[twenty seven]

It was a perfect day for a Quidditch match - bright, but with clouds blocking the Sun's rays. McGonagall picked the last good day before the first snowfall. Because of the cold, many were bundled up in their coats and hats, eager to stay warm during the game.

Although everyone was excited to watch the first game of the year, the amount of students Hermione has seen carrying their notes to their seats have gone past the number of fingers and toes she had. Surely, McGonagall should've known scheduling the match this late into the term was a bad idea? Hermione would have done the same, had she not been reserved a seat next to Narcissa Malfoy.

"I'm sorry." Hermione told her housemates sheepishly "You know my heart is with you."

"No, your heart is with a certain Slytherin, who you should be saying good luck to right now because we're going to kick his arse out there." Ginny smirked

"It's fine, Hermione. We know who you'll celebrating with after, anyway." Harry grinned

"Just wave that flag high." Ron nodded eagerly

"I'll make sure she does." Viktor nodded. He promised to sit with her and Narcissa, saying that a buffer would be a good idea. Elena was already there with Pansy, reserving their seats.

"Alright. Well, good luck out there." Hermione hugged her friends one by one "I have three Slytherin boys to see."

She made her way to the other side, where the Slytherin team should be. Draco and Theo were just wrapping up their shared pep talk, when Hermione and Viktor arrived "Hey." Hermione greeted Draco "Nervous?"

Draco scoffed "Not when I know I'm about to win."

Hermione rolled her eyes and smiled "Well alright, be careful and good luck."

"I have all the luck I need right here." Draco smirked and kissed her softly "Thanks, baby."

Hermione turned to look at Goyle "Do me a favor and make sure he doesn't get hit by a bludger? He only just recovered."

"Noted, captain." Goyle said with a wink

"We'll be fine, Granger. We'll be kicking your team's arses in no time." Blaise smirked

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." Viktor returned the smirk "Nevertheless, best of luck. You'll need it."

"Will we?" Theo smirked

Hermione laughed, ignoring the glares coming from the other Slytherin team members "Alright, alright, there's too much testosterone here that I can't even breathe. Draco, we'll be seated next to your mother."

"I'll see you out there, love." Draco grinned cheekily

Together, Hermione and Viktor climbed the stands and found their seats next to Elena and Narcissa Malfoy. "Mrs. Malfoy, it's good to see you again." Hermione smiled politely

"Please, Hermione, call me anything but that." The older witch chuckled "Cissa, Cissy, Narcissa, any will do."

Hermione laughed awkwardly with a nod. "How were the boys? Cocky as ever?" Pansy asked

Hermione rolled her eyes "You know it."

"Well, they have the right to be. We just overheard Dean Thomas scolding Henry McLaggen for getting their plays wrong earlier." Celine said as she and Astoria sat next to their group "Hello auntie Cissa."

"Hello dears." Narcissa smiled at the two Slytherin girls that just arrived

Viktor groaned "One more bad news and I'm taking this coat off to show my Slytherin colors."

"Says the Gryffindor." Astoria teased with a laugh

The game began with Lee Jordan, as per usual, announcing the players one by one. With cocky grins, both teams did a lap of the pitch before they settled in the middle where madam Hooch stood with the balls

"The only way we're sure to win is if Harry catches the snitch before McLaggen misses any goals." Viktor mumbled as he watch the balls soar into the air, the snitch disappearing in a blink of an eye

"I thought Ron was coming in if he so misses one shot?" Hermione wondered

Viktor shook his head "Harry decided to give him the entire game. If we lose this because of him, Ron's back for the rest of the season."

"We're screwed, then." Hermione sighed

"That, you are." Pansy grinned triumphantly, earning a soft laugh from Narcissa

"Who are you rooting for, Hermione?" Astoria asked

Hermione choked "I am very much neutral."

Narcissa chuckled "Hermione, sweetheart, you don't have to be afraid to say the truth even if I'm here."

"Oh, look, Draco's on the move!" Hermione changed the subject, pointing at where Draco had just swooped down from the air with Harry in tow

"Draco Malfoy is on the move! Could it be the snitch?" Lee Jordan announced

Pansy smirked from behind Hermione "Definitely not."

"What?" Hermione frowned

"Harry has been on Draco's tail the entire five minutes since the game started. He's trying to lose him. There's no snitch." Pansy said with a smile "Draco's going to catch it this time for sure."

"I wouldn't doubt Harry too much if I were you." Hermione frowned

"Harry's talent may be in his blood, Hermione, but Draco's trained for this." Celine nodded

Draco continued to speed in his direction before halting to a stop, with Harry almost crashing into his back "What the hell, Malfoy?" Harry snapped

"Stop following me and look for it yourself, Potter." Draco snickered before zooming away and back to his position. A bludger was on its way to hit him, after being sent by Pevensie into his direction - but Goyle swooped in just in time

"Gotta make sure Granger doesn't chop my head off." Goyle smirked before flying away to help hit the bludger in Ginny Weasley's direction

How Hermione can think he can't be trusted is beyond me, Draco thought with a shake of his head before scanning the field for the little golden bugger he needed to catch

Ginny snickered before zooming past Draco, narrowly missing his shoulder

"You're a twat, Weasley!" Draco exclaimed

"Love you too, Draco!" Ginny cackled before scoring another ten for Gryffindor

"Ten points to Gryffindor! Our game's only just getting heated up with both teams in a tie at sixty points!" Lee Jordan's voice was loud in clear

"Zabini, what the are you doing?" Harry yelled at Blaise, who was casually flying next to him "Get out there and score for Merlin's sake!"

"Sorry, captain's orders." Blaise smirked

The two other chasers, Theo and Terrence were doing well by themselves scoring for their house. With McLaggen's attitude, it wasn't hard to get a quaffle in. If Blaise joined them, they'd be able to score more, but Draco had other plans.