Dormitory Changes

"Before I send you off to your houses, will the returning eighth years as well as the seventh years please stay here, move up to the front of your tables." McGonagall, the new headmistress, requested, "Thank you."

Students from first to sixth year quickly scrambled out of their seats and and left for their houses while the seveth and eighth years moved forward to the front of their tables.

"Now, for two reasons we are going to be doing things differently this year. The first reason is that since we want to have the eighth years returning, there isn't quite enough room in the house dormitories. The second reason will be to help house unity. Now you will be grouped into threes, in one case four, to live together this year. When I call your names, please get your map from Professor Flitwick and head up to your new living areas.

Group 1: Ronald Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Harry PotterGroup 2:Hannah Abbot, Parvati Patil, Seamus FinniganGroup 3: Dean Thomas, Neville Longbottom, Luna LovegoodGroup 3:Susan Bones, Pansy Parkinson, Terry BootGroup 4:Astoria Greengrass, Padma Patil, Tracey DavisGroup 5:Michael Corner, Daphne Greengrass, Lavender Brown.And since we're uneven in numbers, our group of four (Group 6) will be:Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, and Hermione Granger."

Hermione groaned as the Gryffindors sent her sympathetic looks, and the Slytherins dirty ones.

"Now we randomly choose these through a drawing if that explains anything," McGonagall said looking over at Hermione who had buried her head in her arms, "Now come get your maps."

Hermione was one of the first up there and took her map from Flitwick thanking him quickly before she shot the three Slytherins death glares and motioned for them to follow her.

Once outside she looked down at the map while she waited for her new 'roommates.'

Hermione gave a small chuckle at the irony of the password, unfortunately heard by the boys.

"What's so funny, Granger?" Malfoy asked with his signature smirk.

"The password. Its quite ironic and frankly quite sad," Hermione said handing them the paper and walking away while they stared at her with odd looks.

"How's that funny?" Theo asked.

"No idea, I'll find out. She actually talks to me in a somewhat friendly matter," Blaise said walking after her with the other two following.

"Hey Granger!" He called.

Hermione turned and waited when she saw it was Blaise.

"Hello, Blaise," she said as the two fell in step together.

"What's so funny about the password? I honestly don't get it," Blaise said.

"Oh. Well Snape's our portrait, right? And while he was at school he was totally in love with Lily Evans who became Lily Potter, Harry's mum. Well, sometime during our sixth year Dumbledore told Snape that Harry would have to die in the end to save everyone and Snape flipped out saying they were raising a pig for the slaughter and Dumbledore was shocked and asked him if he actually cared for harry and Snape merely scoffed and cast his patronus which was a doe, like Lily's, and Dumbledore asked 'after all this time?' And Snape answered with always, basically meaning he'd loved lily all his life," Hermione said quickly all in one breath, panting heavily after.

"Wow. Um okay, not the answer I was expecting," Blaise said.

"Yeah, and don't bother telling Ferret and Nott," Hermione said and reached into the air and grabbed something invisible, "Extendable ears. They can't sneak those last me. I was the first one to know these existed from George and... Fred."

Blaise laughed a bit as they arrived at the portrait.

"How'd you know where the ear was?" Theo asked as he ran up next to them, Malfoy casually walking behind him and stepping next to him.

"I know all the secrets to Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes items. Like did you know there is actual doxy droppings in the puking pastilles? No? Well now you do and I bet you've all used them before." Hermione said with an evil smirk before turning to Snape.

"Very nice Miss Granger, your smirk could rival Draco's," Snape commented, "Draco. Be careful if this one. Rather smart she is. Let's hope she doesn't find out you-"

"SNAPE!" Draco cried to shut him up.

Snape smirked and said, "Well, Password?"

"Always," Hermione said gently with a sympathetic smile.

"Ah, you have seen the memories too? I figured you might. Well by all means, enter," Snape said.

The four entered the room to be met with an entirely green and silver room.

"Well this is nice," Theo said.

"For Slytherins," Hermione muttered as she walked in farther.

She went up the stairs to meet three doors. She pushed open the middle one to find a bathroom. 'One for four. How pleasant' she thought. She backed out of the room and looked at the other two. Each door had tao names plates. One said 'Theodore Nott and Blaise Zabini' while the other said 'Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy'.

"Are they trying to kill me?" She asked to herself as the boys came up.

"Three doors?" Blaise asked.

"Bathroom and shared bedrooms," Hermione said, "I swear, they want me dead!" She exclaimed before walking into her and Malfoy room, slamming the door behind her so the others could see.

"Good luck, Draco. She's pissed off," Theo laughed.

"Like hell I'm going in there! There's an angry witch in there! Its a death sentence," Malfoy scoffed.

"Well its really late, so you kinda have to go," Blaise shrugged, "See you later mate."

Theo and Blaise quickly disappeared into their bedroom while Malfoy knocked twice and entered his and Hermione's.

"Malfoy," Hermione greeted coldly from her bed where she was sitting with a book.

"Should've known you'd already be reading," Malfoy chuckled as he went to his trunk.

"Shhh! I'm reading," Hermione said not hearing Malfoy's remark.

Malfoy grabbed a piece of clothing and left the room, returning a few minutes later in just pajama bottoms. Hermione looked up as he entered and suddenly found her book quite boring. She stared as he looked at her raising an eyebrow.

"Granger?" Malfoy asked as he noticed Hermione's fixed stare on him, "Uh, Granger? You okay?"

"Perfectly fine," Hermione said unblinkingly.

"Uh, okay?" Malfoy said walking over to his bed feeling Hermione's gaze upon him.

"Okay why are you staring?" He asked turning to face her.

Hermione raised an eyebrow to him, "You're siriusly asking me why I'm staring when you enter this room half naked?"

Malfoy turned away when he felt a slight blush creep up.

"Never mind," he said climbing into the bed, "Night Granger."

"Night Malfoy."