Love Potion

"Well if it isn't Potty, Weasel, and bookworm," a voice drawled out behind the three.

"What d'you want ferret?" Hermione asked as she, Harry, and Ron turned to face Draco Malfoy and his two friends Blaise and Pansy who stood awkwardly in the back.

"I'd tell you, but then I'd have to take you," Malfoy said with a smirk.

"What the hell does that mean?" Hermione sighed.

Malfoy then leaned in close to her ear so only she could hear him, "It means I want you."

Hermione's eyes widened as Malfoy pulled away with a smirk on his face and an eyebrow raised.

"I.. You.. What... I.. Uh..." Hermione stuttered.

"Draco, mate, just leave her alone already," Blaise sighed from behind.

"Why? The bookworm here is speechless. Not very often that happens," Draco said.

"What'd you say to her?" Ron demanded as Harry rubbed circles on Hermione's back while she tried to come out of her shock.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Draco snarled.

"Why d'you think I asked?" Ron challenged.

Draco raised an amused eyebrow at Ron while Hermione recovered.

"Piss of, Ferret," she said dangerously calm.

"Not without you," Draco said with a wink.

"Oh god this is worse than I thought," Pansy groaned.

"What the hell, Malfoy?" Harry exclaimed stepping in front of Hermione protectively, "You stay away from our sister."

"Technically she's not your sister. Her parents are dentists, yours unfortunately passed away and his are redheads," Draco said.

"How do you know what my parents do?" Hermione asked stepping farther behind Harry, becoming very unnerved by the situation.

"I know all about you," Draco shrugged nonchalantly, "Your parents are dentists and you all live in London in a pinkish house. You're an only child and usually stay inside all day."

"What the hell? Are you stalking me?" Hermione exclaimed gripping the back of Harry's jacket.

"I wouldn't call it stalking so much as following and close observing," Draco reasoned as Blaise and Pansy face palmed.

"Creep!" Hermione screamed.

"Don't scream," Draco pleaded, "It isn't food for your voice to scream."

"What's wrong with him?" Ron asked the two Slytherins in the background.

"He swallowed a love potion that enhances any feelings. He unfortunately is madly in love with Granger when he's his normal self so, it got a lot worse. We tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen to us," Pansy explained with a sympathetic look.

"I'm getting bored!" Draco whined, "Let's to somewhere. Potty and Weasel are coming too!"

"Just think of it like he's drunk," Blaise smiled.

"Harry get him away from me!" Hermione screamed running in front of Harry while Draco was circling him trying to get to Hermione.

"What the hell is he doing?" Harry asked reaching for Draco's arm and missing.

Draco switched directions, and Hermione ran right into his chest almost falling backwards. Almost. Draco quickly circled his arms around her waist so she wouldn't fall, but was now trapped in his embrace.

"Ferret let me go!" Hermione said trying to wiggle away.

"No thanks, bookworm. I want you, so you are mine," Draco stated hugging her gently but making sure she couldn't leave his embrace.

"Harry, so something," Hermione complained as Draco began playing with her hair.

"What is there to do? We have to wait until the potion wears off before we can do anything at all," Harry said, hiding a smile as was the other three.

"But-" Hermione started

"No buts, love. Let's go," Draco said taking her hand and pulling her behind him towards the Three Broomsticks.

"Are you coming?" Hermione called back, desperate for help.

"Yeah," Blaise said before turning to the others, "one galleon they are together by the end of the week."

"Oh please, the end of the day," Ron said.

"Your on." Blaise smiled.

"I say month!" Harry added in.

"And I say they will be kissing somehow and rrcao snaps into reality and earns himself a girlfriend on the spot," Pansy smirked.

"What?" Ron asked, "That's a lot of detail. You sure?"

"Oh I'm sure," Pansy grinned. She knew when the potion would wear off exactly and all she bad to do was convince Draco to kiss Hermione a few seconds before it did.

"You guys want butterbeer?" Draco asked when everyone arrived.

They nodded their heads and found a table while Draco payed for their drinks.

"When does the potion wear off?" Hermione asked before Draco arrived.

"In a little bit," Pansg assured her, grinning inwardly.

"Here we go!" Draco said handing everyone their butterbeer and sitting next to Hermione, wrapping an arm around her waist.

Hermione squirmed slightly before giving in and just letting Draco pull her close to him.

"Malfoy, what are you doing?" Hermione sighed taking a sip of the butterbeer, the froth clinging to her upper lip.

Draco grinned when Hermione looked up at him and raised his hand to her face. He gently cupped her face in his hand and wiped the froth off her lip with his thumb, gazing into her eyes the entire time.

Hermione felt her face gain a blush as Draco continued to state into her eyes after her removed the froth from her lip. Then, as if in slow motion, Draco leaned down and placed his lips on hers. Hermione's eyes widened for half a second before her eyes fluttered closed and she kissed back, loving his soft, cool lips against hers.

The last thing I remember is that git Theo shoving a potion into my mouth and forcing me to swallow it. And now I think whatever it was wore off because I can feel again. I can't see though. Wait my eyes are closed. But why- wait I'm kissing someone!

I should be pulling away and freaking out, but I just can't. Whoever this is, is amazing. Her lips are so soft and there's like a firework show going off in my stomach.

Slowly, very slowly, she pulled away and I opened my eyes. I was met with the most beautiful sight ever. Her golden curls falling all over her shoulder, honey eyes shining with happiness and confusion. Her lips parted slightly and face flushed.

"Hermione," I breathed before capturing her lips once more.

Happiness filled me when she didn't pull away but rather kissed me back. I kissed her with everything I had, desperate to make her stay.

When she pulled away again I was grinning like an idiot, but who cares? I had finally kissed her and that's all that mattered!

"How much longer Pansy?" Hermione asked out of the blue.

"Five minutes ago," Pansy smirked.

"What?" Hermione exclaimed her face turning bright red as she looked between Pansy and me.

"What happened five minutes ago?" Potter suddenly asked suddenly.

"The potion wore off," Pansy smirked yet again, "So they basically just willingly snogged each other, and in a moment you all owe me a galleon."

"Bookworm," I said, forgetting everyone was there when Hermione looked at me with a smile on her face, "Be my girlfriend?"

"I thought you'd never ask," Hermione grinned before kissing me.

"Ha! You all owe me a galleon!" I vaguely heard Pansy exclaim.