Luna Lovegood

"Oh my godric!" Draco exclaimed as he plopped down next to his best friend I'm the secluded area near the Black Lake, "I can't stand her anymore!"

"Hello Draco," His friend said.

"Sorry, she just gets on my nerves. Hey, Luna!" Draco said giving her a one arm side hug.

"Its quite alright," Luna smiled returning his hug, "Need to rant again?"

"Can I?" Draco laughed.

"Go for it!" Luna encouraged pulling out a notebook.

"What's that for?" Draco asked her.

"I have my suspicions about something. Why she annoys you so easily, and I need to take certain notes to see if I'm right," Luna explained.

"Okay?" Draco asked shaking his head, "I just don't know why she makes me so upset! I mean why does she have to be Head Girl? It makes it worse, but I mean its so obvious. She's smart, witty, confident, and not mention badass! Look what she did in the war! She got tortured by my crazy aunt and didn't break her cover! Wait I was talking about this morning. Right so I was just casually sitting on the couch in the common room and suddenly she's yelling at me to grab her clothes and bring them to her and she's in the bathroom. And I'm all like fine but in my head I'm screaming no cause she was in the shower and my god I don't want to go in there. But I did and she was, and I'm not kidding, really hot. Like siriusly! Her hair was half dry and just curly and her face was a little pink since all she had on was a towel wrapped around herself, but she was brilliant..... Okay I'm done."

"I was right!" Luna exclaimed, "She's so annoying to you because you're in love with her."

"I'm sorry I think my ears broke," Draco said, "What did you say?"

"You're in love with Hermione," Luna smiled.

"No, I'm not," Draco said shaking his head.

"Oh really?" Luna challenged, "How do I act when I talk about Neville? Since I'm in love with him and you know it."

"Well you get this dreamy, more than usual, look in your eye and seem to be in like a far off world and you constantly talk about him and describe everything he does and when he annoys you and how cute he is," Draco shrugged.

"And didn't you just describe how you act when your with me and we're discussing Hermione?" Luna asked with a smirk, one she'd picked up from being around Draco so much. It actually looked exactly like his and would scare people when she did it.

"Oh," Draco said, "You tricked me!"

"Did I?" Luna asked slyly.

"You need stop hanging with me. I'm turning you into a Slytherin!" Draco pointed out.

"Not my fault," Luna said, "Its the Nargles."

"What the hell are nargles?" Draco asked. He's heard her use the term many times before, and now he needed a subject change so why not find out what they were.

"They hide in mistletoe!" Luna said happily, "Hey- wait you changed the subject! You're in love with Hermione!"

"No, Luna, I'm not," Draco sighed.

"You are, Draco," Luna smiled.

"Luna," Draco groaned.

"She likes you too. I'm not supposed to say, but she accidentally told me," Luna smirked, "You're telling her now."

"What?" Draco cried as Luna stood up and grabbed his arm and pulled him up.

"Draco, admit it, you've been in love with her since fourth year when we became best friends," Luna sighed as she started walking with Draco in step with her.

"Okay, maybe," Draco said blushing crisom.

"You so are. You're blushing!" Luna smiled dreamily.

"Means nothing!"

"Means everything!"

"Luna" Draco groaned.

"Draco listen to me. She likes you and you like her. You'll be so much happier together," Luna said as she stopped and looked at Draco, "And yes, the whole school will know but that's fine. No one cares anymore, and honestly its obvious you like her. I wouldn't be surprised if everyone knew already. So no one will care. They'll be excitesd. Ravenclaw is always wondering when you're finally going to ask her out. So do it! You're going to go in there and ask her to Hogsmeade. She's not in a relationship so your good. Lunch is happening now so you do it in front of everyone."

"WHAT?" Draco cried, "Luna, there's no way I'm doing that! Fine, I'll ask her out but not in front of the school."

"Yes. There's bets placed with literally everyone so they need to know. She'll say yes. The other day she was complaint that she'd never get a chance with you and was desperately wishing you'd ask her," Luna smiled reassuringly.

"Luna," Draco groaned now noticing that Luna had dragged him to the doors of the Great Hall, "Wait no! Stop it!"

Luna threw open the doors and most heads turned to look at her. The hall went mostly silent upon seeing Luna Lovegood and Draco Malfoy entering together.

"Go!" Luna said sternly and when Draco shook his head frantically, she grabbed his arm and proceeded to drag him in between the large walkway of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff table.

"Stop it," Draco said as they approached Hermione.

"Hey Hermione!" Luna said happily.

"Luna!" Draco practically screamed.

"Quiet Draco," Luna said earning a bunch of odd looks at the exchange of first names, "Hermione."

"Uh, hi?" Hermione asked quite unsure of what was happening.

"Alright, Draco, go!" Luna said.

"Luna," Draco groaned.

"Ask or I will," Luna said with a smirk.

"Oh no!" Neville said, "Luna's got a smirk. Not good!"

"I learned from the best," Luna grinned gesturing Draco.

"You're friends with the ferret?" Ron asked.

"Since my third year," Luna shrugged, "Draco! Ask her."

"Ask who what?" Draco asked playing dumb.

"Fine, I will," Luna said turning towards the Gryffindors.

"No! Luna! Stop!" Draco cried.

"Then you do it," Luna said her hands on her hips.


"No buts. Ask her right now or I will." Luna said sternly.

"Luna," Draco begged but under her stern glare turned towards the Gryffindors, "Er- Uh... G-Granger, um would you like to uh... Go to um.. Hogsmeade with me this um.. Weekend?"

Draco's face was bright red as he waited, looking literally everywhere but Gryffindor table.

Hermione on the other hand was trying her best to contain the large grin on her face, "Yes. That would be nice," she said.

"Wait really?" Draco asked snapping his eyes to her.

"Yes, reall," Hermione repeated.

"Great," Draco said slightly dazed and in shock.

"Okay, I'm going to take him before he passes out," Luna said placing her hands on Draco's shoulders and leading him out of the hall.

Before she left, she turned around and called out, "IF YOU OWE ME MONEY, GIVE IT TO NEVILLE! NEVILLE I WILL COLLECT MY WINNINGS FROM YOU LATER."

She then left with a completely stunned Draco. The second she was out of the hall hundreds of students raced up to Neville and gave him the money as he recorded their names and how much they gave to him.