
"Malfoy!" Ginny shouted from the Head Girl room, where she was with her best friend Hermione.

"What?" Malfoy called back, annoyed that she had interrupted him working on his Potions essay.

"I need your opinion on something!" She called back.

"What is it and why should I?" Malfoy called back, leaving against the couch and closing his eyes.

"Its Hermione! She's got a date and I want to make sure she looks good!"

"I honestly don't care!"

"I'll do your Transfiguration essay!"

"Bring her down!" Malfoy called. Less homework for him to do.

Ginny quickly ran down the stairs, her hair wild and make up all over her clothes.

"What happened to you?" Malfoy asked, quite shocked at her appearance.

"I had to force her into this outfit and to wear makeup," Ginny said, "She wanted to wear jeans and a T-shirt with no makeup. Can you believe her?"

"Yes. Its Granger," Malfoy said.

"Ginny! Is this really necessary? I mean who willingly where's crap like this?" Hermione asked as she came down.

Malfoy glanced over to her then back to Ginny before realizing what he saw and looking back, eyes wide. He couldn't help but stare. The girl was bloody beautiful.

Hermione was wearing a knee length light blue dress that was tight fitting at the top and flowed from the waist down. It had a silver belt and cape sleeves with a U cut neckline. Her hair had been brushed and tamed to sit in waves down her back, with a silver headband and a few strands if hair closer to her face. She was wearing more makeup than she ever had in her life. A light blue eye shadow, pink lip gloss, mascara, blush and almost everything else.

"Uh, Malfoy? Are you okay?" Hermione asked when the girls realized he had been staring for nearly five minutes.

"I think he likes it," Ginny laughed.

"Its creeping me out," Hermione said, "MALFOY!"

"Huh?" Malfoy said finally breaking out if his trance.

"You done?" Hermione asked.

"Done with what?"

"Staring at me. Its what you've done for the past five minutes," Hermione said.

Malfoy blushed a bit and looked away.

"So, ferret," Ginny said, "What d'you think?"

"Uh, its alright," Malfoy said still not looking at the girls.

"Oh come its better than 'alright' "Ginny complained.

"Fine," Malfoy said picking up a book and opening it to read, "She's bloody beautiful."

"Is he being sarcastic? Sometimes I can't tell," Hermione asked.

"I don't think he is otherwise he'd look at us while saying that," Ginny said with a smirk.

Hermione raised an eyebrow and looked over at Malfoy, "Malfoy."


"Were you being sarcastic? Its quite hard to tell."

"Nope." Malfoy answered as he turned the page, a blush rising over his cheeks.

"Oh my godric! He's talking the truth! Look, look, he's actually blushing! You made him blush! I need a picture of this!" Ginny rambled and upon earning weird looks from Hermione and Malfoy, added, "For blackmail. Duh. Its not every day that you see Malfoy get flustered. And he never gets flustered by Hermione Granger."

"Ginny," Hermione said, "You're weird."

"Well, obviously," Ginny sighed, "I'll be right back. I need to go find you a date."

"Wait, what?" Hermione asked holding Ginny's arm, "What did you say?"

"Er- I um, need to uh...find you a um, a date so that uh... So that uh. Yeah" Ginny stuttered.

"Ginny," Hermione said sternly and Malfoy closed his book to watch the argument.

"Okay. I just wanted to get you dressed up and see Malfoy's reaction so I lied and said I got you a date for tonight," Ginny confessed.

Hermione stared at her and Ginny slowly backed away.

"You may leave, Ginny," Hermione said calmly, "I will kill you tomorrow."

"Until then," Ginny said with a fake salute and ran out.

"Well that was..... Interesting," Malfoy said as Hermione sat down on the couch next to them, unaware that she hasn't left as much space between them as she thought she had.

"I swear to Merlin she will kill me one day. I don't know how I even believed her! I mean look! She got me into a bloody dress. I look.. I look... Oh what's that word?" Hermione rambled.

"Beautiful," Malfoy whispered, but it didn't go unheard by Hermione.

She looked up at him with confusion in her eyes, "What did you say?"

"Oh, uh, nothing?" Malfoy said quickly as his stomach flipped.

"No, no, no. You said beautiful," Hermione said keeping her brown eyed locked into the gray ones.

She didn't realize though that this was slowly killing Malfoy. She was making him stare into her chocolate brown eyes, and he felt himself falling into them with every passing second.

"I did, didn't I?" Malfoy finally whispered.

"Yes you did," Hermione said softly, confused at Malfoy odd behavior.

Malfoy gazed into her eyes a while longer, not wanting this moment to end. Before he realized what he was doing, he was staring down at her soft pink lips, slightly parted in shock.

"M-Malfoy?" Hermione asked when she realized that her childhood enemy was staring at her lips with a dangerous look in his eyes.

Malfoy tore his gaze away from her lips to look her in the eyes. Her beautiful eyes that he wanted to gaze into for the rest of his life. He reached a hand up and cupped her face, looking back at her soft lips, and all he wanted to do was kiss them until he died.

Hermione felt her heart beat faster as Malfoy placed a hand on her face. She didn't move not because she wanted to stay, but because she was in such a state of shock she wouldn't be able to if she tried.

"Screw it," Malfoy said before leaning down and placing his lips on hers.

Hermione gasped as she watched him lean down and kiss her. Her stomach flipped over completely and she found herself kissing him back, her arms wrapped around his neck.

Malfoy moved her into his lap as their kiss continued and turned into a full out snogging session. His arms were wrapped around her waist and holding her as close as he could possibly get her.

"Hey, Hermione? I left my- WHAT IN THE NAME OF VOLDEMORTS MISSING NOSE?" Ginny said as she walked in on her best friend and enemy snogging each other senseless.

"Later gin," Hermione said in between kisses.

"Yeah, I can tell your a bit busy," Ginny grinned.

"Tell anyone - and I'll - kill you," Hermione mumbled.

"Alright, see you later!" Ginny said leaving, but not before getting a picture. Who knows when you'll need blackmail?