Intoxicated Truth

It was early May and the sun was out and shining down on Hogwarts, making the old castle glow with life under its rays. Birds allowed in through the enchantments flew over the grounds as kids ran around with their friends on the soft green grass. The black Lake shone and glistened with each if its ripples and every wave containing a mystery.

For Hermione Granger, it was the perfect day to read outside. She often did during the nice weather at the end of the year. It was nine o clock outside and she'd been lost in her book leaning against her favorite tree on the outskirts of the Forbbiden Forest.

A soft rustling in the forest pulled her away from the world she was in. Carefully placing her bookmark in before delicatley shutting it, Hermione leaned back and twisted her neck to peer into the forest.

"Hello?" She called out.

When she got no response she looked over at the lake. You could see the sun  setting beyond the lake that seemed to go on fire miles and miles. The suns orange glow reflected on the water and a pink haze was throughout the sky.

Hermione sighed at the beauty before checking her watch. It was past nine and curfew was at ten, a new rule enstated. It would take her twenty minutes to return to her room. She stood up carefully, tucking her book into her bag and placing it over her shoulder. She brushed off the black skirt of her school uniform when she heard the noise again.

It was closer. Too close. Hermione pulled her wand out and pointed it at the forest slowly backing away. She didn't see the figure shoot out and dart behind her. She only noticed when she ran into to something.

Hermione whipped around to see Malfoy standing there, his hair loose and messy and hanging in his eyes. His eyes themselves were a bit disoriented behind their shining grey color. Hermione Gabe a sigh of relief and placed her wand in her pocket again.

"Don't do that, Malfoy! You scared me to death," Hermione said as she backed away realizing how close they were.

Malfoy gave her his famous smirked and stepped closer, "My apologies," he slurred, "But I must ask, is there a problem?"

Hermione took another step back and got a whiff of firewhiskey. A very strong whiff coming off Malfoy.

"You're drunk," she said.

"No." Malfoy said, "I'm not drunk or if I was I wouldn't be doing this." He took another step closer.

Hermione stepped back again and bumped into her tree she loved. She looked back and cursed under breath.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" She asked him.

Malfoy stepped closer again his smirk staying, "Please, call me Draco. Malfoy is only used if I don't like you."

"But you don't like me," Hermione stated, shivering slightly when he came closer so he was now a foot away.

"That's where your wrong," Malfoy said his eyes still unfocused. He had clearly dranken a lot, "I quite like you, Hermione."

"You have a funny way of showing it," Hermione sneered glancing over at the castle, hoping someone would see them.

"I do," Malfoy whispered and Hermione then realized he was very close and his face was lowered to her ear, "Say, Hermione. Ever been kissed before?"

"No." Hermione stated, "Why do you care? We have to go back. Curfews soon."

"You haven't, huh?" Malfoy whispered dangerously, "Maybe I can help with that."

Hermione felt the oxygen leave her and her eyes widened in shock her jaw falling open. She blinked a few times before regaining herself and shaking her head to clear the rest of the shock away.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" Hermione asked trying to push his arms, which were now on either side of her, away.

"I said, I can help you with that," Malfoy whispered bringing his lips to rest right above her mouth.

"Stop. Malfoy stop," Hermione said as the fear in her started climbing.

"Stop what? I haven't done anything," Malfoy whispered.

"Go away, now," Hermione said shakily.

Malfoy lifted his head slightly and placed it into the crook of her neck, inhaling her scent. His hands moved down to her waist and wrapped around her.

"You smell nice," he said, "We should stay here forever."

"No Malfoy, we have classes remember? And you have quidditch," Hermione said trying to reason with the drunken boy.

"I don't want to," Malfoy whined, "I want to stay with you and just smell your wonderful smell and play with your hair. Its so curly. Like Hagrid beard but softer and prettier."

Hermione bit her tongue to keep from laughing.

"Please, Hermione, just a few gears longer?" Malfoy begged.

"I'm sorry, Malfoy. Come on let's go to the castle," Hermione said.

"But I love you," Malfoy whined.

Hermione froze. Either that was the alcohol making things up or the alcohol spilling his secrets. She decided to believe the first one.

"That's fine Malfoy. You can love me, but its time for bed," Hermione reasoned.

"Are you staying with me?" He asked sounding like how a lost puppy would if it had a voice.

"I can't, Malfoy," Hermione sighed, "Come on. I'll walk you to your house."

"I don't want you to leave me," Malfoy

"Its a thirty minute walk. I'll stay with you for another half an hour, okay?" Hermione asked.

"Alright," Malfoy said sighing dramatically.

He pulled away from her and held her hand in his as they walked up.

"This is nice," Malfoy sighed watching Hermione, "And beautiful."

Hermione looked up so she could follow Malfoy gaze only to find it on her.

"You're beautiful," Malfoy said smiling like a fool, "That's one of the reasons I love you. You're also smart and I like that. Although you beat me in every class so that's a little sad, but I don't cars. You're face lights up when your at the top so being second best is worth it."

Hermione felt herself blushing a deep red as Malfoy kept talking. She knew it was all fake, but a small part of her hoped it was real.

They walked on all the way to the Slytherin house. Before arriving Draco looked down at her.

"Hermione, would you want to be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"What?" Hermione gasped before remembering he was intoxicated and she'd have to be careful with her words, "Oh um.. I don't know. I'd have to think about it."

"Alright. You think," Malfoy smiled.

"Do you know the password?" She asked him.

"No! All I know is that I love you!" Malfoy grinned.

Hermione was shocked. He went from being a creepy intoxicated boy who wanted to kiss her to this adorable teenager who acted as though he was little and said what he wanted.