" So that's what a unicorn tastes like,corn syrup," Anne commented as the two sat in a shop.Suddenly,Anne's phone rang and looked at her messages,it was from her mom asking where she was and the party starts 15 minutes.

" Oh shoot!It's almost six o'clock!I gotta go dude," Anne says to Sasha.

" Family party right?Lame.Lemme guess,a clown?With balloon animals? "

Anne seemed slightly embarrassed," I know it's not the coolest but this is important to them," Anne reasoned.

" Mmhmm ," Suddenly Sasha got a text as she gasped.

" Oh my gosh,Marcy says she and her sister found the perfect gift for you down town! " Sasha said showing Anne a picture Marcy sent of a box.

" Ha!A frog music box for the frog lover,come on!Let's keep this party train rolling chu chu! " Sasha said pushing Anne towards the door but Anne stopped her.

" Sorry dude,you don't understand,I really gotta go," Anne said starting to leave on her own.

Sasha seemed to grimace.

" Oh I understand Anne,you're a good little girl who's gotta go home to her mommy and daddy.Come on,hang out with your friends that love you," Sasha tries to persuade.

" Sasha I'd really like to but- "

" Anne,this isn't cute anymore, we're meeting up with Marcy and her sister right now.End of discussion," Sasha said seriously.Anne seemed to not know what to do," I guess it's a ok if I'm a little late," Anne says reluctantly.

" I knew you'd change your mind," Sasha said as she held Anne's hand and walked to where they would get her gift.

- Back to Present-

A toad jumped in front of frogs scaring them away,many toads appeared as they surrounded the frogs.

Y/n appeared out of nowhere and kicked a toad smashing them into a log,others tried to catch her but she wasn't having it.

" Sasha!The roads!I gotta go help my- "

" Chill out Anne,they're with me "" Wait what? "

" Anne!Anne!Anne!Anne!Anne!Toads! They're every where,we barley slipped out while the guards were- "

" Holy toot,another AnneY/n "

Suddenly Y/n raced towards Anne," Anne we have to do something! " Y/n spoke but her expression grimaced when she realized who was beside Anne.

" Oh...Sasha "

" Woah Anne you never told me Marcy's sister was here "

" I told you that- "

" It's Sasha,it's not that hard to say " Y/n said as Sasha only stared and brushed her off,clearly there was tension.

" O...kaaayyy," Anne said before realizing she has to introduce the Plantars.

" Oh!Meet my bestie from back home,Sasha! "

" Hey "

Y/n backed up a bit,still clenching her scythe tightly in anger.

" Sasha,meet the Plantars,this is Hop pop "

" eh "

" Sprig "

" Hey hey! "

" And Polly "

" Sup "

Sprig hopped towards Sasha with a smile," hey I'm her bestie too!I assume you and Y/n get along,which makes me your Bestie in law times two! " Sprig laughed ignoring Y/n's now stotic expression.

" Does it? " Sasha said flatly causing Sprig to feel sort of crummy.

" Do you feel that? " Sprig said hurt as Hop pop told him to walk it off before stepping towards Sasha.