An Inch Away

I had just turned the corner down the corridor. It was empty for the most part. Someone was walking away and k smirked to myself knowing I was alone.

I was on my way to the Heads dorm, being head not and all. I'd just finished the rounds. By myself. You'd think the head girl would show, being such a goody two shoes and all.

My thoughts were I interrupted by a leave gasp. As though someone was fighting to breathe. I looked over to where the gasp came from. It was easy as this person was fighting to breathe.

I walked over to the body and my heart stopped. It was Hermione Granger. She was covered and blood and trying to breathe. Her clothes were ripped and she had large and deep gashes all over her body.

"Malfoy," she wheezed, "Leave."

"The hell I'm leaving! You're dying!" I said bending down.

I reaches under body, surprisingly easy, and picked her up bridal style, careful to not hit any open wounds.

"I'm taking you to the hospital wing," I told her.

"No!" She gasped loudly and broke into a coughing fit. She was starting to cough up blood.

"You're mental," I said and started walking.

"No! Please," she gasped.

"Fine!" I grumbled and went over to the Heads portrait.

"What did you do?" The portrait of my godfather, Snape, asked the moment I got there.

"Nothing! I found her like this and she won't let me take her to the hospital wing so let me in," I demanded.

Snape nodded with a look of 'You have some explaining to do' and opened the portrait before moving to the one inside the common room.

I lied Hermione down on the table I quickly conjured and extended the legs so she was higher up.

"You'll need help," Snape informed me, "I shall go get your friends. Blaise, Theo and pansy."

I nodded as Snape disappeared.

"What happened to you?" I whispered near hermione's ear as I examined the particularly deep gash on her forehead.

"Ron," she croaked.

"I'll kill him," I said angrily.

Hermione nodded slightly as the portrait slammed open and Blaise, Theo, and Pansy rushed in.

"Snape said to come! What's up?" Pansy asked before seeing Hermione, "OH MY GOD!" She screeched.

She quickly rushed over and started looking over her.

"What happened?" Theo asked, face pale.

"Weasel," I said darkly.

"We'll kill him later, first we need to help Granger," Blaise said.

"I need potions. Blood replenishing, painless, essence of dittany, and a sleeping draught," Pansy said as she started removing the bloody jacket from Hermione.

Blaise nodded and rushed out of the room to sneak into the Hospital Wing.

"What's he do to her?" I asked shakily.

"Definitely crucio. Lots of it. Stinging jinxes, imperio for some of the cuts, physical violence, knives, daggers, and possibly something else but I'd have to ask her," Pansy said now removing the thick sweater with a pair of scissors.

"How do you know what to do?" Theo asked.

"He always made me tend to the people he'd injure. When he went to far with his followers he'd send them to our Manor and I'd care for them. I'm so glad he's gone now. We thank potter for that," Pansy said as Blaise rushed in.

Hermione started coughing again, and blood came pouring out of her mouth.

"She's dying!" Pansy said, "Her lungs are filling with blood. At this rate she'll be dead in the next five minutes. Blaise, Theo heal the gashes on her legs and apply the dittany. Draco help me here."

Theo and Blaise set to work healing her legs while pansy and I began working on her lungs.

"Sorry about this," pansy told her before removing her shirt from her body.

Hermione closed her eyes in pain and slowly started to lose conscious.

"We're losing her!" Pansy cried, "Snape, go get more help. We can't do this alone. Weaselette, Potter, Longbottom, and Lovegood. Go get them!"

Snake nodded and quickly left his portrait returning a moment later followed by the portrait slamming open.

"Potter, Longbottom, come help Draco and I. Lovegood start the legs with Theo and Blaise, Weaselette, keep her conscious. She can't pass out or she's going to be gone," Pansy said hysterically as she started to apply pressure to different parts of Hermione body.

"What's going on?" Lovegood asked casually as she started using and unknown healing spell that healed the legs in an instant.

"Granger! She's dying and I need your help!" Pansy all but screamed, "Draco help Weaselette. She needs to stay with us!"

I quickly moved as Potter and Longbottom joined Pansy and Weasette came up to me.

"She's going to die?" Ginny asked tears flowing from her eyes.

I felt my own tears build up. If we lost her, everyone would be crying. Even though we didn't know her as well.

"Not if we can help it. Granger, come one. Stay with us," I said shaking her slightly.

"Hermione, come on please. Stay with us," Ginny begged.

Hermione eyes fluttered open and she looked at me and smiled slightly.

"Lovegood!" Pansy cried, "What was that spell you used? Come do it! The blood won't stop!"

Luna didn't waste a second in coming next to Pansy and preforming various spells her mum had created and no one knew about.

Hermione's mouth had a small stream of blood running from it, but it soon stopped. Luna didn't stop the spells.

Pansy meanwhile was healing other gashes and fixing internal injuries. She sooned moved back to the lungs.

"Boys, out!" Pansy called, "Except Draco. You stay. She's conscious now and I need you too keep her that way."

The boys, including Snape, walked out if the room, all covered in blood.

Pansy removed the last of Hermione clothing on her upper body and covered part of her with a cloth. She then proceeded to use different spells and potions to heal her.

Pretty soon Hermione was able to breathe normally and she was better.

"Granger?" I asked as she closed her eyes.

"Hmm?" She asked.

"You alright now?" I asked stroking her head.

Hermione nodded slightly as Pansy charmed some clothes on her and cleaned the blood of the table.

"Alright. It's dinner. Perfect time to hurt that bloody weasel," she said, "Luna, get the boys. We have a bone to pick."

When Luna left I threw my arms around Pansy and hugged her, not caring I was getting drenched in blood. Pansy was the only one who understood why. She was the only one I've ever told.