
The war was over. Harry killed Voldemort and the death Eaters retreated. Well, all but two.

"Harry! Where's mione?" Ron asked breaking the silence in the Great Hall. Everyone one was watching the two thirds of the golden trio.

"I don't know Ron," Harry whispered.

"You don't think she's..." Dean Thomas trailed off, unable to speak the thought everyone was thinking but didn't dare say.

"She can't be!" Ginny cried, "She's not. She's to strong. I wouldn't be surprised if she looking for more bodies."

"Gin," Seamus Finnigan said softly, "We've searched the whole castle. Twice."

Suddenly the doors to the Great Hall burst open. Draco Malfoy stood there holding something wrapped in a white blanket. His mother was behind him, her face stained with tears. Draco's face was full of hurt and anger.

"Malfoy!" Harry called, "What do you want?"

"Draco," Narcissa Malfoy said, "Draco please don't."

Draco ignored her and walked towards Harry, Ron and Ginny, his mum behind him. Upon reaching the front he Bentley set the blanket wrapped object down before kneeling next to it. He started crying as he slowly pulled the blanket off.

Hermione's body lay there. A knife straight through her heart. He face was frozen in a scream she had shouted.

"No," Ginny whispered.

Draco gave a gut wrenching sob as Ginny collapsed next to him. The two gripped each other as life forces as they cried.

"Gin! Stop touching him," Ron said, "He's nothing but a death eater."

"RONALD BILIUS WEASLEY!" Luna shouted, "You will not speak of him like that. I'll have you and everyone one know that since fifth year, me, Ginny, Mione, and Draco always met up and talked every Sunday night. He was forced into this! SO SHUT YOUR BLOODY MOUTH!"

Everyone stared at Luna who went forward and joined Ginny and Draco. The embraced her as well and the three cried for twenty minutes straight before the were finally out of tears.

"She's gone," Draco whispered, "She's gone Ginny, Luna. I never got to tell her."

Draco then stood up and looked at his mum, "Draco. Please don't," she pleaded.

"I will show what happened. But he will die tonight. He will die if its the last thing I do," Draco said.

He put his wand to his temple and whispered an ancient spell. A large silver mist exploded in front of everyone and they watched.

Draco lowered the wand from his head as the memory faded.

"S-She loved you too?" Luna asked.

Draco nodded, a single tear going down his face.

"I know this isnt really that appropriate given the circumstances and all, but" dean said, "Seamus, you owe me twenty galleons."

"You were betting on us?" Draco asked.

"Mate, the whole school was betting on you two. I'm now seventy galleons richer," Dean said.

Although it wasn't intended, what Den said helped lift a bit of the tension in the room. Draco even had a ghost of a smile.

"I need to go now," He said finally.

"We're coming with you," Luna and Ginny said.

"No!" Molly exclaimed, "We've lost to many already."

"We won't die, mum," Ginny said before her eyes turned dark and bloodthirsty, "But he will."

Draco nodded and took hold of the tao girls before all three vanished in a black cloud.