Handy Anne

" Spring is finally here "

" Spring was always my favorite season next to Fall "

" Alright guys,new season new possibilities,I'm ready to blossom into my best self! "

" Sooo you're feeling better about the whole Sasha incident? " Sprig questioned as Anne had flash backs.

" Sprig! " Y/n shouted looking at him like he asked the most horrendous question.

" No no it's fine but yup!Totally fine! "

" Oh cool,because if I had to fight like that I'd be devastated,heck!I'd just be upset hearing someone talk about it!" Sprig continued to chatter.

" Oh look!Hop pop and Polly! " Anne pointed as the three walked towards the edge of the roof and peeked down at Hop pop and Polly.

" You woo! " Hop pop waved them down.

Sprig,Anne and Y/n started to head down,but Anne slipped and fell onto Y/n.

" My back- "

They soon recovered and walked towards Hop pop.

" Woah Hop pop what is this thing? " Sprig said noticing the new wagon Bessie had been pulling.

" Impressive huh,this here's an all terrain custom model family wagon.Callin it the Fwagon," Hop pop explained.

" That's ... original "

" fwagon?Really "

" Cheap too "

" The previous owners died in it! " Polly added seeming to like the thought of someone dying in the wagon.

" Why do we need a new wagon? "" Fwagon "" Not calling it that "

" Well with the snow melted and the mountain pass open,we can finally travel outside the valley.To Newtopia! " Hop pop explain more to Anne.

" Oh my frog! We're going to Newtopia!? "

" What's a Newtopia "" Sounds crowded and fancy "

Inside the wagon Hop pop opened a map on the table for Anne and Y/n to see," it's the beating heart of Newtopia," Hop pop started as he pointed to where it was.

" A metropolis full of ancient knowledge,run by the wisest of newts,if anyone can help ya get home it's them," Hop pop spoke.

" Woah "" So mystical "

" I can't believe it!You mean this actually could be our ticket home?Not only that but maybe on the road we'll find Marcy! " Anne questioned.

" Oh my gosh,when can we start! " Y/n said suddenly almost eager to get moving.

Hop pop chuckled," Yup!Pack your things kids we leave tonight! " Hop pop declared as Sprig and Polly race inside to pack up.

" I'll go get the little things we have Anne,you can count on me! " Y/n said before smashing into the door,she shook her head," How did that get there? " She questioned before leaving inside.

" Hey Anne,since Y/n is packing the little things you both have could you give this spare key to Chuck when he swings by? "

" Who's Chuck? "

" We play Big ball together "" He grows tulips "

" Hmm nope not ringing a bell,why does he need a key "

" Because I hired him to protect the house from all the things waiting to destroy it "

" Wait what!? "

" An empty house is vulnerable Anne,and needs protectin'.Not to mention the crops, the very soul of the farm,left alone to face wild fires,locus,tornados,flaming locus tornados.Anyway,here ya go," Hop pop said handing Anne the key.

" Didn't realize you guys were risking so much to help us "

" Eh,he's just being dramatic " Sprig said just as a flaming locus tornado destroyed a house behind them.

" Mostly " Sprig said as he,Polly,and Hop pop went inside just as Y/n came out and started putting the little belongings she and Anne had in the wagon.

" Hey did you see that flaming locus tornado?I saw it threw the window,this place gets weirder and weirder but then again I'm getting use to it "

" Ya...I'm starting to feel a little guilty about all of this,well at least Chuck's gonna handle it.Whoever that is," Anne said just a a snails chirps could be heard,a buff snail stopped in front of Anne and Y/n as a big frog stared at them.

" Chuck! " Anne said seeming pleased at the frog.

" Actually I'm Dave,that's Chuck " the frog said as Chuck appeared and hopped out of the taxi,the taxi soon leaving.

" I grow tulips "

" Oh hi Chuck,why are you here? " Y/n said in a friendly greeting.

Before Chuck answered he spat on what looked like a tiny ant pile,resulting in giant flying bugs to chase him as he knocked into a tree and got attacked.

" No no no,there's no way this guy can handle the job "

" What job? "

" While we're gone,Chuck is supposed to watch the house and keep any disasters away.The house is doomed,all because we're leaving to Newtopia to find a way home! " Anne explained.

Y/n looked between the house and Chuck being beat up by the insects.

" Oooh.... "

" Yeah,ya feel the guilt waying in huh "

" It's crushing my heart "

" Exactly! "

"...well maybe we could like,disaster proof the house,but will that hold out for a while? " Y/n started to think.

" That's it! " Anne said as she took out her tennis racket and beat the bugs away.

" Chuck buddy,turns out we won't need you after all.Cause we're gonna disaster proof the house ourselves," Anne said as Chuck gave a thumbs up and collapsed.

" Awesome!We need supplies tho "

" Oh but not just any supplies Y/n,we need the best because the Plantars are risking everything for us,their home,their livelihood,their frog hopping future,and that means they deserve the best,right! " Anne said loudly.

Y/n just now realized they were at the store.

" I mean it's just a shovel," the cashier said.

" I'LL TAKE 10 " Anne yelled.

-With Sprig-

Sprig burst into his room excited," Finally going to Newtopia!My first trip outside the valley," Sprig said as he opened a suit case and set it down.

" Hmm,but how to pack for the most important journey of my life," Sprig said catching a fly and eating it.

" Well I need my trusty sling shot,duh " he said walking over to a large cabinet opening it.

" But which trusty sling shot,I mean Rocky's got the most launching power and Slinger does better for close corner combat,and Silver bolt you've always had my back.Is it weird I talk to my sling shots? "