
The rain splattered against the windows of the Hogwarts express, the wind furiously hitting the sides of the Hogwarts express and shaking it every now and then.

Alone in the compartment sat Hermione Granger. Gryffindor's Princess, bookworm, brains behind the golden trio, and brightest witch if her age. Harry and Ron hadn't returned to Hogwarts and Ginny was off with some friends. Neville had offered to sit with her if she got lonley and all she had to do was find him.

Hermione was just about to take him up on that over when the door to the compartment slid open. It was none other than Draco Malfoy, Slytherin Prince, forced to be death eater, and bully.

"Malfoy," Hermione sighed. She was definiatley in the mood for an argument.

"Granger," Malfoy said, "Should've known you'd come back."

"And why are you back?" She asked trying to keep arguing to a minimum.

"Mum wanted me to finish my year. With dad gone sh- wait why am I telling you?" Malfoy asked, mentally slapping himself for almost, spilled his heart out in front of Granger.

"I don't know," Hermione said closing her eyes and exhaling deeply.

"You okay there?" He asked her, unsure if it was appropriate or not.

"You don't even care, so don't bother asking," She said open her eyes and facing him with a smile that didn't quite miss her eyes.

For some reason Malfoy hated seeing the young witch like this. It reminded him of his mum after the war. After his father had been given the Demsntors kiss. His mum was so broken, but out up a guard the kept everyone from seeing what she truly felt. Everyone but him. He'd always been good at reading people and could see straight through any masks put up.

"Your right," he said, "I don't. I guess ilk leave you be then."

Hermione was quite taken aback by this, but nodded. Malfoy turned to leave when the train gave a huge kurch and he was thrown backwards into the compartment, the door slamming shut. Of course this was a small compartment with only on seat, so he fell straight to the floor.

"Are you okay?" Hermione asked as she knelt down besides him. He had a large gash in his head from where he hit a screw.

"Yeah," Malfoy breathed slowly sitting up, "Just caught off guard."

Hermione smirked and set to work fixing him. She healed the gash in his head as well as many other small cuts and bruises.

"There," she said as she finished, "All done."

"Oh er-thanks, uh, Granger," Malfoy said as the two got to their feet.

He approached the door and tried to pull it open, but it wouldn't budge. Just then McGonagall hurried by.

"Ah Mr. Malfoy, is there anyone in there with you?"

"Yes, Professor," Hermione said, "What happened?"

"There's a horrible storm. I'm afraid we can't make it to Hogwarts. I ask you two to please stay in there. Transfigure food if you need. Your door won't budge which is safer. Shall the train move again, you won't fall out. I must go. Please stay here," McGongall said hurriedly before leaving.

"We have to stay the whole night here?" Hermione asked.

"Yep. That's what she said," Draco said as Hermione groanes and turned away.

The train then gave another lurch, and the two fell to the floor. Hermione landed on her back with Draco falling on top of her, an arm on either side of her.

After a moment the two seemed to notice how they had fallen and a blush appeared on both their faces.

"Malfoy," Hermione said, "Get off of me."

"No thanks," he replied.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I said, no thanks."

Hermione inhaled deeply and closed her eyes in frustration, "Why not?" She asked, trying to move her arms that were stuck under Draco's stomach.

Hermione opened her eyes to find Draco smirking down at her, "I happen to be quite comfortable." He replied.

"Malfoy," Hermione groaned.


"Get off."








"Hey!" Hermione exclaimed, "That's not fair, you tricked me."

"Or you want me to stay," Malfoy replied wiggling his eyebrows.

"Sod off," Hermione sighed as she rolled her eyes.



"Under one condition."

"What?" Hermione asked exsaparated.

Malfoy lowered his face so his lips were brushing Hermione's ear and whispered, "Kiss me."

"W-What?" Hermione stuttered.

"Kiss me," Malfoy breathed, lulling away to look at her face.

She was clearly confused as her eyebrows were furrowed. Malfoy couldn't help but smirk at his cute she looked.  Without giving her time to think, he leaned down and placed his lips on hers.

Hermione gasped when she felt Malfoys lips gently touch hers. Her eyes immediately refocused and she saw Malfoy kissing her. She realized he one; wasn't going to get off or two; stop kissing her until she kissed back.

So closing her eyes, she slowly kissed him back, feeling Draco smirk against her. Their mouths moved in perfect synchronization and neither one pulled back for a long time.

When Draco finally did, he looked down at her eyes and smirked. She hasn't seen that one coming. Hermione face was red, but she didn't break his gaze.

"Still want me to get off?" He questioned in a raspy voice.

"If you do that again, you can stay," Hermione replied.

Draco smirked and brought his lips to hers once more.