
I was sitting alone in a compartment. Harry and Ron weren't coming back this year. They'd gotten jobs as aurors. I could've to, but I want to be a healer so I need to go back to school and complete my N.E.W.T.S. to qualify.

Ginny was off with Luna and Neville and I had escaped to be alone I'm the quiet. Since the war, I've learned to vue the quiet. Queit means safety. Well, mostly.

I'd been sitting there for thrity minutes when there was a knock at the door. I opened it to find a really tall, like a foot above me, boy with a hoodie covering his face.

"Uh, can I help you?" I asked.

"Mind if I sit? I can't be near my friends right now," he asked softly.

He seemed my age and I assumed it he was also feeling the effects of war. I nodded and opened the door before returning to my seat and looking out the window.

The boy walked in and closed the door behind him before taking a seat opposite me. I snuck a glance at him to see him looking at his hands.

"Are you alright?" I asked him, turning my attention to my companion.

He shook his head.

"Want to talk about it?" I offered. I knew that if I had the chance to spill my heart out and get everything off my chest, j would.

"I would," The boy sighed, "But you wouldn't listen."

"Of course I would," I defended.

"No, you wouldn't. I know you fought in the war. I did to. But not like you. I was forced to be on the wrong side. The side I never wanted to be on in the first place," The boy said, and I saw a tear fall into his lap.

I stood up and sat down right next to him. He didn't flinch away, "Try me." I said.

The boy sighed before speaking, "My father, not my father. No man who is like that could ever be fit to be a father. always believed Voldemort was right. He joined him. Told me my whole life that his proudest moment would be when I got the mark to. All I've wanted is for my father to be proud of me, but its hard. He wants me to hate people like you. Muggleborns. Mum though doesn't care and he would abuse her for that. I'd try to stop him from hurting her, so he'd turn his wand on me. I never minded. I was keeping mum safe and that's all that mattered."

The boy took a breath and looked out the window, "I never wanted that mark. He did. I wanted him to be proud of me so I took it. I was sixteen and given a task. Most full grown men and woman wouldn't be able to do it, yet they gave it to a sixteen year old. When the time came for me to finish my task, I couldn't do it. So someone did it for me. Then j had stay loyal to Voldemort until Harry Potter would finally take him down. Of course I never said this to anyone though."

The boy looked back down at his lap and continued, "There was a time where I could have turned in Potter. Could have easily given him to the Dark Lord. But I didn't. I said I'm not sure and that gave him time to escape. Then the war came and my parents forced me to fight. Well, he did. Mum told me to get to safety. I stayed and fought. I looked like I was on Voldemort's side, but any chance I got I'd take down death eaters. Kill them. I almost died from a really terrible accident but I was saved by a Gryffindor. I will forever be thankful to him."

The boy drew another breath, "Then Harry was declared dead. Voldemort called for everyone on Hogwarts side to join him or died. That's when my father- not my father. That's when Lucius called for me."

I drew a breath as I realized who was sitting next to me, pouring his heart out and crying.

"I didn't want to go. I wouldn't have gone. I didn't at first, but Lucius held his wand to my mothers throat so I went. I crossed the field to the side I wanted destroyed more than anything. No one trusts me because of what I did. No one. Then Neville came forward and made a speech. It was halfway through when I saw something. Harry blinked. I knew he was alive but j didn't say anything. I uses legilimens. I went into his mind and asked him if he had a wand. He said no. I told him that when the time was right, reveal himself and everything would be fine. When Neville pulled out the sword from that hat, it was time. Harry knew it to and rolled out of Hagrid arms. I ran to the side and yelled his name before tossing him my wand that I was using. He caught it and shot a spell at Voldemort."

"My parents trued to run. I told mum she had to go. So she did. I forces her to. Father was livid with me when I said I was going to fight Voldemort's followers. But I did. After he was defeated, I stayed behind. I attended Fred Weasleys funeral. No one knew I was there except George. He had caught me apologizing to Fred's body when the war was over, so he invited me to come. He snuck me into Professor Lupin and Dora's funeral. Dora was my cousin. Know one knew that we were in touch. She usually helped me and gave me advice, but didn't mention a thing to anyone about it. I feel horrible for the things I've done. I want to forget everything but I can't. The ministry charmed my wand so I can't obliviate my memorys. They won't let me do it."

The boy finally pulled down his hoodie and it was who I thought it was. Draco Malfoy.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, "I'm so sorry for all the pain I've caused. I just wanted to keep you safe. I'm really really sorry."

I acted without thinking. A leaned my head up to him, and kissed him. He kissed back immediately. His arms wrapped around my waist and as kissed me, and I could tell from the passion he put into it that he'd wanted to do this for so long. Our kiss was slow and passionate, and full of emotion. Sorrow, guilt, remorse, longing,

He pulled back when we needed oxygen and rested his forehead agasint mine, his eyes still closed.

"Thank you," He whispered to me.

"For what?"

"I really needed that. I've been waiting years to do that," he said.

"Funny enough," I said, "So have I."

He opened his eyes and grinned at me, "I love you Hermione."

"And I love you Draco."