
It was breakfast I'm the Great Hall and everything was quiet until the doors burst open and Draco Malfoy stood there. He looked different though. His skin was a lot paler and he had a dangerous look to him.

"What's up with Malfoy?" Harry asked as he slowly approached the Hufflepuff table, the one nearest the doors.

Hermione looked over to see and paled, "Oh no," she said.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked, determined for answers.

"But it happened last week! He's not supposed to need another feeding until next week," Hermione muttered, panicked looken.

A sudden shriek pulled her out if her thoughts. She looked up to see Draco holding a first year Hufflepuff by her arms. He watched her carefully, a wicked grin on his face and.... Fangs showing!

"Miss Granger," Dumbledore said, "It seems we have an advancment sooner than predicted. If you would kindly asses the situation."

All heads turned to Hermione as she listened to Dumbledore, nodding. She grabbed her bag and threw it over her shoulder before standing.

"Malfoy stop," she said firmly as she approached him.

Draco hissed at her as her moved the first years long hair behind her shoulder and traced his fingers along her neck.

"Malfoy! Let. Her. Go," Hermione said as she was now ten feet away.

Draco ignored her as she continued to come closer. Instead his started sniffing the girl in front of him, who was beginning to hyperventilate.

"Draco, look at me," Hermione said softly.

Draco immediately looked up and over at her. He seemed to recognize her because he smiled at her, showing his fangs, and let go of the girl. The girl immediately ran to the table furthest from him, Slytherin, where Pansy Parkinson hugged her and held her protectively.

Hermione jumped onto the bench so she was now as tall as Draco and looked at him. He was looking down at the front of her neck, the sides covered by her hair. Hermione reached up and out the back of her hand on his forehead and then cheeks. Draco closed his eyes under her movements, apparently soothed by them.

"Open your eyes," she said softly and Draco did.

His eyes weren't their normal grey color. Instead they were a deep red, almost burgendy.

"You're hungry," she stated and Draco nodded, "I assume you need more than last week?" Again Draco nodded, "Twice as much?"

Draco nodded again, hanging his head down in shame. Hermione gave a weak smile to him and dug through her bag. She pulled out two blood replenishing potions before letting her bag fall to the ground.

Draco held his hand out to her, and she took it and hopped of the bench. Hermione went over to the nearest wall and leaned up against it with the potions in her hand. She tilted her head back as Draco stood next to her and pulled her hair away from her neck.

"Go ahead," she said.

The hall all gasped as Draco leaned his head down and started sniffing and licking her neck, trying to find the right spot. Once he did he sunk his fangs into her neck and began drinking her blood.

Hermione didn't scream from the pain anymore. It was February and she'd gotten used to it, having to do it every two weeks. She just closed her eyes and she felt her blood leave her body and become weaker. Once she began to feel dizzy and nauseas, she drank the first blood replenishing potion which filled her bloodstream again. After awhile she drank the second one and soon after Draco pulled away.

His fangs were gone and eyes normal. He furrowed his eyebrows at her.

"Where are we? What happened?" He asked immediately.

"We're in the Great Hall. You've moved up again. Once a week now," Hermione explained as she rubbed her neck where the fang marks were and would be for a few days. Normally she'd use her hair to cover it.

Draco slowly looked around, his face paling even more if possible as he saw the hundreds of students. He then noticed the two bottles that used to contain the potion.

"Sorry," he said.

Hermione shrugged as she closed her eyes, the pain from the where the fangs were was always horrible after. It would always feel like fire for the rest of the day.

"Its fine," she said, "You can't help it."

"Did you just drink her blood?" Ron called out from the Gryffindor Table.

"Yes." Draco said.

"That's disgusting!" Someone from Ravenclaw called out.

"I can't help it. I need blood every week now it seems, and she supplies it for me. If I don't get it, I'll die," Draco said.

"How'd you force her to do that?" Ron called out again.

"He did not force me, Ronald," Hermione said, "I found him like this once and right then I didn't have a choice, but now I allowed him to. If he doesn't have blood he'll die and that's not exactly fair."

Ron grumbled something under his breath as he turned back.

"Let's go, Draco," Hermione said, "I need to find that one potion for the pain."

Draco shrugged and followed her out if the hall.

He'd never tell her that she was special. Because she was so willing and kind to give her blood to him, he didn't need as much as normal. He'd need two too three people worth of blood each week, but from her he only needed one. She was special and he loved that. He loved her.