French Part 2

A/N: Some parts will be written in French and Italian. Bolded parts are the English translations. And I again used Google translate for this so let me know if any things incorrect. I don't speak French or Italian and I apologize in a advance is I mess anything up.

"And that's the bell!" McGonagall said, "Papers on my desk a be sure to email me your labeled audio."

The ass quickly gave her the papers and left. While Hermione, Harry, Ron, and Ginny were walking through the courtyard a voice called out.

"Granger! Stop!"

"Oh god," Hermione groaned as her friends gave her weird looks and they all turned around to see the silver trio coming towards them.

"Hey Hermione! Harry, Ron, Weaselette," Blaise said throwing a wink at Ginny who blushed like mad and looked away.

"Uh, hey Blaise," Ron said unsurely, "Uh.. Malfoy, Parkinson."

"Its Pansy," Pansy said.

"Of course, Pansy," Harry said.

"So how can we help?" Ginny asked.

Blaise smiled widely, "Time to go."

"Bloody bastards," Hermione mumbled.

"What do you mean?" Ron asked.

"And change of plans. Draco and Pamsy are taking you. I have to talk to McGonagall. She sorta overheard our conversation and wants to talk." Blaise said.

"Idiot. I told you not to yell," Hermione growled, "And I already said no."

"Too bad, Granger, your coming with us," Draco said bordely as he looked at Hus phone.

"Can't make me," Hermione huffed.

"Oh I sure can," Malfoy said looking up and winking at her.

"Oh sod off," Hermione groaned rubbing her temples.

"What are they talking about, Mione?" Harry asked.

"Nothing," Hermione sighed, "Blaise I can't accept. I already told you I'm fine where I am."

"The hell you are," Blaise argued.

"Blaise, drop it," Hermione groaned, Pansy help me here?"

"Sorry Hermione, but they do have a point. Draco already filled me in," Pansy said with an apologetic smile.

Hermione groaned again as Ron said, "Hermione what's going on?"

"Don't worry, Ron." Hermione said, "Just don't worry."

"Alright time to go," Blaise said, "I'll see you later." He called over his shoulder as he walked away.

"Alright, Granger, let's go," Draco said shoving his phone in his pocket.

"Malfoy," Hermione groaned.

"Hard way it is. Hold this," Draco said giving Pansy his backpack.

He walked forward and picked Hermione up and threw her over his shoulder before she could protest.

"Put me down you bouncing ferret!" Hermione cries as Draco started walking away with her.

"No thanks," Draco shrugged.

"Uh, what just happened?" Ron asked slowly.

"Don't worry, he won't hurt her," Pansy said smiling at the scene, "He's to far gone to even think of lying a hand on her."

"And that means?" Ginny asked

"You'll find out soon enough. I'll see you all tomorrow and don't worry about Hermione. She'll be fine with us," Pansy promised waving before she left.

"Malfoy!" Hermione groaned as Draco threw her into the passenger seat if his car and shut the door, locking it so she couldn't leave.

He got in on the drivers side and a moment later Pansy sat in the back.

"Sorry about him," Pansy said to Hermione, "We're still teaching him manners."

"Him is right here," Draco pointed out as he backed out of the parking space and pulled onto the road.

"I know," Pansy smirked.

"Malfoy," Hermione said, "What did you mean by that comment you made in class?"

Draco smirked, "Don't worry. You'll find out soon enough."

"That's not very settling," Hermione said.

"Its not meant to be," Draco said turning the corner.

"What'd he say?" Pansy asked.

"Well he said it in French before the timer went off, but the English version is; 'You'll only be a Granger till I make you a Malfoy'."

"That make sense," Pansy said leaning back.

"How?" Hermione asked turning her head to look at the girl.

"He'll tell you eventually," Pansy promised.

"If you say so," Hermione said slumping back in her seat.

"Is this the park?" Draco asked.

"Yes," Hermione grumbled.

"We'll be back Pansy," Draco said getting out and signalling for Hermione to follow.

"Do I trust him?" Hermione asked herself, "Not one bit."

Pansy laughed to herself as Hermione climbed out mumbling to herself. "They'll be together by the end of the week," she said shaking her head in amusement.

"Where's the tree you live in?" Draco asked.

"In here," Hermione muttered heading into a dense forest.

"You're aware that's the forbidden forest?" Draco asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes I do."

"And there's really horrible animals in here and sometimes people?"

"Why do you think I'm covered in bruises," Hermione mumbled.

"What'd you say?" Draco asked whipping his head down to look at the petite girl.


"No, you'd said 'why do you think I'm covered in bruises'."

"I didn't! I didn't say that," Hermione said a little too quickly.

"You did, Granger," Malfoy said with a look of worry, "What happened to you in here?"

"Just a few animals," Hermione said before muttering, "And a lot of drunk men."

"WHAT?" Draco said angrily.

"Forget I said anything," Hermione groaned before stepping into a small opening of a tree.

Draco barely managed to squeeze inside and found Hermione standing there. There was a makeshift later that connected to a hole in the roof of the trunk that seemed to lead to another floor.

"Wait here," Hermione said as she climbed it.

Five minutes later she came down with a bag. She grabbed the few books and quills on the first floor before looking at Draco.

"That's everything," she said queitly, using her hair to hide half of her face and glancing nervously above, "Let's go."

Draco nodded and left with Hermione following. They made it back the car in silence. Hermione didn't even notice her hair had moved until Draco grabbed her face and turned it towards him.