
"Ron, I promise you I did not borrow Pigwigeon. I can't write to my parents even," I said as she walked down the train with Harrg and Ron.

The three were currently looking for Luna, Ginny, and Neville.

"Then where is he?" Ron demanded.

"Probably with Ginny-"

"Oi! Mudblood," a voice cut her off from the compartment to their left.

"Bloody hell, Malfoy." Ron said, "What do you want?"

"I believe I was talking to Granger," Malfoy scowled.

"What ferret?" I asked.

"Resorting back to that I see," he smirked, "No problem, love."

"What did you call her?" Harry and Ron exclaimed along with Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, and Theodore(Theo) Nott from inside the compartment.

"Yeah, what did you call me?" I asked.

"What? I'm not allowed to call you love anymore?" Malfoy taunted.

"Since when have you ever called me that?"

"Did all those hours in the Astronomy Tower mean nothing to you?" Malfoy asked.

"What the bloody hell are you playing at?" I asked, stepping closer to Harry and Ron, feeling very unerved about the situation.

"I thought you told them?" Malfoy asked.

"Told who what?"

"Potter and Weasel of course. You said you would tell them about us," Malfoy complained.

"Us?" Everyone excluding Draco asked.

"Mione, love, why don't you remember?" Malfoy asked pulling me to him so we were inches apart.

"Did you drug him?" I asked the Slytherins, looking around Malfoy's large muscular structure.

"No, we thought you did!" Pansy said.

"Yes, because I, Hermione Granger, want Draco Malfoy acting like this towards me," I said motioning towards Malfoy who was playing with my hair.

"Malfoy? Are you feeling okay?" Blaise asked slowly.

"Better than ever," Malfoy said giving me a goofy grin.

I looked back at Harry and Ron asking for answers. They shook their heads in bewilderment.

"Why don't you guys come in?" Malfoy offered.

"Oh thanks, but were meeting up with some friends," I said.

"No, you have to stay. Please mione," Malfoy begged.

"I don't think you have a choice," Theo said slightly amused.

"So it settled, you're staying. Potter, Weasley you can come if you want."

Harry and Ron reluctantly followed me and Malfoy in. I knew they were only coming to figure out what was wrong with Malfoy.

Malfoy sat next to the window and patted the seat next to him. I sat down, trying to keep space between us but her wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me close. Really close. I was practically sitting on him.

"Looks like Draco's enjoying himself," Blaise whistled.

"Oh shut it Blaise. What's wrong with him?" I asked.

"Don't know, but you called him Blaise?" Pansy asked.

"Yeah. We've been friends since thrid years. Potions partners." Blaise explained.

I nodded and glanced at Malfoy who had manages to pull me completely into his lap. I wasn't trying to move in fear he'd use his inhuman strength against me.

"So, Malfoy," I said casually, "Want to explain why I'm in your lap?"

"Because your my girlfriend. Why else?" Malfoy asked me.

"I'm sorry. What? I'm your girlfriend? What type of prank is this?" I asked.

'Its not a prank," Malfoy said looking hurt, "We've been together for three years now. Since fourth year," Malfoy said.

I gaped at him, as was everyone else. No one noticed the compartment door slide open then close.

Malfoy eyes went all misty and blue.

"What's happening to your eyes?" I asked trying to move.

Malfoy held me still as I struggled to free myself.

"Malfoy! Let me go," I said.

"No," he whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"Why not? I have places to be. I promised all my friends I'd go see them." I said.

"Fine you can go," He said, "But on one condition."

"Fine," I said. Agreeing without thinking.

Malfoy smirked at me before gently bringing his lips to mine. He was careful not to loosen his grip on me so I couldn't escape.

"Bloody hell!" I heard the entire compartment yell.

I was trapped against the window and couldn't move. Malfoy moved one of his hands and cupped my cheek.

"Malfoy," I whispered against his lips, "What are you doing?"

I could practically feel him rolling his eyes behind his eyelids, "Isn't it obvious?" He whispered pulling away from me, "Im kissing you."

Malfoy pressed his lips to mine again, more firmly this time. I reacted without thinking and kissed him back. He smirked agaisnt me and wrapped both arms around me, his hands on my back while my own hands ran through his silvery blonde hair.

When the need for oxygen finally became desperate, we pulled away. He was smirking at me.

"Hermione?" Harry asked, breaking the moment, "Did you siriusly just snog the ferret?"

"Well I wasn't getting out of it," I shrugged, "Why not make the most of it?"

The Slytherins gaped at me while Ron's ears turned red.

"I swear, did the sorting hat sent to put you in Slytherin?" Theo asked.

I shook my head before standing up.

Suddenly we heard a laugh from the middle of the room. Something was whipped over and thrown at harry. His invisibility cloak. Ginny stood their laughing her head off.

"Gin!" I yelled.

"Funny what a little can do," she said before running out, lifting the curse.

I tried to follow her, but she slammed the door on my face causing me to fall backwards. I expected to feel myself hit the floor, but it never came. Instead I felt to strong arms wrap around my waist and oulk me onto the seat.

"Uh, sorry about that," Malfoy said, "Before. She-Weasel is good at that curse. I couldn't fight it."

"Its alright," I told him.

"If it makes you feel any better that was one of the best snogs I've had in a while," he said smirking.

"Oh was it now?" I asked him.


"You see I'm going to have to argue with you there." I told him, "Because technically this is the best snog you've ever had."

Without letting embarrassment catch up to me, I grabbed Malfoy collar and pulled him down pressing my lips on his.

The Slytherins whistled while Ron look murderous. Harry was just sitting their with a smirk on his face.

After me and Malfoy were finished I turned to Harry, "Why the smirk?"

Harsh only smirked wider, "You just snogged Malfoy willingly. Over half of Gryffindor house owes me money. Not to mention a couple Slytherins, quite a few Hufflepuffs, a cluster of Ravenclaw, and Professor Snape. Thanks to you I just earned myself around a thousand galleons."

I rolled my eyes and turned back to Malfoy, "I think I might like you," I said.

Malfoy scoffed, "I know I like you." He said before pulling me close.