
"Hey Malfoy," I said as I walked into the shared common room to fine the Head boy lying on the couch.

"Granger," he said slowly and quietly.

"You alright?" I asked plopping into and armchair and pulling out my book.

"No," he said quietly then a bit louder, "Yeah I'm good."

"Okay.." I trialed off watching him with a quirked eyebrow for a few minutes before opening my book and beginning to read.

I'd made it to page 107 when Malfoy cleared his throat and said hoarsely, "Your friends with Weaselette right?"

"Yes. Why?" I asked setting my nook down and turning towards him, my legs hanging over the arm of the chair.

"Stay in her dorm tonight," Malfoy said not meeting my eyes.

"Well first, why? And second I can't. She's not there tonight. Her mum got really sick so she and Ron are at St. Mungo's," I asked.

Malfoy swallowed nervously, "I'm sorry to here that. Uh- any other friends in Gryffindor?"

"Well Harry," I shrugged.

"Any female friends?"


"Granger, please just answer me."

"Did you just say 'please'?" I asked shocked.


"Okay... Um.. That's different, and no. Lavenders dead and Parvati moved into Ravenclaw Tower with Padma," I said.

"Brown died?" He asked, "How? Who was it?"

I quirked an eyebrow and watched him carefully as I answered, "Fenrir Greyback," he tensed immensly at the name, "Practically ate her during the war. I shot him off her, but she was too far gone to save. Told us to leave her and save Hogwarts."

"Greyback killed her?" He whispered dangerously.

"Yeah, why do you care so much?" I asked him, adjusting so my knees were pulled to my chest and my arms wrapped around them.

"I don't care about Brown. Its Greyback. You know he escaped from Azkaban right? Stay away from him. He gets to much pleasure in turning people," Malfoy said quietly looking over at me.

"What do you mean 'turning people'? Like what he did to Remus? Well you'd know him as Professor Lupin. Greyback bit him during a full moon," Hermione explained.

"Exactly what I mean, Granger. Stay safe from him. He'll turn you even if your on his side," Malfoy said.

"And you know how?"

"There's lots you don't know about me Granger," he said, "Its late."

"It is, almost midnight."  I said unsure of why.

"Go to your room," he instructed, "Lock the door and barricade it."

"Why would I do that?" I challenged.

Malfoy looked out the window very quickly before whipping his head back, "Go Granger." He said urgently.


"Please, just go!" He said his voice reaching hysteria.

"Malfoy what is it?" I asked standing up and fingering my wand in my pocket.

"I don't want to hurt you! Go!" He pleaded with me.

"Why would you hurt me?" I asked him as light shone in through the window from the full moon tonight.

"GRANGER GO!" He screamed as his eyes started turning black.

Fear ran through me and I raced up the stairs pausing and turning back to look when I reached the top. I was met with the eyes of a full out werewolf covered in white fur.

"M-Malfoy?" I asked nervously as it watched me slowly back away, beginning to climb the stairs.

The werewolf snarled at me and I bolted to the nearest room, three the door open and slammed it. I locked the door first before using charms to lock it and make it damage proof. Then I turned to see I was in Malfoy's room.

"Well that's pleasant," I said under my breath before a banging came from the door.

It lasted five minutes before it stopped and it was quiet. Too queit. If the werewolf was Malfoy he shouldn't have changed back yet. That's when it hit me.

"Bloody effing hell," I said as I turned to face the bathroom door. The bathroom we shared and had three entrances to.

I slowly walked over and raised my wand. Before I could say a spell, the door was ripped of its hinges and there stood the werewolf. I froze in fear, staring at it.

The werewolf took a few steps forward, and I couldn't move. I was trapped with no way out. The door was charmed and I'd be lucky to survive long enough for him to turn back.

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt my wand go flying out of my hand. I watched it fall straight out the open window and silently cursed to myself. I looked back up to see the werewolf almost grinning down at me.

It grabbed my arms and I shrieked hoping to wake someone up from any part of the castle. The werewolf threw me to the wall, and I stumbled, falling to the ground.

I jumped to my feet as quickly as I could and dived out of the way when the werewolf lunged at me. I barely made it away in time, and it caught my leg with its claws leaving a large mark.

Once again I scrambled to my feet and as I turned around, the werewolf was attpemting to claw my back and ended up swiping its long, sharp nails across my left cheeks leaving marks with its trail of blood.

I screamed out in pain as the werewolf picked me up and threw me. I landed on Malfoy bed, facedown. Glancing at the clock a almost gave a sigh if relief.

"He'll change back any minute," I said to myself as I rolled onto my back and attempted to sit up, only to be pushed back by the werewolf who was now towering over me.

He clawed at me, leaving blood and scratch marks on my stomach and arms and legs. It then grinned wickedly, showing all its sharp teeth. The werewolf opened its mouth and leaned down and placed its jaw over my head, preparing to bite down, I closed my eyes waiting for my death to come, but it never came...

I felt my body finish changing back too normal and I took a deep breath. The last thing I remember was screaming at Hermione to hide. I prayed that I hadn't harmed her.

Slowly, I opened my eyes to see that my lips were on someone's. But why? Oh no! No, no, no, no, no. No. Please don't tell me I was going to kill her.

"M-Malfoy?" I heard and felt the lips say.

I pulled away from whoever it was, my eyes closed not wanting to see the damage I had done.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Its me, Hermione," she said.

"How bad did I hurt you?" I asked, my voice slightly breaking at the end.

"I'm not gonna sugarcoat it," she sighed, "A moment later and I'd be dead."

I nodded and slowly opened my eyes, wishing I hadn't. She had a large cut across her face from the claws as well as many more on her arms and stomach. I realized I was sitting on her in a very awkward position, so I quickly climbed off.

"Sorry," I mumbled. Her legs seemed to be covered with the scratches too.

Hermione took a deep inhale and exhale, "Its fine." She said, her voice pained, "So your a werewolf?"

"Yes," I said quietly, "Greyback did it. My parents weren't listening to his orders so he gave them a bit of persuasion."

Hermione nodded and attempted to sit, but fell back.

"Don't move," I told her quickly pushing her back, "It'll injure you more."

"How am I supposed to get to the Hospital Wing then?" She asked.

"I......don't know," I admitted, "One second."

I went over to my trunk and pulled out my spare wand and a special potion I use to heal any victims I have. I walked back over and took one of her arms. I healed the small cuts and bruises on her, and placed a few drops of the potion over the larger and more severe ones.

I did the same with her other arm and legs before I glanced up at her face. She was closing her eyes softly waiting for me to finish. I reached up to the bottom of her shirt and carefully pulled it to the edge of her chest. She had three small cuts and one large there and I quickly healed them before placing her shirt back down.

"How'd you get the one your face?" I asked her.

"You... You were going for my back and I turned in mid swing," she said.

I approached her face and brushed the hair out of her face. She opened her eyes and looked at me.

"Thank you," she said, "For helping."

I shook my head at her, "Its my fault your hurt in the first place."

"No. Its Greyback's. He's at fault for this," she said softly.

I leaned down a bit and brushed the dirt away from her face near her cut and looked at it, "You'll have a scar. A permanent one."

"That's fine," she whispered.

I nodded slowly and helped her sit against the headboard of the bedframe. I grabbed a cloth and sat closer to her. I held her chin in one hand and the cloth in the other. She closed her eyes as I wiped the blood off her face.

I found myself more than once staring at her, or more particularly, her lips. I felt the sudden crave to have them on mine and it caused me to pause what I was doing and just stare.

Hermione opened her eyes and looked over at me. She followed my eyes down to her lips and her eyes widened slightly before returning to normal.

I found myself slowly leaning in towards her, and she didn't pull away. My lips met her and I cupped her face in my hands as I slowly kissed her. She kissed back and allowed me this moment that I truly needed.

She pulled away after a minute and looked into my eyes, "Why'd you do that?"

"I-I... I don't know," I stuttered, "Just tempted I guess."

She hummed in response and closed her eyes again, "You can do it again if you want," she whispered and I immediately listened, placing my lips upon hers and craving her taste.

I kissed her for as long as I could before pulling away, "Sorry. I don't know what came over me," I apologized.

"I think its called impulse," she said, "And I have to say. I quite like it."

I smoked slightly and looked down, "I'm sorry I hurt you so bad."

"You didn't. Just a few marks. Shows us we're strong," she smiled back.

I nodded slowly and she pecked me on the cheek, "Get some sleep, Draco."

I lied down and Hermione lied next to me, snuggling close to my side.

"I'm staying here," she stated, "You're more comfortable than a pillow."


"Goodnight, Draco."

"Goodnight... Hermione," I whispered.