Quidditch Bets

A/N: McGonagall invited Lee Jordan to come back and do commentary for the quidditch games during the time everyone repeats their seventh year.

"Welcome to the tenth quidditch game of the year. Today's match: Slytherin. Versus. Gryffindor! Our teams for today!


Seeker- Harry Potter (captain)Keeper- Ron WeasleyChasers- Ginny Weasley, Dean Thomas, Scarlett BriggBeaters- Adam Fern, Hannah Lysol

And Slytherin:

Seeker- Draco Malfoy (captain)Keeper- Theodore NottChasers- Blaise Zabini, Henry Scott, Peter StylerBeaters- Michael Feat, Zoe Styler"

The two teams rose into the air ready to play. Harry and Draco went to the center and shook hands with fake looks of hatred.

"Scared Potter?" Draco asked him like they did every game.

"You wish, Malfoy," Harry said back before the two started laughing as they flew to their sides.

The crowd erupted into cheers at this. Everyone knew that Harry and Draco were actually good friends, although they denied it if mentioned. They were in fact very good friends, but found it funny, as did everyone else, to pretend to hate each others guts in public in a comedical way.

"And there off!" Lee said, "Ginny has the quaffle, passes to dean, back to Ginny, now Scarlett, taken by Blaise, stolen back from Ginny, she takes the shot and yes! Ten points to Gryffindor!"

Up above the game Harry and Draco were chilling next to each other waiting for a sign if the snitch.

"Uh, Malfoy? Why are you staring at Hermione?" Harry asked after he noticed Draco take his fourth glance at her.

"I'm not, I'm looking for the snitch," Draco lied turning away.

"No. You were looking at her," Harry smirked.

"Wasn't. I was looking for the snitch which is there. See ya!" Draco said speeding off.

Harry stayed still though, shaking his head. Draco wouldn't have said he spotted the snitch. He would've just flew after it.

"NICE TRY MALFOY!" Harry called after him.

"WORTH A SHOT!" Draco called back as he cane to hover over the Hufflepuff stands.

"And the score is now 50-30 Gryffindor," Lee said, "Now would be the perfect time for ferret- OW! McGonagall- I meant Malfoy too get the snitch!"

McGonagall rolled her eyes after she slapped Lee upside his head.

The game went on for another ten minutes before a flash of red and green were shown flying around the pitch at killer speeds.

"AND IT SEEMS THEY HAVE SPOTTED THE SNITCH! WITH THE SCORE 130-110, EITHER TEAM WILL WIN! IT ALL COMES DOWN TO IF HARRY OR FERRET- OUCH!MERLIN WOMAN- FIND THE SNITCH!" Lee yelled into his microphone just as the two came too a stop and Draco held his hand up in the air with a small gold object in it.

"AND FERR- I MEAN MALFOY HAS CAUGHT THE SNITCH! SLYTHERIN WINS!" Lee said changing his words in mid sentence as McGonagall raised her hand again.

The Slytherin stands erupted into applause and cheers as Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw gave a polite and quick applause.

Malfoy however hadn't moved and was staring at something in the Gryffindor stands, as though trying to get someone's attention.

Hermione was talking to Neville and Seamus when Seamus interrupted her, "Uh mione? I think Malfoy's looking at you."

"Hm?" Hermione said looking over to find Malfoy smirking at her, "Oh for Merlin's sake."

Hermione raised her eyebrows as if asking 'what'? As the crowd was oddly quieter than it should as everyone watched the Slytherin Prince.

Draco raised an eyebrow as he asked a silent question and it wasn't missed by anyone.

"Why's he doing that?" Seamus asked her.

"Bloody idiot," Hermione said with a smile on her face.

"Mind explaining?" Neville asked.

"Don't judge for what he's going to do," Hermione sighed as she nodded her head.

Draco grinned and came flying over to her, "Hello there Bookworm, others."

"Ferret," Hermione said.

"I won," Draco smirked.

"I've noticed," Hermione said glancing around finding all eyes on her and Draco.

"So that means I won our little bet," Draco said.

"You have," Hermione smirked.

"Bet?" Seamus asked.

"Yes, Finnigan, our bet," Draco said not taking his eyes off Hermione, "If Har- uh Potter caught the snitch your bookwrom and I wait until next week. If I caught the snitch its this week."

"What is?" Neville asked.

"Everyone finds out who my mystery girlfriend is," Draco said before he leaned down and places his lips on Hermione's who kissed him back.

It only lasted a bit before they pulled away, "I should place bets with you more often if this is what I win," Draco smirked.

"Shut up and go back to your team of losers," Hermione said playfully slapping him.

"Losers? We happen to have won while your friends didn't," Draco teased.

"Go," Hermione grinned shaking her head.

Draco gave a dramatic sigh, "Oh alright."

He gave another quick kiss before winking at her and flying off to the locker rooms, leaving both teams on the field.

There was silence, complete silence as everyone either stared at where Draco last was or Hermione.

The silence was broken when you could here McGonagall over the microphone, "Well Lee, you owe me fifteen galleons, pay up."

"Bloody hell," Lee said as he passed over the money.

"Watch your language," McGonagall scolded, "Hermione dear, thank you for wanting me this. Everyone go back to your houses while us teachers go collect our earnings."

"They had bets on me and Draco?" Hermione asked turning to Neville and Seamus.

"I think so," Neville said,

"That was quite a show," Seamus smirked.

"Thank you, Seamus," Hermione said, "Now if you boys would excuse me I need to go and find Draco."

"Yeah so you can snog him," Seamus said under his breath as he and Neville laughed.

"Exactly," Hermione said walking off and leaving a shocked Seamus and Neville behind her.