One year

"Where are you taking me?" The brunnete screamed.

"Calm down," Her kidnapper said calmly, "I'm not going to hurt you."

"And how do I know that?" Hermione defended.

"Trust me, Granger, I won't hurt you," The voice said again.

"Wait Malfoy? Why the hell did you throw me over your shoulder? And where are we going?" Hermione asked.

"Into the forest," Draco shrugged.

"And why are we going there?" Hermione asked.

"Because I live there," Draco answered boredly, "Muggle repelling charms are the key. Here we are."

"Don't you live with your parents?" Hermione asked as Draco carried her into a small cottage surrounded by trees.

"No. They thought it would be good for me to live on my own. Only my mum and Luna know where I am," Draco said.

"Wait Luna? Like Luna Lovegood. The girl you call loony?" Hermione asked as she was thrown of Draco's shoulder and landed on something soft.

"Yes. Know any others? We're actually really good friends. She comes round for dinner once a week to check on me and always sends letters and random gifts," Draco said with a slight smile, "She's basically my sister you could say."

"That's cute," Hermione gushed.

Draco shook his head slightly as he left the room and went to grab something. He came back with his wand in hand and looked at Hermione as if deciding something.

"Can you clear my vision now?" Hermione asked, "I'd like to be able to see again."

Draco chuckled and removed the blurring charm allowing Hermione to see again. She blinked a few times before opening her eyes fully and looking around, eyebrows furrowed.

"Where am I?" She asked.

"My room," Draco shrugged, "Figured you'd like some sleep. I'll be back in a few hours. Don't run off."

"Like I have a choice," Hermione mumbled, "You cursed my legs to be unable to move and I don't know which counter spell to use."

Draco smiled and flicked off the light, leaving the room. Right before he had fully left, he heard Hermione mumble something along the lines of 'stupid ferrets' and he couldn't help but grin.

"Granger," a voice whispered softly, "Granger wake up."

"Hm," Hermione groaned.

"Wake up granger," the voice said a little louder.

Hermione rolled over and opened her eyes to be met with the face of Draco Malfoy looking at her.

"There we go. Wasn't so hard was it?" He asked her.

"Bloody ferret," Hermione groaned rubbing her eyes.

"Still on the ferret thing?" Draco asked.

"Its forever imbedded in my brain," Hermione smiled as she pulled her hands away from her eyes.

"Figures," Draco huffed sitting up.

"Why'd you bring me here or better yet, why did you just grab me and run?" Hermione asked.

"I'm going to be honest with you here," Draco sighed a look of guilt on his face, "I'm supposed to keep you here for a year before letting you go. Once everyone thinks your dead you can return. No one will know of your existence until I get the okay to release you so get comfortable. You'll get to see Luna and my mum though since I can't keep them away or they'll get suspicious."

"Wait what? Why do I have to stay?" Hermione asked trying to keep up.

"I'm being threatened here, Granger. I either keep you here until I'm allowed to release you, or the world will no longer have a Narcissa Malfoy and Luna Lovegood in it." Draco sighed.

"Oh. Okay then," Hermione said, "So everyone needs to think I'm dead or something before I go back?"


"Oh. Alright then," Hermione said, "I guess I'm stuck here then. I assume I'm not allowed a wand?"

"Yeah. No wand. Although they sand nothing about wandless magic, just so you know," Draco smirked looking over at her.

"I see. So if I were to do this," she summoned a glass of water into her hand, "I wouldn't get in trouble."

"I see no reason for you too. The only rules were no wand and no contact," Draco said.

"Perfect," Hermione smiled.

Draco couldn't help but blush at her smile. Ever since seventh year when they became sorta friends, seeing her smile would always make him melt. His stmoack would flip over a few times and his blood would feel like a small fire throughout his body.

"You okay?" Hermione asked, "Your fave is red."

"Oh um yeah I'm good," Draco said blushing even more.

"Wait a minute are you blushing?" Hermione asked amused.


"Really?" Hermione said quitking an eyebrow l.

She reached up and place the back of her hand on his forehead and cheeks and then his arms.

"There is a drastic change in temoature there," she smirked.

"Shut up," Draco groaned.

"Aw is the ferret embarrassed. By what?" Hermione prodded poking his side.

"Nothing," Draco said quickly.

"Nothing my arse," Hermione snorted.

"Its late. We should sleep," Draco said changing the subject as he looked out the window.

"I suppose so," Hermione said deciding to attack him in the morning.

Draco nodded and looked back at her, a small smile on his lips.

"What?" Hermione asked.

"Your hair," Draco said his smile getting larger.

Hermione reached a hand up to her hair and felt it sticking up all over the place.

"Oh hell," she cursed. She ran her fingers through her hair and it magically calmed down a bit so it was just wild curls down her back.

"Smart," Draco commented.

"A trick I learned from Ginny," Hermione smiled remembering her best friend who would soon think of her as the girl who was dead.

"Nice." Draco smiled before leaning back against the pillows and closing his eyes, "You're welcome to stay if you want. There's also a couch in the sitting room if you'd prefer, but you should stay. Its not good for your muscles to sleep on couches."

"Are you trying to convince me to stay?" Hermione smirked.

"What if I am?" He challenged.

"Then you could've just asked," Hermione rolled her eyes lying back down and turning her head to look at Draco.

Draco looked over at Hermione to be met with her eyes looking at him. They just stayed that way, looking into.each others eyes for hours until hermione's finally slipped closed.

Draco smiled to himself and gently reached over to her, pulling her close to him.

"Goodnight Hermione," he said softly into her eat.

He pulled away and studied her face. Her eyes were calmly closed, face slightly flushed from there staring contest and lips parted slightly. Draco couldn't stop himself from staring at her lips longer than needed.

He felt the sudden urge to kiss her and feel those soft pink lips against his. Giving in on impulse, he leaned down slightly and barely brushed his lips against hers before pulling away.

"Well that was lame," Hermione said softly keeping her eyes closed.

"What?" Draco said jumping in surprise.

"That was lame," Hermione said with a small smile opening her eyes to look up at him, "You're supposed to be Slytherin's Sex God and that's the best you can do?"

It clicked in Draco's mind what she was talking about and he smirked, "You haven't seen anything yet," he whispered before placing his lips on hers again.

Hermione smiled as she kissed him back and allowed him to deepen the kiss. She couldn't stop the butterflies wrecking havoc in her stomach.

After quite along time, they pulled away breathless and panting for air.

"This year is going to be fun," Draco whispered once he regained his breath.

"That it will be," Hermione smirked before rolling over, "Night Ferret."

"Night Bookworm." Draco whispered back wrapping his arms around her waist and burying his face in the crook of her neck, breathing in her intoxicating scent.