
A/N: Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa were under the Imperius Curse. I need Lucius to be a supporting father in the one-shot, so deal with it. Please? Also, FRED IS ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.......... sorry i got happy.

"Draco!" Mum called from down the hall, "Can you come here please? Your father and I need to talk to you!"

"Sure mum!" I called back as I set my book down on my bed and hopped onto the cold wooden floor.

The book I was reading was about Veelas. Odd I know, but mum asked me to read it and I love her more than anything, so I read it.

I threw some shoes on my feet and walked into the hallway. The Manor had been redecorated and was a lot brighter and happier before. The corridor, that once was dark and creepy, was now bright with pale lilac walls and light brown wooden floors, with a long blue carpet that stretched down the hall. There were a few small desks with vases full of mums favorite flowers, and even a mirror next to a picture of my family from when I was six.

Upon reaching my Dad's study, I knocked twice before entering.

"Hello Mum! Dad!" I said with a smile that quickly faded when I saw the looks on their faces, "Is everything alright?" I asked quickly.

"Well, son," My father says, "We've just found out something less than a week ago. Apparently Voldemort his this knowledge in the back of our minds and we have recently remembered it."

"Son," Mum said sadly, "Your father is a half-Veela, and you are a full one. You must find your mate and get her to love you before your 21st birthday, or you will die."

"What?" I gasped, falling back on the light green couch, "Y-You must be mistaken."

"We are not, Draco," My dad said softly, "We had you read the Veela book so you'd know what to do."

"But I turn 21 in less than a year. Eight months!" I said.

"We know son," Dad said, "You need to find her now though. Your tune is running out. You must kiss her before midnight, or you will die. You if course know this, from the book."

I nodded slowly, "H-How do I find her?" I asked.

"Well," Mum said, speaking for the first time in a while, "Since you need to find her, you'll be able to look into her head and see out of her eyes for a moment. But only once! So be careful."

I nodded and closed my eyes. I met the Veela in me take over and search for my Mate. The Veela must have found it because I suddenly felt a slight pain in my chest before I was seeing something.

It was Potter and Weasel. And the mother Weasley! Before I could see anymore, I was pulled out from my mates head and I blacked out.

I was laughing with Harry and Ron at the table. Mrs. Weasley just walked in and went to the stove to start dinner when I got a sharp pain in my head.

I cried out and clutched my head. The pain wouldn't stop, and it hurt really bad.

"Mione?" Ron, my ex-boyfriend, called out, "What's wrong?"

"I don't know!" I said through gritted teeth, my eyes squeezed shut, "Its my head!"

Mrs. Weasley hurried over and gave me a pain relief potion. I drank it down quickly, grimacing at the taste. It only helped a bit and the pain was still there.

"Huh?" Molly said, "It should've worked."

"Its okay Mrs. Weas- uh, Molly." I said, "It went away mostly."

"What was that?" Harry asked once Molly had gone back to her cooking.

"I don't know. It was like someone was in my mind and was trying to pull me out of it and then left," I explained, hoping it made sense.

If it didn't mame sense, Harrg and Ron didn't say anything. But their faces did. They looked so confused that I started laughing.

I was suddenly filled with happiness, and I shot up.

"Great," My father said as Hus face became un-blurred, "You're awake."

"Did you sdd where she was?" Mum asked me.

I stood up and nodded, "Well I didn't see the exact place but she was in a home of some sorts with Potter, Weasley, and the Mother Weasley."

"She must be at the Weasleys home!" My father said excitedly.

"But who's there that could be my mate?" I asked.

"Well," Mum said, "Definatley the Weasley girl. And j wouldn't be surprised if Ms. Granger was there. And if they have friends over, they might be their to."

"Alright," I said, "Let's go!"

I had to admit, I was really excited to find my mate, and a part I'd me really hoped it was Granger. She was kind and intelligent, but she could be very funny at times. Plus she wasn't half-bad to look at, so that was a bonus.

Mum and dad nodded and we held hands and apparated into the Weasleys yard right as everyone one from the house had come outside for who knows what.

That's when I smelt it. It was amazing. Like cinnamon and apples. I closed my eyes and breathed in the scent again.

"YOU ARE ONE TO!" A voice cried.

My family turned to see a girl who had to be around 25 with long silvery-blonde hair. I remembered her from the Triwizard tournament. I believe her name was Fluer Delacour.

Fluer pointed at me and said, "You 'are Veela to!"

"I am," I nodded, earning a collective gasp from the Weasleys.

I looked around to see who was their. The older Weasleys were there in the back next to Bill and Fluer, Charlie, and Percy and some girl. Then there was the twins and a dark skinned girl as well as the Weasley girl. Then if course the golden trio.

"What are you doing here, Malfoy?" Ron snarled at me.

"He ez looking for hez mate," Fluer said, "Am I 'orrect?"

I nodded to her and she smiled at me, "I thought so. How long untel your 21st birthday?"

"Eight months," I answered.

Her eyes widened, "Have tku found your mate?"

"That's why I'm here," I replied, thankful this girl was here. She actually understood what was happening.

" 'We must hurry then," Fluer said, "Girls, stand over their." She pointed an empty area to the left of the big group.

The girls gave her weird looks but listened. The stood in a line of sorts. The dark skinned girl was the closest to me, followed by the girl next to Percy, then Ginny, and finally Hermione.

"I am not you mate," Fluer said, "I have already found mine," She smiled up at Bill who grinned at her, "Just stand en front of each girl. Your Veela senses will tell you when you 'ave found your mate." She explained to me.

I nodded my thanks and approached the dark skinned girl. It wasn't her so I moved to the other person. She had long brown hair, pale skin, and freckles. It wasn't her either. I moved to Ginny, and the smell of Cinnamon and apples continued to grow.

My heart raced as I looked at Ginny. It wasn't her. That meant it had to be, "Granger," I said.

I stood in front of her and my Veela senses went through the roof. I smiled at her and breathed in her wonderful scent if cinnamon and apples.

"Yes?" She asked as I continued to grin down at her.

"Hello Hermione," I said before cupping her fave with my hand and kissing her.

I could hear protests from Harry and Ron, but I didn't stop. I could also hear Fluer cheering for me. I guessed it wasn't often that she got to witness other Veelas finding their mates.

All the noise got blocked out when Hermione started to kiss me back. My Veela went haywire, and I wrapped my arms around her waist to pull her closer, slightly lifting her as she was a lot shorter then me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and didn't let go of me.

Finally we broke away and rested forehead to forehead.

"So in your mate?" She whispered to me smiling.

"You are," I said.

"Good," she said and I kissed her again. There was no better feeling in the world than her warm, soft lips on mine.