Anne Hunter

"Okay, Dinner's ready "

" Woo hoo "" Ya "" Alright "" I'm starving "

" Now hold on to your butts,bam!Stick surprise! " Hop pop said revealing a stick on a plate.

" Hop pop,this isn't food "" But I didn't tell you what the surprise was! "

Everyone seemed to lift there spirits.

" Alright there's no surprise," Hop pop said as everyone grew disappointed again.

" Sorry kids,this journey's been longer than expected and we're out of food," Hop pop explained.

" No food eh,that's what you peeps think," Polly said secretly pulling a cookie from her bow,taking a bite then putting it back.

" Ugh this is all our fault,we dragged you guys out here to figure out how to get us home,and now we're gonna starve to death "

".... survival of the fittest I guess "

" Y/n!-"

Before Anne could lecture Y/n's comment the Plantar's started laughing.

" We're not gonna starve to death,this is our chance to find food the way nature intended,as hunters! " Sprig spoke up.

" Hunters you say," Anne said thinking of a cool hunting scenario.

" Guys,leave the hunting to me! " Anne said.

" Wah- " The Plantar's all said confused at Anne's proposal,even Y/n seemed shocked but only for a second.

" That came out of nowhere" Polly added.

" You guys do so much for me,let me do something for you for a change," Anne exclaimed.

Y/n blinked before standing," I'm going to come with you because you're a hazard by yourself," Y/n spoke to Anne with a faint laugh.

" I'm not a hazard, you're a hazard," Anne replied to Y/n with a smile but both seemed to hold a slight challenging gaze.

" Oo!I could teach them to hunt the Plantar way Hop pop!Just like you taught me! "

" Hmmm okay,you three need to be careful!We're not in the valley anymore,who knows what dangerous predators could be lurking about.It can be poisonous,it can be psychic.They could be poisonous and psychic,YOU DON'T KNOW! "

" Woah ,Hop pop it's fine.So,you guys ready to hunt? "

" Sure,I could learn something new," Y/n spoke.

" So pumped!This is gonna be awesome! " Anne said excited.

-A Few minutes Later-

" This is not awesome "

" It's messy and unorthodox,seems right to me "

Sprig but a chunk of the mud in his mouth as the three sat/laid in mud, Anne gagged.

" I thought hunting was supposed to be cool,concurring nature n' stuff,not eating mud," Anne said as Sprig spit out the mud in his mouth.

" Concurring nature?Oh,no no no no no!Hunting is about becoming one with nature," Sprig says to Anne.

" Sounds about right "

" Do I at least get a new weapon,a cross bow?A kunai? A crossbow that shoots kunai? "

" Weapons are for barbarians! " Sprig said knocking the stick Anne had out of her hands.

" Now then, hunting the Plantar way involves three main steps,the first tracking your prey.The soil is a buffet of clues.Oo oo!I think I'm getting something!This way! " Sprig exclaimed after eating a chunk of soil,Anne and Y/n followed.They stopped at a bush were a small creature popped out.

" See guys,nature provides,we found some grubbles.They're supposed to be delicious.Step two use your surroundings," Sprig said looking around as he walked forward,he dug a hole and ripped off a piece of bark placing it at the entrance of the hole and on the bush.

" Perfect!Now it's time for the final and most important step,the dance! " Sprig said as he started to get into a dance position.

" Dance? "" Oh boy "" What do you mean by oh-my gosh,you've go to be kidding me " Anne said as she and Y/n covered their eyes.

" This dance has been in our family for generations,watch me closely.It's designed to both entice and disorient," Sprig said continuing to do his dance as the grubbles appeared from the bush and slid down the bark into the hole.

" Oh boy,that's enough,I think I can hunt just fine without a funny little dance dude," Anne exclaimed.

" There's nothing funny about the secret Plantar hunting dance Anne,besides,I thought you loved dancing," Sprig questioned a bit.

" Well ya,when there is music and a dance floor,I mean,is this necessary,these little guys seem pretty easy to catch,I don't think they even have any brains," Anne reasoned.

" They look cute though,I'm not going to get attached, personally I would do the dance,just not around you offense I guess," Y/n said.

" I take offense to that "

" Not all (whatever that long word was)grubbles,but that's not the point.Hunting is about connecting to the harmony of nature,let it's rhythm flow through you,can you hear the drums?Can you hear them playing the best of the hunt! " Sprig questioned.

" No "" Almost had it,buuuut it's gone "

" Now let's split up and double the grubble,I have the eyes of a hawk- "

" Anne- " Sprig said grabbing Anne just before she walked over a cliff ledge.

" How did you not see that "

" I totally saw that "

" Just be careful okay,still don't know what's out there "

Everyone began to split up,unaware that something was watching Sprig.

" A dance man ha!You know what's better than a dance,a stick!Time for some Grubble suitey (?)," Anne said about to hit a Grubble but was stopped by the Plantar's yelling and screaming.

" Guys! " Anne said racing back to the camp.

" Sprig?Hop pop?Polly? " Anne said looking everywhere.

" They're gone," Y/n said spooking Anne by accident when she came out of no where.Y/n was muddy and carrying a hand made bag on their shoulder.Anne went to calm Bessie trying to see where the Plantar's went,when suddenly a creature appeared on top of a rock with the Plantar's wrapped in it's scorpion like tail.

" It came out of no where! "

" Careful girls it still might be psychic! "

" I'm too young to die! " Polly yelled.

Y/n dropped her makeshift bag as she and Anne ran after the creature but it too ran.

" My biscuit! " Polly said as her half eaten biscuit fell from her bow and right in front of Anne's feet.

" Dang it Polly,food hoarder! " Anne said picking up the biscuit.

Anne watched as the branch from a tree fell due to the creature breaking it.

" It left a trail-"

" Hold on we're coming! " Y/n interrupted Anne who was in the middle of her Hunter moment.Anne quickly followed after her shortly after.