
My body shook with sobs. I had just been assigned the most horrible task I could ever get. It was sixth year and I was hiding in the prefects bathroom. I had to do it tonight. At dinner. In front of everyone. My body heaved again and another sob left my throat.

I half considered jumping into the huge tub and drowning myself, but if I did she would still die. I ripped the thick sweater over my head so I was just in a white tank top and my jeans. It didn't help one bit.

I heard the door open and I inwardly groaned.

"Malfoy?" Came a voice I hated. Absolutely hated.

I slowly turned around to face the annoying red head Weasley. Off course it had to be the prick of the two. At least the girl was decent comebacks.

"Weasley," I said softly.

"What are you doing in here? Have you been crying?" He asked.

I shrugged as the tears kept falling, "I didn't think anyone would come in here. Dinners about to start. And yes, I am crying."

"Why?" The male Weasel asked in a voice I didn't think he could use. It was almost as if he felt bad for me.

"Because Potter was right. I am one of them," I said showing him my dark mark, maybe he could help, "He forced me. Told me he would kill her if I didn't join."

"Who?" He asked.

"Hermione," I whispered. Me and Hermione had called a truce this year and were getting along well. Some could call us friends.

"What's it to you? She's just your friend." Ron said.

"No," I whispered, "She is so, so much more. If it weren't for her I'd drown myself in this pool right now. I have no reason to live. But now I do. Now I can protect her."

"You love her," Ron said and I was surprised at how he knew. I didn't even know.

"No!" I said, "Maybe. I don't know..... Yes."

Weasley took a cautious step closer and when I didn't react he walked up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Its alright mate. You can protect her. I'll help you. What do you have to do?" Ron asked.

"I-I have to," I said, "I have to obliviate her. She can't remember me other than an arrogant prick who's dedicated his life to making hers hell. She can't remember me for who I want to be. If I don't do it in ten minutes in front of everyone, he kills her."

"How good at occlumency are you?" He asked.

It was random but I answered, "Not even The Dark Lord can get through me. He only found out about Hermion- Granger through Goyle. He doesn't know how to do it."

"Good," Ron said, "Than you don't let him know this promise I'm giving to you."

I nodded slowly so he continued, "I'll help you clear her memory. But once Voldemort's gone, we'll restore them. She'll remember who you are. She might try to kill you for taking them away, but she'll remember."

"You would do that? Why?" I asked.

"Well, Hermione's one of my best friends and you make her really happy. I would gladly lay down my life if it meant you could keep her happy. Besides, you have to be good at heart if you were willing to spill this all out to one of your greatest enemy's," he explained.

"Let's do this." I said and he nodded.

Before entering the Great Hall I turned to him, "Protect her for me, will you?"

He nodded, "With my life," he then entered. I waited five minutes before following. Two minutes left.

I ignored the stares as I strode down the Gryffindor table to where Hermione was, "Hermione! Pothead, Weasel."

Ron gave me a barely noticeable nod.

"Uh, Draco?" Hermione asked.

I roughly grabbed her arm and pulled her out of her seat so we were now standing in the middle of the Great Hall.

"Hey! What are you doing?" She asked.

I pulled out my wand and pointed it at her. The whole hall was watching now.

"D-Draco? What are you doing?" She asked, fear in her voice.

I started crying again. Tears flooding down my face but I didn't dare lower my wand.

"Saving you," I whispered.

She raised a confused eyebrow.

"I love you, Hermione," I said and she gasped. Before she could open her mouth I said it. That one word I hate. That I've hated since the moment I used it on her.

"Obliviate," I said loudly.

Her eyes went misty and unfocused before she readjusted.

"Malfoy? What do you want?" She asked roughly.

I lowered my wand, "I'm sorry." I said.

"For what?" She asked breaking her cold glare for a minute.

I closed my eyes, "Nothing," I whispered before turning around and walking towards the Slytherin table.