
"All right. So last thing, here's the round schedules for the month. Some people will be out more than others based on quidditch and other things so don't worry if you're on there a few times," The head Girl said smiling as she passed out the papers.

"And that's everything. We'll meet here again next week at eight. You're free too leave " The Head Boy finished.

Hermione smiled to them before grabbing Ron's arm and dragging him out.

"Hey, why so fast? Mione slow down!" Ron said to her as she quickly walked away with him right next to her.

Ron gave up and grabbed her arm to stop her and looked at her, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Hermione sighed glancing back to see Malfoy and Parkinson walking towards them, "I was a little rude too Malfoy the other day and soon enough I'm going to pay for it, so let's just go!"

Ron looked back to see the two Slytherin Prefects smirking as they neared them as Hermione kept walking.

"Hey Weasley! Tell your girlfriend too stop. I've got a bone too pick with her," Malfoy called as he stopped a few feet away.

"She's not my girlfriend," Ron mumbled as he grabbed Hermione's arm and whispered, "Hold up. If they use spells in dead without you."

Hermione huffed but spun around to face the Slytherins.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" Hermione sighed heavily as she watched Ron and Parkinson draw their wands.

At the same time suddenly, Ron and Pansy shot the same spell at each other and both were tied in ropes.

"Well that was dumb," Malfoy and Hermione said at the same time glancing at their own friend.

Malfoy smirked, "Reading my mind now, Granger? First you like me and now this?"

"I don't like you Malfoy," Hermione growled.

"Why's he saying that?" Ron asked looking at Hermione.

"The other day he said something rather embarrassing and I turned red and he took it as 'I liked him' and wouldn't leave me alone until I told him that 'I'd never like a stupid arrogant prick like him' and stormed off," Hermione explained quickly.

"What'd you say to her?" Pansy asked with a smirk.

"I asked if she was on her period cause she was being a bitch," Malfoy shrugged.

"Oh bad move," Ron said.

"Yeah even I have to agree," Pansy said with a look of disgust, "You never ask a girl that unless you to die."

Malfoy shrugged, "Whatever. I've come to prove her wrong."

"Funny, ferret, how do you plan on doing that?" Hermione asked sarcastically.

"Like this," Malfoy smirked before walking forward.

He grabbed her arm and turned her to the right before pressing her to the wall and leaning down to her ear.

"When I'm done, you'll be crushing on me so hard you won't even know your name," he whispered.

Hermione blinked in confusion, unsure what he meant, and looked at Pansy for an explanation.

"He's going to kiss you, Granger," Pansy said, "That was pretty obvious."

Hermione's eyes widened as Ron stared, looking between Malfoy and Hermione to Pansy to Malfoy and Hermione, to Pansy. Malfoy merely smirked and lowered his head down even more so he was level with Hermione.

"Have fun," he said softly before very gently pressing his lips against hers.

Butterflies that felt more like a herd of angry hippogriffs erruoyed in Hermione's stomach. 'Why did I have to actually like him?' Hermione thought to herself as she stood still and fought the urge to kiss him back.

(Hermione's POV:)

Malfoy pulled back and smirked, "I'm not stopping until you kiss me back."

My jaw fell open s Malfoy pushed it closed again before once again kissing me. I fought the urge to kiss him again, and stood still. My breath got caught in my throat when I felt Malfoy lick the seam of my lips, asking to enter.

"Open your mouth," he mumbled and I shook my head slightly, "Granger, do it."

I shook my head again and closed my eyes, "Granger please, open your mouth." He begged in between kissing me.

I relaxed a bit but nothing else and waited to see what he'd do next.

(Normal POV)

"Hermione," he whispered, "I need you too."

"Why?" Hermione whispered.

"I need more," he said back and that's all it took.

Hermione kissed him back, parting her lips and letting his tongue slip in and explore her mouth. She was melting away at the kiss and couldn't stop herself.

Finally they pulled away.

"Like me now?" He asked with a really voice.

"No," Hermione lied, never willing to admit she liked him.

"Really? Didn't seem so," Malfoy said.

"I don't like you," she said again.

"Why not? I happen to like you very much," Malfoy whispered looking into her eyes so she could see he wasn't lying.

"Well I might need a little more persuasion that I do in fact like-" Hermione started, being cut off by Malfoy lips.

"You talk touch," he mumbled, "Just relax."

Hermione nodded and kissed back with everything she had, "Malfoy?"


"You were - right - I do - like you," Hermione said.

Malfoy pulled away, "I'm always right, Granger. I'll meet you in the Room of Requirement at nine tomorrow night."

"Yes, yes you will." Hermione smiled.

"Good. I'd die if you didn't," Malfoy smirked kissing her once more before leaving.

Hermione turned back to find Pansy and Ron staring wide mouthed.

"What?" She asked them.

"Damn Granger," Pansy smiled, "He hasn't been this persistent in a while. Nice work."

"Why thank you, Parkinson," Hermione smiled.

"Did you agree to a date with the ferret after snogging him?" Ron asked slowly as if trying to process it.

"Yes, Ronald. Yes I did," Hermione said very slowly.


"Why not? He had the guts to ask," Hermione said turning on her hell and walking away as well as sending a casually flick of her wrist, with no wand, to Pansy who came free of the ropes.