Fort in the Road

" Did you see that sign?We've officially left the Valley!This is the most exciting thing that has ever happened to anyone!Are you excited,I'm excited!You two should be more excited "

" I'm excited,it's just I have to sit still or I'll be all over the place! We're leaving an area we've been around for so long,and it's time for Ol Y/n here to start a new path of change!Mostly....not entirely...but still! "

" Ya I'm excited too,ya know there's just a lot of riding on this trip for me and I want to keep my expectations in- WOOOAH "

" It's so... prodigious! "" Amazing!Magestic!It's...hurting my eyes "" It's even better than I could have dreamed! " Sprig exclaimed hopping on Bessie's shell.

" Full speed Hop pop,keep driving and never look back! "

" Hold on Sprig,look back for a sec.Now that we're out of the valley things can get dangerous fast!Sooooo! " Hop pop said as the group found themselves inside the Fwagon as Hop pop set down a big book.

" From now on we're gonna follow Hop pop's rules of the road by me,Hop pop! " Hop pop said as everyone groaned.

" Another huge book, seriously? "" I love reading but I'm not skimming through THAT "

" You kids got a problem with books?Why, without books- "

" Our civilization would crumble to nothingness " The kids repeated plainly.

" Now,the only way we'll get to Newtopia in one piece is if we follow these rules.Like this one here,rule number 98,never strike a heroic pose on the Fwagon,it's a sign of humorous that invites disaster," Hop pop said placing down small activity books.Hop pop proceeded to close the curtains,then buckle Sprig in.

" That should keep your sense of adventure in check," Hop pop exclaims.

" Alright kids let's stick to the rules and we should have a safe and completely uneventful trip,kay thanks bye! " Hop pop spoke leaving.

" Man this stinks,all those adventures out there and we're stuck with dumb rules," Sprig said annoyed.

" Not much we can do,my dad was the same way back home,one time we drove to the Grand Canyon and didn't stop once "

" My parents hardly took me and Marcy anywhere besides their jobs,even then we couldn't do anything,it was boring anyways "

" Well if anyone can figure out how to have fun with these rules it's us "

" Newtopia here we come! "" Rule number twenty nine,NO SHOUTING!Meraders (?) will follow the sound and steal your skin! "

After a while of travelling Sprig spotted something amazing outside the window of the Fwagon and gasped.

" A Rainbow waterfall! "

" Let me see it! " Y/n said as she took out her phone and snapped a picture.

" We've got to pull over! " Sprig told Hop pop.

" Road rule number 243,all natural phenomenon lead to an unnatural death," Hop pop said closing the book.

" Bummer,at least I got a picture "

They continued on even though Sprig was clearly annoyed and upset.

" Zoom dunes! "

" Awesome! "" Alright Bessie,it's time to show the world how fast you can go," Polly said to Bessie who was ready.

" Ah uh,rule number 149,never drive faster than a June bug could fly," Hop pop said pointing to a June bug that was flying very slow.

" Heh heh,good thinking little guy," Hop pop said as the June bug landed on the ground and fell asleep,Hop pop yawned as they continued on.

" Ooo! What's that? " Anne said pointing to a diner.

" Woah, Amphibia's best Diner,okay we have to stop for- "

" Rule number 193,don't stop anywhere claiming to be the best," Hop pop said annoyed at the word best.

" But look,they have crickets and cream ice cream "

" Rule number 194,no ice cream in the Fwagon," Hop pop said as everyone started to get upset.

" Hey hey,I just enforce the rules,I don't make em "

" You did make them,theyre called Hop pop's Road Rules "

" Litterly on the book "

" Darn straight,and I stand by it," Hop pop said to the two as everyone groaned.

Back inside the Fwagon,Sprig,Anne and Y/n were sitting or standing around clearly annoyed.

" I can't take it,all of the once in a life time experiences are litterly passing us by "

" I'd much rather take a picture AND enjoy the experience then just the picture alone.It's no fun that way," Y/n spoke.

" I know,and I really wanna complain about it,but Road rule,345,no complaining,takes care of that! "

" It's so lame," Y/n said taking a picture of a beautiful field.

" RULE NUMBER 259,NO TAKING PICTURES!Some places are not ment to being captured! "

" He litterly didn't say anything about it till now,I want to go out "

" I swear to frog,if one more cool and exciting thing passes us by,I- "

" Red alert kids, we're coming up upon The Ruins of Despair! "

The three gasped as they looked out the window in amazement.

" Woah what are those weird structures "

" They look ancient,I gotta take a picture! "

" No pictures!And no one knows,they've been here long before any written history,just a mystery better left unsolved,as far as I'm concerned," Hop pop said as the three closed the window door mad.

" This place is the coolest thing I've ever seen,if I don't get out and at least touch something,I'll regret it for the rest of my life," Sprig said.

" Oh I'm getting out either way "

" Lucky for you guys I have a plan "

Anne opened the top hatch and started to act weird," hey Hp,I've never riden in a wagon for this long and I'm definitely gonna hurl,can we stop for a second? " Anne asked.

" Dang it Anne,how do humans cope with unreliable innards? Let me know when we can start moving again," Hop pop said.

" Ok thanks! "

As soon as Hop pop stopped the wagon the three bursted out and started running away.

" Hey get back here you three! "

" This was your plan?Anne you've done it again! "

" Wooo!Freedom! " Y/n said as they continued to run.

" Dang kids never listen to a thing I say,Polly,don't do anything till I get back," Hop pop said to Polly as he hopped down with his book.

The three stopped at one of the structure entrances.

" Ok,pretty sure Hop pop's onto us,so let's take some quick selfies and get out of here," Anne said as they posed for a selfie but as the camera flashed it opened the doors to the structure causing Sprig to fall in.