
"Hey! Malfoy!" Hermione called up the steps to the head boys dorm. She and Ginny had been discussing what to get all their friends for Chrsitmas, and got stuck on Malfoy.

"What?" He asked walking down the stairs and plopping onto the couch next to Hermione while Ginny was on the floor, using the coffee table to write on.

"What do you want for Christmas? Me and Gin are stuck on your name," Hermione said.

"Nothing," he responded, while in his mind he chanted

"Too bad," Ginny said, "Pick something."

"I don't want anything," he protested while he head sang "Shut up!" He said slapping his head.

"You okay there?" Hermione asked.

"Fine. Stupid voices in your head," he mumbled.

"If you don't pick, we'll have to fund something," Hermione said.

"You do that. What d'you guys want?" Malfoy asked.

"Oh, were fine!" Ginny said, "Between my family and our friends we always get what we want. Although my stupid brothers won't use their stupid money to buy me a broom! I mean come on! Who needs that much money?"

Hermione laughed at her little outburst (Draco's POV starting now), "So Granger," I said, "What do you want?"

"You don't have to get me anything," she said.

"Well what if I want to buy my two best female friends a gift?" I asked, "I have plenty if money. Hey that's it!" I snapped my fingers, "I'll get you money and let you choose."

Ginny glared at me while Hermione laughed, "I'm Sirius though," I said, "What you wish is my command."

"I wish for nothing," Hermione said.

I glared at her until she threw her hands in the air and said, "Fine! You win! Just get some cheap book."

I rolled my eyes at her and looked at Ginny, "Well, Weaslette? Anything in particular?"

"A new brother? Mine are horrible. Excoet bill. He's alright," She answered cheekily.

I laughed, "Fine. I'll improvise."

Later that day we all went out to Hogsmeade. We stock together for most or the time, and then separated tho get gifts for each other. Blaise had tagged along and he went with me since we had already gotten each other gifts.

"So," Blaise said, "Any ideas on what to get the girls? I'm thinking books for Mione and whatever the hell I see for Gin. Maybe jewelery. Girls like that."

"Yeah," I said noticing Blaise's cheeks gain a blush at the mention of Ginny, "I'm going to get Weaslette a broom. Merlin knows she's one of the best, if not the best, quidditch players at Hogwarts and she's riding that crappy cleansweep."

"Wow, mate. Which one?" Blaise asked.

"The firebolt II just came out. I think I'll go for that," I said.

"WHAT?" Blaise screeched, "Dude that's like 5,000 galleons."

"I know. And, dude, my parents are dead so I have this huge fortune I don't want. Might as well spend it on my friends." I said.

"Right. What about Hermione?" Blaise asked, saying her name in a teasing way.

"Not sure yet. She said some cheap books, but to hell if I listen to that."

"You have fallen hard," Blaise muttered.

After a few hours we met with the girls at the three broomsticks before retiring to Hogwarts. I was staying here with Blaise while the girls were going to the Burrow with Pothea-uh Harry and Wease- Ron- yeah that's not happening, Weasel.

"MIONE WAKE UO! ITS CHRISTMAS!" Ginny screeched in my ear.

I groaned and sat up to find the normal red and hold package at the foot of my bed. I opened it up and pulled on my blue sweater with a silver H on the front. How Molly knew that these were my favorite colors, I don't even know.

Once we had on our sweaters, me and Ginny went downstairs to find Harry, Ron, George and his girlfriend Angelina, Percy and his muggle fiance Audrey, Bill, Fluer and their daughter Victorie, Charlie, and Teddy. Harry had been watching teddy since Andromeda passed away. He was his godfather after all.

"Hello!" Everyone greeted us.

"GINNY! HERMIONE! THERES OWLS FOR YOU!" Molly said as she kes in four owls.

Two each had a box, one had a smaller box, and the last had a long package with a note.

"He didn't! That bloody bastard as a way to big ego!" Ginny gasped when she saw the long package was to her.

"What's it say?" I asked.

"Dear Weaslette-"

"WAIT!" Ron cried, "Isn't that Malory's name for you?"

"Yes Ron, it is. As I was saying. Dear Weaslette, I told you I'd send money but changed my mind. You bloody owe me. Also, don't let Granger open her gift until she's alone with you. Bye, Ferret." Ginny read.

"Wait, Malfoy bought you two gifts?" George asked.

"Yep, and I believe Blaise did to," I said as she checked the other birds, "I was right. Here gin!"

"Why would Malfoy And Zabini do that?" Harry asked.

"Maybe because were all really good friends?" Hermione asked, "Speaking if which I left their gifts from us under the tree in our common room."

"You share a common room with the ferret and zabini?" Ron asked looking outraged.

"That's what happens when we're Head and Deputy Head girl and they're Head and Deputy head Boy," I said.

"Why don't you open the ones from your friends first, then we'll do family," Molly said.

We nodded and Ginny ripped the paper off Malfoys gift to reveal a broomstick.

Everyone in the room except Fluer and I gasped.

"Gin...." Harry said.

"Isn't that," Ron gasped.

"The firebolt II" Angelina said, "Only the most expensive brrom there is. Only twenty were made."

"Now I feel bad," Ginny said.

"Why?" Ron asked.

"Because I got him a..." She whispered the last part and the whole room started laughing.

"Bloody Hell," Bill sighed earning a slap from his wife, "Ginny you better take care of that. Its literally the best broom in the world. 5,000 galleons."

"5,000 GALLEONS?" Ginny screeched.

Ron nodded and covered his ears, "That bloody bastard! Why the hell would he soen his money like that! Stupid git!" She said.