
Dumbledore stood up grabbing the attention of everyone in the Hall. He cleared his throat loudly, a mischievous gleam in his eyes that reminded me of the Weasley twins.

"Students! I'm happy that so many of you could stay with us for winter break. We will certainly have some fun that the other students will envy." He said.

There were only a few people who had stayed. From Gryffindor it was Me(Hermione), Harry, Ron, Ginny. Dean, Neville and Seamus as well as a few younger kids. Terry Boot and Luna Lovegood from Ravenclaw were sitting with us as well as Hannah Abbot and Ernie Malcilman from Hufflepuff. Those were all the seventh years who had returned to Hogwarts and were staying over break. Except the Slytherins.

All of them had stayed and we knew why. We being me and Harry. They weren't safe at home. All the seventh year Slytherins had fought in the war. On Voldemort's side. But switched. All of them switched. Blaise, Pansy, Theo, Daphne, Astoria, Goyle. Even Malfoy had.

"Since there are mostly seventh years I thought the staff and younger kids could have some fun with them." All the seventh years looked at each other, "Around the school Myself, the staff, and younger students have hidden thirty two mistletoes. They will only work for seventh years. When two seventh hear students, male and female, walk beneath it, they will be trapped. I will be aleted immediately and we shall all see what plays out."

The seventh years all had their mouths open in shock. Who knew Dumbledore was capable of this?

"They will last from now until midnight tonight. And since I know some would rather be stuck until midnight than kiss the person they are trapped with," Dumbledore looked at me and smiled brightly, "If you fail to free yourself before midnight you will fail all your exams. No exceptions."

The hall started snickering, and I'm sure it was because Dumbledore was looking directly at me.

"Have fun!" Dumbledore said before striding out of the hall.

I groaned, "Was he looking at me when he said that?"

"Yep," Dean said hiding his laughter, "Sure did. But you gotta hand it to him. You really would sit still for hours."

"Well sorry if I don't want my first kiss to possibly be with some random seventh year," I said.

Terry gaped at me, "You've never kissed anyone?"

I shook my head. I had almost dome so with Ron, but we broke apart before doing something we knew we would regret. We didn't like each other in that way.

"Well this will be fun, especially if only we can get stuck," Luna said airly.

Neville smiled at her, "sure will."

I took a drink from my goblet to hide my grin. Everyone was oblivious. It was obvious that Neville had fallen for Luna.

We left the great hall a while later.

"Wait! I forgot my book! I'll be right back," I sadi turning around.

"Wait mione! Are you sure you want to go alone with all those mistletoe around? You could get stuck!" Harry said.

"I'll be fine. A kiss and I'm out. Besides no ones in the Great Hall. Worst comes to worst one you boys helps me," I said.

Harry nodded before exclaiming, "Not It!"

"What?" I asked.

"I said not it. If you get stuck I'm not kissing you. Sorry, mione but your too much like my sister." Harry explained.

"Its fine. There's six more of you," I said.

They nodded before the boys looked at each other, having a conversation with their eyes.

"I'm going. I'll see you in the common room in ten minutes. If I'm not back come and find me," I said turning and leaving.

I heard them walking back so I kept going. I entered the great hall again and found my book sitting on the bench. I went to grab it when I heard a voice call out.

"Oi! Granger!"

I groaned and turned around. I say Malfoy, Theo, Goyle, Blaise at the left of the hall.

"What?" I grumbled shoving the book in my bag.

Malfoy sighed before talking, "We need your help."

"With what?" I asked cautiously approaching.

"Blaise got himself trapped under a mistletoe," Theo explained.

"So? How does that concern me?" I asked.

"Get him out," Malfoy said.

I stared, "What?"

Malfoy groaned, "Its simple Granger, bloody kiss him and get him out. If Pansy, Astoria, or Daphne did it they'd take it siriusly and expect a relationship."

"Bloody Slytherins," I mumbled.

"What was that?" Malfoy asked.

"Piss off," I said.

"Only if you help him."

I groaned and stepped under. Dumbledore appeared out of nowhere.

"I'm going to let you slide with this one. Besides I am not giving snape five galleons," he said, "This kiss never happened." Then he apparated away.

"Are they betting on us?" Blaise asked affronted.

"Yep," I said before grabbing his tie and pulling his face to mine, "You owe me," I said before kissing him.

Instinctively, he wrapped his arms around my waist and on my back while a ran my hands through his hair.

He pulled away after a full minute, "Damn Granger how much practice have you had?" He asked.


Malfoy snickered, "He's asking how many people you've snogged. I'm going to guess he was impressed."

Blaise shot him a dirty look as I spoke, "No one."

"What?" Blaise asked whipping his head back to me.

"I've never kissed anyone before. That's why you owe me bigtime," I said before stalking off.

Blaise stared at me as I left, "There's no bloody way she's never kissed anyone before."

Malfoy smirked, "Stunned Blaise?"

"Yes! She's supposed to be a bookworm! Where the hell did that come from?" He exclaimed.

Theo and Goyke chuckled as they left.

When I arrived back at the common room I was engulged with hugs.

"Mione! Where were you? Its been half an hour!" Ginny exclaimed.

"I had a run in with the Slytherins," I explained.

"What happened?" Seamus asked as I sat down.

"Blaise Zabini got trapped under a mistletoe. Safe to say he now owes me big time," I smirked.

"YOU KISSED BL-" Ron started before k covered his mouth.

"Yes, yell it louder will you? I don't think China heard." I said, "Dumbledore let us off the hook though. Apparently the teachers have a bet going on the mistletoes and he didn't want to lose five galleons to Snape."