Forbidden One

"Ferret! You cannot copy my work," Hermione sighed pulling her essay she had finished away from the Slytherin.

"I wasn't copying. Just borrowing your ideas," Draco defended with a sigh.

Hermione groaned and rubbed her temples, elbows leaning on the table in front of her, "I agreed to this. What was wrong with me?" She asked herself in a low whisper.

"Admit it, Bookworm, you love working with me!" Draco said smugly.

"You're constantly trying to copy my work, you flirt with me as if its normal, and not to mention all your dirty comments when Harry and Ron come near, so no. I don't like working with you," Hermione said in a dangerously quiet voice.

"Hey! I'm a Malfoy. What can I do?" He asked her with his hands up.

"That's it! I'm done!" Hermione shrieked jumping up.

Thankfully Madame Pince normally went to bed around nine and left the keys with Hermione since she was the only student who'd even consider staying in the library after eight.

Hermione left her stuff and stomped away down the aisles until she came to one and stopped. She took a few deep breaths trying to regain herself before spinning around to go back.

Her plans were interrupted when she came face to face with Draco Malfoy who was bending down to her height.

"Why'd you run?" He whispered.

Hermione slightly cringed when she felt his breath on her face. She always hated close proximity and never came near anyone except for Harry and Ron.

"Well Granger," Malfoy said straightening up so he was now a head taller, "Seems you're trying to cut our study session short."

"Why did I agree? I'm an idiot." Hermione mumbled to herself, "I'm telling Dumbledore I'm not doing this anymore!"

"Oh you won't be doing that," Draco smiled wickedly, "I can always request you for help."

"Malfoy, what do you want?" Hermione asked taking a few steps back to out some distnave between them.

"A lot actually." Draco smirked, "But only one thing I can't actually get. Its my forbbiden one, you see."

Hermione stepped back again, noticing that he and come closer and flet herself bump a wall. She looked back to see the wall she expected before turning back and seeing Draco towering over her.

"M-Malfoy?" She stuttered.

"What wrong Granger? My presence scare you?" He taunted lowering his face so he was level with her

"No," Hermione said more confident than she felt.

"Really? So you're not intimidated by me at all? You don't fear me? You're not even the slightest bit nervous of what I could do?" He whispered.


"Good," Draco smiled gently leaning against her, pressing his body against hers so she was trapped, "Nothing will make you scared of me?"

"N-No," Hermione said upset her voice failed her.

"Mm" Draco mumbled placing his arms on either side of her so she really couldn't escape.

He brushed his lips against her ear and could feel her shiver under his touch.

"Something wrong?" He whispered in a raspy voice.

"What are you doing?" Hermione asked in a high voice.

"Having some fun," He grinned.

Hermione felt her breathing rate go up as he start gently kissing her neck, clearly aware she was extremely uncomfortable. He moved slowly and expertly up her neck and jawline, lingering at the sides of her lip, teasing her.

"Just do it," Hermione sighed.

"Do what?" Draco asked wanting, no, needing to here her say it.

"Kiss me," Hermione whispered closing her eyes.

Draco didn't need to be told again before he placed his lips on hers as softly as he could, trying to contain how much her wanted her but drastically failing. He was more than happy when Hermione started missing him back, knowing she was giving up on fighting him.

He licked the seam of her lips asking for entrance which she gladly gave. He deepened the kiss as much as he could without losing control of his own actions finally pulling away when there was a shout.

"Malfoy! What are you doing here? Found your latest shag?"

Draco felt Hermione tense underneath him and quickly muttered a spell turning her hair blonde and eyes green and giving her skin a paler glow.

"Weasley," He said turning around to face Harry Potter and Ron Weasley.

"Stop fighting," Harry sighed, "Have you seen mione?"

"Not since she stormed off from studying," Draco shrugged, "Now if you could leave, I was a little busy.

Harry looked over Draco's shoulder and his eyes seemed to widen slightly before he smirked and winked at the girl, "Coke on Ron. Hermione will find us when she's ready and give us an explanation on where she's been," he said.

The girl mouthed a 'thank you' as harry dragged Ron out of the library.

"That was close," Draco whsieored returning Hermione to her normal appearence, "Now where were we?"

He smirked as he leaned back down and kissed her again. Hermione kissed back unsure of why she was doing so, but just did.

After a long time of kissing and breathing and kissing and breathing, Draco finally pulled away and removed his body from her.

"Until next time, Forbbiden one," He whispered before walking away.

Hermione smiled to herself. She was the one thing he wanted but couldn't have. She was his Forbbiden one.