[twenty eight]

On the last day of their final exams for the term, the students at Hogwarts did not waste time packing their trunks for the train that leaves in two days.

Many of them were already planning where to spend their holidays, eager to leave the school and flee to the safety of their homes. A lot of the students were still apprehensive about their return to Hogwarts, but for the sake of their futures, they had no choice but to.

"As usual, you're invited for Christmas eve. Mum told me to repeat it over and over until you say yes." Ginny said during lunch "That invitation is extended to you now, too, Draco."

"I'll be there, Gin, I promise." Hermione grinned

"I'll have to see. Thanks, though, Weasley." Draco said "Blaise and Pansy have nowhere else to go. We usually just spend our lonely Christmases together."

"Theo?" Harry asked "Where's he headed?"

"Celine's estate." Draco said "Uncle Stefan has extended his invitation to Blaise, but Pansy's pride kind of gets in the way."

"Pride?" Ginny frowned

"She doesn't want to admit they have nowhere else to go." Draco shrugged "I'll let you know if I can drop by. I don't think I'll be able to stay away from Hermione during Christmas, anyway."

"Looks like everybody's taking their partners to meet their parents." Harry commented "I heard Viktor's hosting the Greengrass' in Bulgaria this Christmas."

"What's Elena got to say about your Christmas invitation, Ron?" Hermione asked "Is she coming?"

"She and her parents will be there on Christmas day. They already have plans for the eve." Ron shrugged

"Mum's excited." Ginny giggled "She's never met a girl from Durmstrang before. She reckons Elena will be a match for her feistiness."

"Honestly? I don't doubt that one bit." Hermione laughed

Theo joined their little group in the Gryffindor table with a peculiar look on his face "I need your help." He whispered

"What?" Hermione asked, her eyes wide

"Draco, may I borrow your girlfriend for a few seconds?" Theo asked

Draco looked confused, but waved them off anyway. Harry perked up "Hermione, I need you to help me with that vanishing charm for Kreacher. Can I meet you in the library after?"

. Hermione gave Harry a thumbs up before leaving the hall with Theo. "Alright, what's wrong?"

Theo ran a hand through his hair. He looked like a mess, and Hermione was sure it wasn't because of their relatively difficult Charms exam "I need your help to brew a potion."

"What potion?" Hermione asked "Theo, if this is anything illegal—"

"No, not really. I mean, I don't think so." He shook his head "Look, I need help brewing Veritaserum. A strong one."

"What? Why do you need it?" Hermione frowned "Theo, if you're in trouble—"

Theo shook his head again "There's something I need to do before I do another thing I need to do." he was rambling, clearly in panic

"Alright. I'll help you." Hermione said "But this takes two weeks to brew, how am I supposed to help you continue through the holidays?"

"I need it by Christmas." Theo said "Do you think we can finish, then?"

Hermione counted in her fingers "Sure, I think."

Theo nodded "Great, you can come by the prefects' bath early tonight. I really need your help, please don't bail."

Hermione searched his eyes for any hint of deceit, before nodding "I've got your back, Theodore."

"Thanks, Hermione." and just like that, he left in hurry to be someplace else. Perhaps to do whatever it is he needed to do.

Hermione sighed before she climbed the stairs leading to the library. Maybe Harry's hunt for the perfect ring can take her mind off of Theo's worried eyes. He was already there in the hallway waiting for her when she arrived "How are we supposed to get to where we're going? We aren't flying, are we?"

"Don't worry, Hermione, we're just going to Diagon Alley. We'll floo through McGonagall's fireplace." Harry said

"You got McGonagall to agree to this?"

"What can I say? She approves of our relationship." Harry smirked

Floo was never Hermione's favorite means of transportation. She always ended up dusty afterwards, and it made her sneeze. When they arrived in Diagon Alley, it wasn't as busy as it was back in August. Surprisingly, very few people roamed the street.

"I guess we picked the perfect time to go." Harry nodded in approval as he hugged his coat closer to himself, like doing so would make him feel warmer

"You're not going to buy her ring from a street vendor, are you?" Hermione raised a brow as she glanced at the small cart selling trinkets

"Merlin, no." Harry laughed "I may be a simple man, but I won't settle for less than the best for my girl. There's a newly opened jewelry shop above Twilfitt and Tatting's."

"I heard Draco's mom shops there frequently. You think I should get her something for Christmas?" Hermione asked thoughtfully

"Hermione Granger buying Narcissa Malfoy a gift." Harry whistled "Never thought I'd see the day."

Hermione playfully shoved them as they walked "I haven't even gotten Draco's gift." She sighed "What do you give a man who can afford everything?"

"Hey, what about your best friend? Have you gotten gift?" Harry feigned hurt "Sad though, because I heard he already got you yours."

"Firstly, you know I already have yours wrapped and ready." Hermione rolled her eyes as they entered the shop "Second, what? You're joking."

"I heard him talking to Theodore about it earlier." Harry nodded "Just get him a coat. I'm sure he'll appreciate anything." he shrugged

"A coat?" Hermione frowned as they climbed the stairs to the second floor

A quaint jewelry shop welcomed them. Four glass cases formed a square in the middle of the room, with an old man standing right in the center "I never thought I'd see the day Harry Potter and Hermione Granger come to my shop. Welcome!" He beamed

"Hello, sir Matthews." Harry smiled

"What can I do for you, mister Potter?" The old wizard smiled, the corner of his eyes wrinkled

"I'm proposing to the love of my life." Harry smiled widely "I'd like to see the simplest, but most beautiful rings you have."

"Any stone in mind?"

"The classic diamond, if you have them." Harry grinned

Sir Matthews turned to search the displays, as well as a hidden trunk underneath, for rings that he thought would catch Harry Potter's eye. A minute later, he returns to them with four velvet boxes in hand "These are the best one's I have." He smiled "This one in particular, is my favorite." Sir matthews carefully opened one of the blue velvet boxes to reveal a square-cut diamond set on a silver band encrusted with smaller pieces of the same stone.