
(Seventh year and Snape is alive and teaching potions)

I was late to potions. Really late. The bell was going to ring in ten minutes but I was still going. I could at least get he homework before my next class.

Last night I couldn't sleep. I was up until three in the morning, crying. My mother died two nights ago at the hands of my father. I tried to keep it together, I really did but after walking into the head dorms, nodding to Herm- no! Granger, I broke. I started crying as I collapsed into the nearest armchair.

Herm- bloody hell what's wrong with me? Granger. Yes, Granger asked me what was wrong but I just couldn't bring myself to tell her. Why would I? I'm supposed to hate her. But I can't. Who can hate one of the most kind, compassionate, smart, loving human beings on the planet?

She eventually went to her room and I stayed in our shared common room for hours crying. When I woke up and potions was half way through I was on the couch and had a blanket over me and their was food on the table with a note.

She really was an amazing person. For some weird reason, too, my heart had seemed to skip a few beats while reading this. I shook the thoughts out of my head as I pushed open the door to the dungeons, my eyes still slightly red and cheeks flushed.

"Draco," Snape drawled out, "Glad you could join us. Miss Granger is completed with the potion so just do the written part." He told me and when I nodded he swallowed heavily and added, "Are you alright?"

I gave a weak smile. It was weak but real, "No. But I will be eventually."

Snape nodded and turned to walk to Longbottoms cauldron, "My condolences." He said, "She was a good soul."

I nodded and went to sit next to Hermione ah! Granger. Sit next to

"What's Snape talking about?" She asked when I arrived.

"I'll tell you later, maybe," I promised.

She nodded and pulled out some parchment, handing me a sheet. I thanked her.

"Okay, what are we doing? And um, why does this potion smell like you?" I asked her. It did indeed smell like her. Apples, cinnamon, and that conditioner she used that her mum sent her every month.

At my words she froze, "What did you say?" She whispered.

"I asked what we were doing-"

"No, the other thing," She said, still not moving.

"Oh, I asked why the potion smelled like you."

She slowly turned her head to me, "L-Like me?"

"Yeah," I said, confused, "More specifically apples, cinnamon, and that conditioner your mum sends for you all the time."

She gaped at me.

"What? Is it not supposed to smell like that?" I asked, just then noticing that everyone, and I mean in the class was staring at us. Some had looks of shock, others were angry, and then there were a few, including Snape, with amused smirks or grins.

"D-Draco," Hermione said slowly, "We were brewing Amortentia."

My face lit up. Not in a good way. I felt a deep blush creep across my cheeks and up my neck, and my heartbeat quicken by at least ten bpm(beats per minute).

"Oh," I said, honestly not knowing what to say. I half noticed galleons being passed along throughout the classroom and I assumed people were betting on us. I even watched own friends, my friends, collecting galleons from over half the class.

The bell than rang and Hermione jumped up with her bag. She made her way to the door and turned around before leaving.

"If it makes you feel any better, I smelt a ferret, broomstick, and your cologne." Then she left.

I grinned. This day just got better.

"So Draco," Snape said, everyone was still in the classroom exchanging galleons, "I'd like to thank you. Me, Dumbledore, and McGonagall have all earned around a hundred galleons each from our colleagues." And with that he left the room.