Harry and Ron

Hermione's POV:

I clutched the railing half heartidly. Just one step and its all over. One step and all the pain is gone. There's no one here who cares for me anymore. The only people on my side are Bill and Fluer. They're the only ones who believe me, but I can't be a burden to them anymore. One step and its all over.

I carefully take my left foot off the edge and hang it over the ledge. A bend my knee slightly and feel satisfied when there's nothing there. Just step off and its all over. A quick and painless death. I could fall three hundred feet right now and its all gone.

I give a small laugh and loosen my grip. Here it goes. Time to end all this pain.

"Granger, stop!"

What the hell? I hold onto the railing tightly and being my foot back. I quickly turn my head around to see who's there. I thought I locked the Astronomy Tower so no one could stop me.

"Don't do this," the voice says again.

I crane my neck and I see a tall muscular figure with silver-blonde hair. I scoff and turn back to the grounds.

"Go away, Malfoy," I say, my voice breaking.

"The hell I'm leaving," He says, "The second I leave you'll fucking kill yourself!"

"Then you should be happy," I say, "Another Mudblood gone from the world."

"Granger," he says again, "Climb back over."

I shake my head, tears falling. I twist my body around so I'm now facing him and when I let go, I'll fall backwards.

"No," I say.

"Granger, come on. Think about this. Do you know how many people will miss you?"

"Like who? Ron claimed me as a cheat, he won't even look at me. Harry and Ginny hardly notice me. They're to busy grieving. The entire Weasley family doesn't care. Bill and Fluer won't know. They don't have to know," I cry.

"Your parents would care," he tells me and more tears escape.

"They can't! My parents are dead! You're father killed them. He bloody murdered them in their own home!" I scream.

Malfoy face pales instantly, "And he will pay for that." He tells me, "But come on. Suicide isn't the answer."

"Isn't it?" I ask, "Isn't it? Isn't it the only way to make all the pain go away? Now one cares, Malfoy! No one cares if I die!"

"People do care," he says as he stands in front of me, looking into my eyes, "You're Hermione Granger. Role model to thousands of young girls everywhere. Your friends care. Your family cares. I.... I care."

"No. They don't. You don't. I don't have any friends! All my friends are gone!" I tell him.

"I do," he pleads, "Please, Granger, just come back over."

I shake my head again and loosen my grip. I take one hand off and lean back a bit. I could end it all now.

"Hermione, stop!" Malfoy cries and grabs my arm, holding me agasint the railing, "Please, just stop."

I froze. He said my name. Why?

"Please," He said again looking into my eyes with such intensity it hurt to look at him, "Please don't do this."

"I have to," I said, "I have to. Its the only way to end the pain."

"I'll help you," Malfoy begs, "But think. You'll bring others pain. Bill and Fluer you mentioned? I know you stay with them on breaks. I write to them all the time to make sure your okay. They care for you! It's like your their sister or daughter or something! You'll bring them pain that they couldn't help you!"

"You don't understand," I whisper, "My parents are dead. My friends act like I don't exist. They have each other to lean on, but not once did they come to ms for help. They didn't let me help them. They didn't help me..."

"They must have reasons, Hermione, just please don't do this. Let's go talk to them, okay? We'll find out why they're avoiding you, okay?" Malfoy asks.

I shake my head again, "I can't. I just want it to end."

"Please, Hermione, just let's talk to them and if they hurt you more, you can go end this. You can jump, but please, at least give it a chance!" Malfoy begs me.

"Fine," I say.

He must have known I was going to Juno just then because he held onto my arm firmly and wrapped the other around my waist and pulled me over. He carried me bridal style all the way to the Fat Lady's portrait cause I couldn't walk.

"Passwo- oh dear Miss Granger! Please take her in," the Fat Lady said Malfoy and opened the door quickly.

I walked into the common room. It was had only the seventh years in it. Potter, Weasleys, and others.

"Malfoy," Weasel said coldly, "What did you do yo Hermione?"

"I just stopped her from jumping off the Astronomy Tower and killing herself," I said a lot calmer than I felt.

"Like she'd do that," He sneered to me.

"Wouldn't she?" I asked the room, "You've all been avoiding her. The only people who've actually tried to help her is your brother and his wife. Bill and Fluer."

Potter scoffed and glared at me, "We haven't been avoiding her. She needs time to get over this so we've left her alone."

"Exactly. You all have each other. Every single one of you has someone you lean on for support through this, and who does she have? No one. Bill and Fluer can't constantly be with harm they have jobs, lives outside of therapy. And you all just left her to her thoughts. I'm not kidding when I said I just stopped her from killing herself," I fumed.

"Mione," Weasel said, "Come here. Now."

Hermione gripped tighter to me so I didn't let her down.

"Ferret! Put her down!" Harry bellowed.

"No," I said, "We've come for reasons why none of you were there for her. I'd we don't get good ones, she'll kill herself. And I might not be able to stop her."

"We already told you," Weasel sneered, "She needed to be alone."

"What about the rest of you?" I asked the group.

My eyes strayed to Longbottom. He had been looking at Hermione with sympathy and now was glaring daggers at Potter and Weasley. That's when it clicked.

"You threatened them to stay away from her," I said.

The group all looked at me, faces blank, but eyes telling me I was correct. I scoffed. I couldn't believe this. Hermione's best friends had threatened everyone to stay away from her so she could be driven mad.

"Longbottom," I said, "Come. Thomas and Finnigan, join if you wish."

I could tell that the three of them would follow me. The two girls in the room however, were looking at Hermione with disgust so I didn't bother with them.

The boys glared at Harry and Ron before standing and following me out of the room, but not before Longbottom said, "Potter, Weasleys, if you have any trances of a heart you'll leave us alone. You'll leave Mione alone. Don't come near us again, and if you lay a finger on our families, well, Blaise Zabini can help us extract those memories of your threats. You'll have a life sentence to Azkaban."

And with that we left.