Slytherin Style

"I can't believe McGongall is forcing us all to share a common room!" Astoria complained out loud to the group of Slytherins and Gryffindors, "And now we have to spend 'House Untity Building' time together."

"None of us fancy it Gree- uh, Astoria," Dean said.

They were all forces to call each other by their first names. In the group you the Slytherins which were Astoria and Daphne Greengrass, Blaise Zabini, Theodore (Theo) Nott, Pansy Parkinson, and Draco Malfoy. (Crabbe AND Goyle died in the war because I wanted them to, so ha.)

Among the Gryffindors sat Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Ron and Ginny Wealsey, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, Neville Longbottom, and Parvati Patil.

Astoria smirked at his mistake.

"Hey I have an idea!" Pansy exclaimed, "Let's play Truth or Dare."

"Slytherin Style?" Blaise asked.

"Is there any other way?" Daphne asked as Theo jumped up and ran to his, Blaise, and Draco's room.

"Uh, whats the Slytherin way?" Harry asked.

"Well, basically its normal truth or dare. But if you pick truth you either take a drop of Veritaserum and answer truthfully, or a short of firewhiskey. Same for dare except if you don't so it you take two shots," Pansy explained.

Ginny smirked widely, "Sounds perfect."

"You sure you weren't asked to be put in Slytherin?" Astoria asked, "You have the smirk and attitude for it."

"Well, the hat considered it," Ginny said siriusly, "But I wanted to stay with my brothers so in the end I won."

"Ha!" Ron cried out, "I knew it! She would've been put in Slytherin, pay up Neville!"

Everyone stares as Neville groaned and handed over five galleons.

"You siriusly were betrung on that?" Ginny asked.

"Please," Ron scoffed, "Me, Bill, and George are about to become siriusly rich from these bets."

Ginny slapped Ron's arm as Theo came back in with a bottle of firewhiskey for everyone. He passed them out before they began.

"I'm going first!" He called and spum a bottle in the middle. It landed on Neville, "Perfect! Truth or dare?"

"Dare," Neville replied. His courage had improved greatly since the war.

"I dare you tell Binns you're in love with him!" Theo said.

Neville shrugged and left the room. He came back ten minutes later and played a memory in front of them.

"Damn Neville," Pansy said, "I didn't think you'd do it."

Neville shrugged and span the bottle. "Harry!" Neville said, "Truth or Dare?"

"Truth," harry said quickly.

"For the kid who defeated Voldemort, you aren't that brave," Astoria commented.

"He's been scared of dares ever since Ron made him run down the streets of our hometown in just his boxers," Ginny said laughing.

"Hey!" Harry exclaimed.

"Alright, Harry. Who was your first kiss?" Neville asked.

Daphne handed him the Veritaserum but harry pushed it away, "Don't need it. Cho Chang." He responded.

Ron laughed remembering his description of his kiss with Cho as Harry slun the bottle. It landed on Hermione.

"Truth," she responded without being asked.

"I thought you Gryffindors were brave?" Blaise asked.

"You wouldn't take dare if Ron's given you one," Hermione muttered, "He made me snog Fred. It was so awkward."

Harry suddenly smiled widley, "Oh this will be good," he looked at Malfoy before saying, "What's your favorite memory of Malfo- Draco?"

"Oh that's easy. Third year? Want to see it?" Hermione asked.

"Yes!" Everyone said except for Draco who practically screamed, "NO!"

"What's wrong? Never told your friends." Hermione asked.

"I didn't. Only Blaise since he was there," Draco muttered.

"Wait is this in front of the rocks?" Blaise asked excitedly.

"Yep," Hermione said before playing the memory.

"That's my best one!" She said.

"She punched you?" Theo asked, while Astoria, Pansy, and Daphne were high giving Hermione and complimenting her on her swing.

Draco groaned as Hermione spun the bottle and it landed on Blaise, "Truth or Dare?"


"Let me dye your hair." She said with a smirk that could compete against Malfoys.

Blaise eyes widened and he drank the firewhiskey.

"Well that's no fun," Hermione said.

"Be honest, you'd do pink and blue or something."

"Actually, I was going to so Red and Gold." Hermione said.

Blaise scowled and spun the bottle which landed on Draco.

"Truth or Dare mate?"

"Dare," Draco answered boredly.

Blaise thought for a moment before saying, "Payback!"

"What?" Pansy asked.

"Draco," Blaise said while smirking like a madman, "I dare you to snog Hermione."

Draco raised an eyebrow while Hermione's mouth fell open.

"What?" Blaise asked, "You were going to dye my hair to be Gryffindor."

Hermione glared at him and no one noticed Draco had stood up until he had pulled Hermione up.

"What the-?" She started but was cut off when Draco pushed his body against hers trapping her between him and the wall before placing his lips on hers.

Hermione's gasp could be heard clearly through the silence in the room. Draco smirked into her but didn't release her. After a few seconds, Hermione realized she wasn't going to get out until she obliged, so she closed her eyes and kissed him back.

Draco smirked even more as he wrapped his arms around her small waist, pulling her closer if it was possible and Hermione ran hands through his hair. They continued this for a good two minutes before finally pulling back for air.

"Not bad, Granger," Draco said.

"Not to bad yourself, Malfoy." Hermione replied before they sat down again, but this time next to each other.

"What the bloody hell just happened?" Ron asked.

"NO! MY REVENGE BACKFIRED!" Blaise cried before he realized what happened, "Wait a minute. They actually snogged. YES! YES, YES, YES, YES, YES!"

Everyone stared as Blaise jumped up and did a weird happy dance, "I DID IT! I DID IT! I HAVE TO FIND SNAPE! WE FINALLY DID IT! THIS CALLS FOR A CELEBRATION!" He practically scremaes before pulling Pansy up with him.

"PANSY IT HAPPENED! WE DID IT!" Blaise shrieked.

"Did what?" Snake asked as he came in to investigate the noise.

"DRAMIONE!" Blaise shrieked in a girly way.

"It happened?" Snape asked.

"Obviously!" Pansy said as Blaise resumed his happy dance.

Snape grinned before running out shouting, "HA! I KNEW IT! MINERVA YOU OWE ME FIFTY GALLEONS!"

"What just happened?" Hermione asked as she watched Blaise continue his weird dance.

"Magic," Draco supplied, leaning down and kissing her again.