
A/N: I will be using French and Italian languages in this, but the bolded parts are the English translations. I did use Google tranate for this, so if anything us wrong please tell me so I can fix it. Thanks! Also this is another non-magical story.

"Bonjour à toute la classe! ()" The twelfth grade French teacher, Ms. McGonagall, announced as she walked in.

"Bonjour Mme McGonagall, (,)" the class mumbled as she strode to the front.

McGonagall gave a single nod before speaking, "Today you'll be paired up into threes. You'll take turns having two of you will have a five minute conversation, which the third partner will record using audio on your phones. Once each partner has a recording, you'll go back and listen through it. Write down what your partners say in French and its English meaning. You may speak about whatever you wish. Papers to be handed in by the end of class and audio recordings sent directly to me by no later than eight o clock with labels. Now before I give groups, any questions?"

"Ms. Granger," McGonagall called.

"How are we being graded on this?" Hermione asked.

"You'll be graded on three different skills. How fluent you are at speaking, how well your able to determine what the others are saying, and how well you're able to decipher the conversations as well as your spelling in French," McGonagall explained, "Now this counts as fourth percent of your grade, so think of it as a test. Textbooks are under the desks as per usual. Now wait until I am finished with all the names before you move to sit with your partners."

When the class remained silent and nodded McGonagall wrote the groups on the board and read them aloud.

When she was finished everyone moved seats except for Pansy and Hermione.

"Ms. McGonagall," Hermione asked, "Would it be possible for Pansy and I to switch groups?"

"I'm sorry but this is how I'd like the groups to work," McGonagall said with a twinkle in her eye, "Please move quickly."

"She's switching the girls in the Golden and Silver trio?"

"I bet there's a secret she's not telling us."

Those were a couple of the whispered Pansy and Hermione heard as they switched seats with each other, making sure to send a supportive smile towards the other. Only a few people knew that the girls got along well and could be seen at the mall or movies together from time to time.

"Good luck with them," Pansy whispered, "If they try anything just tell me."

"Same too you, Pans, same to you," Hermione whispered before the two reached their new seats.

"Perfect. Now decide who's going first and take out your phones and parchment," McGonagall said.

"You two are going first," Draco Malfoy immediately said.

Hermione looked over at Blaise who shrugged. They waited for Draco to pull his phone out and set a timer.

"Alright, go," Draco said rather boredly.

"Hey Hermione! Je ne t'ai pas vu depuis un moment. Qu'avez-vous fait aussi? (" Blaise said with a smile turning towards Hermione.

"Je sais, Blaise. Cela fait longtemps. Je n'ai pas beaucoup fait, surtout lu et étudié. Et vous? " Hermione responded.

"Accrocher avec Pansy et Draco pour la plupart. Euh ... as-tu eu de la chance avec tes parents? "

"Non, je n'ai pas. Ils m'ont officiellement expulsé. Ils ne croient toujours pas avoir une fille, bien qu'ils ne le disent pas à Harry ou Ron. Ils vont paniquer et me faire rester à The Burrow, mais Molly a déjà suffisamment de soucis pour les enfants. .)"

"Je suis désolé, je n'aurais rien dit. Blaise said quickly.

"Ne t'excuse pas. C'est bon de tout laisser sortir. Laisser Malfoy savoir ma vie personnelle n'est pas si attirant, non, mais plutôt lui que mes amis. Hermione sighed.

"Si vous ne me dérangez pas, vous, où vivez-vous? Blaise asked tentavily.

"Um .. I uh," Hermione stuttered and took a deep breath, "Je vis près du parc. Il y a un bel arbre creux. Il fait assez chaud aussi, donc je ne gèle pas. Surtout que c'est l'hiver. "

Blaise's jaw dropped, and Malfoy who had been half listening widened his eyes and stared.

"Vous vivez dans un arbre? Blaise said loudly.

"Shut up!" Hermione said, "Je ne veux pas que les gens sachent, ao ferme ta bouche! Hermione said quickly.

"And times up!" Draco said, quite thankful for it.

"Please don't tell a soul," Hermione begged Blaise.