
"Hey mione!" Ginny greeted as Hermione sat down at the Gryffindor table in between Seamus and Dean with Harry, Ron, and Ginny across from her.

"Hey guys!" She said with a fake smile she hoped didn't look fake.

"You okay?" Harry asked seeing right through her mask.

"Honestly, no," Hermione sighed, "But I'm a few minutes I will be."

" Wat doe dat mee?" Ron asked through a mouthful of fruit.

"Don't speak when you eat, Ron," She told him in need for a subject change, "What's happening in Gryffindor tower?"

"Not much," Dean answered from my right, "Quite boring without you yelling at Ron all the time."

"Hey! Its not like I enjoy being yelled at for not taking notes in Binn's class," Ron groaned.

Hermione laughed along with everyone else until a cough from behind her startled everyone.

"Malfoy," Harry said kindly, "Can we help you?"

"No. I'm here too help," Draco said slowly.

"You're late, ferret," Hermione said while taking a drink of pumpkin juice.

"Sorry. Pansy kept attacking me with questions. She saw the knife," Draco explained quickly.

"Well now they know. Thanks for that," Hermione said coldly.

"I'm sorry!" He said exclaimed.

"Ugh, just do it. We don't have time to hide and set the concealment spells," Hermione groaned checking her watch before handing her left arm to Draco.

"Mione, what are you doing?" Seamus asked confused.

"Don't worry. Happens every day," Hermione shrugged as Draco rolled up her sleeve and drew his wand, unaware of the unlookers which consisted of literally everyone in the Hall.

Draco said five different spells before turning his wand towards Hermione, "Sorry.

Hermione nodded and grabbed Seamus's hand in a death grip, squeezing her eyes shut as Draco pulled out a knife.

"Malfoy what are you doing to her?" Ginny demanded as Draco placed the knife's tip on the beginning of the letter 'M' on her arm.

"Keeping her alive," Draco said darkly before pushing the knife into Hermione's arm and dragging it along the letter.

Hermione's eyes opened and her mouth fell as though she was screaming but no sound came out. Seamus's hand turned blue from lack of oxygen but he didn't pay much attention to it.

Draco carefully lifted the knife out of her arm and an inch of the knife was covered in blood. He grimaced as he placed it into the second letter and repeated the process until the whole word had been cut.

When he was done he used his wand to summon a vial and let the blood on the knife fall into the vial before he cleaned the knife fully and placed it in his pocket. He waited about five minutes before taking the silencing charm off Hermione who was now heavily panting and had succeeded in breaking Seamus's hand.

"God damn bloody merlin hell!" Hermione swore.

"Well that's new," Draco said highly amused.

"Shut it ferret," Hermione growled clenching her fist in pain.

"See you tomorrow bookworm," He called leaving the hall.

"Care to explain?" Harry asked, the only one aware that the whole hall was watching.

"Bellatrix's knife. Its cursed. It has too be cut very single bloody day until it goes straight through my arm. So far we're only an inch in and have two more to go, so approximately another year of this. It took six months for the first inch," Hermione explained.

"But why is Malfoy doing it?" Dean asked.

"Bellatrix is a Black family heir. Only a black family heir can use the knife with the curse still effective. Andromeda and Narcissa can't visit every day to do it, so hence why ferret does." Hermione explained, "And if it doesn't happen or someone other than a Black Family heir or heiress does, I die on the spot. Had to happen by eight every morning too!"

By now most people had gone back to eating and it was only the closer Gryffindors and a few Ravenclaw waiting to see if more knowledge was coming were listening.

"So what are you doing about break?" Ron asked, "We leave tomorrow."

"Yeah," Hermione sighed, "Ferrets coming to the burrow the first week and then Malfoy Manor the second week."

"Malfoy's coming to my house?" Ginny asked astonished.

"Yeah," Hermione said, "I told your mum I had to bring someone with me for a week and we were leaving the second and she said that was fine."

"This is going tobe hell," Ron sighed leaning back and rubbing his eyes.

"It'll be fine Ron," Hermione promised, "One week and he's gone."

"Alright," Harry said, "He's coming and that's fine. We can't do anything about it. Let's just try and stay civil for the week. And we also have to apparate. Mrs. Weasley fixed the wards so only close members of the Weasley family, you and I can enter." He finished to Hermione.

"Great!" Hermione said, "We can leave from muggle London. You can't apparate off the platform until the Hogwarts express has left."

Harry nodded before the group returned to their food.


"Ferret, over here," Hermione called when they stepped of the train.

Draco walked over and joined them, "So you told them?" He asked looking at Harry, Ron, and Ginny, Ron of which shooting him a death glare while the other two looked at him awkwardly.

"Yep. Weasleys will hate you, but oh well. They're waiting in the yard so let's go," Hermione said.

The group of five hurried into muggle London where Hermione led them down am alleyway.

"We have to be quick. Idiots come here a lot," Hermione said, "Apparate on three. Draco hold onto one of us."

Draco nodded and grabbed her arm, not wanting to go near the other three.

"Alright one, two, three, bye!" Hermione said changing her grip on Draco so she was holding his hand and dragging him into darkness with the rest following.

"Ron! Ginny! Harry! Hermione!" Molly exclaimed as they arrived in the Burrows yard to be met with seven faces.

"Hello, Molly," Hermione smiled dropping Draco's hand.

"Why's Malfoy here?" George asked darkly.

"Because be can't apparate into the boundries. He's only here for week and then we'll leave," Hermione promised scratching her arm.

"Stop doing that," Draco said pulling her hand away from the arm, "It'll do more damage."

"Sorry," Hermione apologized not realizing she had been doing so.

"So why is he here?" Bill piped up.

"Uh," Hermione said, "Well remember when we arrived at your cottage with Mr. Ollivander, Luna, Dean, and Griphook?"

"Yeah?" Bill asked.

"Well we had just escaped Malfoy Manor where Bellatrix was trying to find out how we got into her vault at Gringotts which we didn't do till later. She tortured me to find out the information and in the process used a curse knife to carve 'MUDBLOOD' into my arm. In July, Ferret arrived at my home in muggle London telling me the knife was cursed. His mother had just told him. Basically a Black family heir or heiress has to re cut the word until it goes all the way through my arm. Hence Draco's here." Hermione explained.

"You're Aunt is just messed up," Charlie commented.

"Then its a good thing Mrs. Weasley ended her for us. She really was a horrible person," Draco said.

"Call me Molly. Mrs. Weasley is far too formal," Molly smiled.

"Of course, Molly," Draco smiled.

Hermione slapped his shoulder and said, "Stop with the charming thing."

"Why? It annoys you so all the better," Draco grinned at her.

Hermione rolled her eyes with a hint of a smile, "Well that's very kind of you isn't it?" She said sarcastically.

"Glad you enjoy it," Draco said with a smirk.

"In your dreams ferret," Hermione retorted.

"Oh godric just kiss already!" George exclaimed causing everyone to turn towards him with faces of shock.

"did you just say?" Hermione asked.

"I said, 'Oh godric just kiss already!' Your flirting is to annoying," George sighed.

"We weren't flirting," Hermione argued, a pink hue rising in her cheeks.

"Call it what you want, I'm hungry," George shrugged turning an leaving.

"What just happened?" Charlie asked.

"I'm not sure," Draco said as they all watched Georges retreating back.

"This is what he wants to happen!" A voice said and everyone turned to see Blaise Zabini.

He strode forward to Hermione and Draco, rose up on his toes, grabbed there heads and pushed them so they were less than an inch apart, "Now kiss or you're stuck like this." He demanded.

"Blaise!" Draco said trying to break force himself away from Blaise's grasp.

"No! Kiss or you're stuck!" Blaise said again.

"Bloody hell. I give up," Draco sighed before closing the gap between them.

"WE DID IT GEORGE!!!" Blaise screamed as George came running.

"Yas!" George cheered, "Our plan worked!"

Hermione and Draco meanwhile were oblivious to what was happy, busy kissing each other as though there loves depended on it.

"Wait you planned this?" Ginny asked.

"Yep. Draco told me he was coming Jere for the holidays, and he never shuts up about Hermione so I contacted George to plan this and it worked!!" Blaise cheered.

"You guys are dorks," Ginny said.

"We know," they choroused, "Hey. Hey! HEY!" They said together before bursting out laughing.

"Are they drunk?" Percy asked.

"Nope. Just idiots," Harry laughed.

"What're you talking about?" Hermione asked her and Draco finally breaking apart and rejoining.

"They planned that! To get you together!" Bill chuckled.

"Really?" Hermione asked with a raised eyebrow before smirking, "Well then."

She flicked her wrist at the boys and suddenly Blaise couldn't speak and George had blue hair.

"George, that will never wash out or magically go away. You'll have to grow it out and cut it. Blaise you are not able to speak until you kiss whoever you are in love with," She said innocently.

Both boys paled before looking at each other and bursting out laughing, Blaise's being silent, and the two marched arm in arm into the house.