
(Non-Magical . [Highschool] magic does exist, they just don't know it because they are all muggles in this story.)

Story: Lockdown in the middle of school whilst Mrs. McGonagall had stepped out of the classroom.

"A lockdown? Now? Are they bloody Sirius?" Ronald Weasley, a tall and skinny redhead with lots of freckles and a never ending appetite cried out.

Their teacher had just stepped out of the classroom and now they were automatically locked in.

"That's what Principal Dumbledore said, Ron," Harry Potter sighed leaning back in his chair.

"Too bad they didn't realize the killer is in one of the classrooms," Crabbe laughed.

"Wait, what?" Draco Malfoy, a very tall and muscular boy with pale skin, silver-blonde hair and grey eyes asked turning to his friend.

"I said, too bad the killer they're supposedly protecting us from is in one of the classrooms," Crabbe repeated.

"How do you know? And which class?" Pansy Parkinson, an annoying if you don't know her well brown haired girl asked.

Crabbe smirked and pulled a knife from behind his back, "Let's just say I know who it is."

"Who?" Theodore Nott asked him.

"Are you that stupid?" Hermione Granger, a small and petite girl with frizzy brown hair and honey eyes asked, "He's saying he's the killer."

"And how are you calm about this?" Ron practically shrieked as everyone backed away.

"I already figured out what he wants," Hermione shrugged.

"Mind telling us, Granger?" Malfoy asked.

"If you're going to be rude, then no, ferret," Hermione scowled.


"No he won't," Hermione said darkly.

"She's right," Crabbe smirked, "Only one of you will die today."

"Who?" Harry asked, bravely stepping forward in front of everyone, determined to protect them even if they were enemy's.

"Your friend," Crabbe said slyly looking over the crowd.

"Who do you want, Crabbe?" Malfoy asked slowly and oddly calm.

"Oh you'll soon find out," Crabbe laighed., "First I need to go and sharpen my knife, more pain more fun."

And with those words he stalked into the supply room, slamming the dorr behind him.

"Okay, you're the smart one, what do we do?" Blaise Zabini, a dark skinned boy who was tall and had brown, almost black, eyes asked Hermione.

"I'm flattered," Hermione said dryly, "And we wait. Not much we can do. He wants to kill one of us and if we refuse, all of us."

"Then we send the person forward," Pansy said.

"And if its you?" Malfoy asked with a smirk.

"Then we all die!" Pansy said in duh tone.

"Harsh, Parkinson," Ron said.

"Whatever!" Pansy cried.

"How do we know who he wants?" Harry asked as he started pacing.

"We don't," Hermione said, "Harry, we can't do anything. These doors they installed lock out all noise and have no entrances or exits. Same with the windows. We're trapped. We can't get help, and we can't get out."

"Bloody hell," Malfoy said walking forward to the door Crabbe went through and knocking on it, "Crabbe! Open this door right now or I swear I'll break it down."

"You do that, Malfoy! I'm coming out now anyways," Crabbe said as he opened the door and held the knife at Malfoy throat.

Malfoy just stood there, bored. He seemed to know he wasn't going to die because he was scanning the crowd.

Suddenly Crabbe ran forward towards the group, letting go of Draco, and people scattered until Crabbe yelled out.


In the middle of the room stood Crabbe holding a girls arms behind her back in an uncomfortable way, while holding the sharp knife to her throat. The girl was holding a brave face, clearly only feeling minimal fear.

"HERMIONE!" Harry and Ron shouted taking a step forward but stopping when Crabbe pressed the knife harder and a small dribble of blood came from her throat.

"Crabbe stop," Draco said.

"Why? Care about the little bitch?" Cravbe taunted.

Harry tried to take a step forward, but Crabbe caught his move and looked over.

"Now you shouldn't have done that," he said before moving the knife from Hermione's throat and cutting a small mark along her arm leaving a trail of blood flowing.

Hermione hissed in pain and Crabbe only smirked, "When you make a noise, you get more pain," he growled before squating down and stabbing the knife into the back of her shin before pulling it out.

Hermione screamed slightly, biting her lip tightly so it drew blood, as she fell to the ground unable to stand.

"CRABBE STOP!" Draco said loudly.

"What's wrong Drakie?" Crabbe mocked, "Not enjoying watching her hurt? The other day you were saying be would be quite fun."

"YOU WHAT?" Harry and Ron screeched.

Draco glared daggers at Crabbe.

Crabbe only smirked and turned back to Hermione.

"If anyone comes close, I'll end her life," he said darkly holding the knife over her heart.

Hermione looked away still biting down on her lip to keep from screaming in pain, but silent tears rolled down her cheeks.

Crabbe meanwhile was enjoying every minute of his fun with the knife.

"Ready for some fun?" He snarled before holding down and stabbing her in the arm, writing words.

Hermione couldn't keep it in any longer and screamed. Loud and deathly. Half the class was crying as they watched helpless as she screamed in pain, her voice echoing off the walls. They all wanted to rush forward and help, but were unable to in fear he would kill her. At least she had a chance at life this way.

Once Crabbe was finished, he moved to her other arm continuing his writing before he started making cuts wherever he pleased. Through her jeans onto her legs, stabbing her arms and feet. Hermione just screamed as she felt the pain slowly fade away. It shouldn't be leaving her it should keep coming. It would only leave if she was dying. And she was going to die.

"Say, Granger" Crabbe said, "Ever plan on children? Too bad it won't work now."

And then he stabbed the knife right into her stomach, destroying her reproductive system and many organs.

Hermione screamed louder than ever and her friends pleaded for carbbe to stop, people cried, and Draco just stood there. Staring as though trying to make sense of it all. And then it clicked.