The Ballad of Hopediah Plantar

It was a very sunny day,the Fwagon continued to move along the trail towards Newtopia.

Sprig was playing his fiddle,Y/n was reading a book,and Anne was scrolling through her phone until she came across a picture of Toad Tower.

" Huh,I don't remember taking a picture of Toad Tower," Anne spoke up showing everyone the picture on her phone.

" Oh,that was me.Wanted a little reminder of how we messed those toads up! " Polly explained.

" Sure did "" You know I actually been working on a song based on the battle," Sprig states.

" I in it? " Hop pop questioned.

" Maybe," Sprig said as he cleared his throat, everyone sat down and relaxed to listen to Sprig's song,Hop pop seemed most excited.

" There was a little frog who stood forRevolution.The Toads didn't like that so they tried to execute him!But Thankfully our Anne and Y/n stepped up to take the tower!And they saved Hop pop who!Mostly hid and coward! "

Sprig finished as Hop pop frowned at the last part,Sprig didn't seem to be finish as he continued,

" And coward,and coward,and coward,and coward,and coward,and coward- "

" Alright that's enough! " Hop pop said not liking the coward part that was repeated.

" Woo hoo! "" Wow great song dude "" 10 out of 10 "" Ya that was awesome! "

" Awesome!?It was missing all the context!Like what bout the time I courageously ran for Mayor,or that time I stood up to those tax collectors? " Hop pop questioned.

" Eh boring "" Audiences want clear stakes Hop pop,and action!

" Action! "

Hop pop sighed," feels like just yesterday people thought I was a revolutionary hero,oh,Heads up gang!Looks like we're about to stop at our first town! " Hop pop said pointing to the sign as they entered.

" My first town outside of Wartwood,I wonder what it will be like.Will the frogs be friendly,will they have a bathroom? "

" I just hope it's not a crazy town "

" Don't get too excited girls,it's just your average small town "

" How small can it but woah!Wow,oh my gosh!It's litterly a small town! "

" Ok now that's so cute! "

" Just look at the wittle buildings," Anne said as she proceeded to tare off a building roof to a Saloon.

The tiny frogs seemed shocked and surprised.

" Uh Yee haw! " Anne said as the small frogs instantly cheered.

" There you are girl," Hop pop said giving Bessie some refreshments,he suddenly heard frogs gasping.

" What's all the ruckus? " He questioned.

" P-please just listen," A small frog tried to explain to a bigger frog but was kicked away.

" I gotcha! " Anne said catching the frog just in time.

" Alright, y'all know the rules,pay me and no one gets hurt.That's right,pay up,keep it comin ," The rouge frog said taking money from everyone until he got to the last frog.

The small frog tried to explain he needed the money for his sick son but the rouge frog wasn't having it as he grabbed the father.

" I don't want your excuses,I want your money," the frog said shaking him and laughing as all the small frog's coins fell out of his pockets.

" Those poor bitties "" It's always the small ones they pick on "" Someone should do something "

" Yes,somebody should," Hop pop said getting an idea.

" Sprig get that fiddle ready,you might have a song to right "

" Ready and willing "

Hop pop stepped forward.

" Hey there feller,who do you think you are,pushing good people around! " Hop pop spoke up as the rouge turned and glared.

" I'm Judro Hassleback,and this here's my town,who the heck are you? "

" Names Hopediah Plantar,the frog that's gonna teach you some manners! " Hop pop said shoving the frog.

" Hey,you'de better-" Judro didn't get to finish as Hop pop continued to shove him all the way out of the small town,which was only a few shoves away.

" You'll pay for this "" Nobodies paying you anything anymore," Hop pop said watching the frog leave.

" You saved us mister,three cheers for Hopediah Plantar," The small kid frog said as the other tiny frogs lifted Hop pop up and cheered.

" Wow Hop pop,nice work "" Good job "" Go Hop pop! "

" Why that was nothin,Jodro is just a big blow heart,not like those tax toads I stood up to," Hop pop out in as the tiny frogs gasped.

" You stood up to toads? "" Tell us the story,please please! " The small kid frog begged.

" Oh sweetie, there's not much to tell "

" And then I lifted not one,not two,but three toads over my head and threw them off toad tower! " Hop pop exclaimed.

" Threw Three toads,I don't remember that "" That's because it didn't happened "

" Oh let him have this,he's just juicing up the details,on our world we call this marketing "

" It's a way to attract the crowds that's for sure "

" And so,using my frog givin natural strength I kicked the side of Toad Tower and it exploded! " Hop pop said as every bitty frog cheered.

" Hurray for Hopediah Plantar,here to protect us from ruthless Hussle back gang! "

" I'm sorry Bailey,did you say gang? "

" HOPEDIAH PLANTAR!Hooo wee you don' asked for it,so here it comes.This here is the Hassleback gang.My brother Heathro,sister Ruth,uncle Talbert,and of course.The Matriarch herself,Mama Hassleback "

" You the frog who dare throw my Jodro out of town? "

" Heh well..."

" Yup!And he's gonna run you out of town too!Right Hopediah? " Bailey,the tiny frog kid, asked as the crowd of bitty frogs cheered.

Mama Hassleback laughed.

"Now this I gotta see," Mama Hussle back said as she sat down waiting for Hop pop to try.

" Uh,uh You're-Youre going to regret this! " Hop pop says trying to push her but it didn't work as he stopped to catch his breath.

" Think I almost got her," he spoke just as Mama Hussle back raised her metal roll pin over Hop pop,hitting him on the head and knocking him out.

" Hey! "" Get away from him! "The kids tried to help but were pulled back and shoved in barrels.

" Aw man,this is just like middle school "" Not much different from my bucket really "