Engagment Part 2

A/N:  This was requested by @Dramione_Delena for a part two of Engagement. Hope you enjoy this!  Also I'm changing it so Hermione has a three bedroom apartment and a muggle roommate so keep that in mind so you don't get confused.

It didn't take long to pack all of Malfoy's stuff, and that was the sad part. All he had was two outfits, including the one he was wearing, a large jacket, his wand, a few galleons, and to my great amusement,

"Hogwarts A History, huh?" I smirked.

"Yeah," he smiled, "It was one if the things mum was able to sneak out of the house when I left. She gave it to me for reasons."

I nodded my head sensing that I shouldn't ask him about it until he was ready.

"Okay, got everything?" I asked once he stood up.

"Yes," He smiled gratefully.

"Great! I'll apparate us there and then adjust the wards so you can come in and out," I told him offering my hand.

He grasped it and I was shocked by how warm his hand was for having lived in an alleyway for probably around a year. I turned on the spot and pulled us both into darkness where our bodies stretched and turned until our feet landed solidly in the living room of my apartment.

"Uh, who's that?" A girl asked.

The girl had long brown-red hair that went below her waist and slightly tanned skin from the beach. She had shining blue eyes and small naturally pink lips. She was wearing just a blue tank top and grey sweatpants with her hair pulled up into a messy bun that was half falling out.

"Hey Emma. Uh, don't freak out on me but this is Draco Malfoy," I said nervously waiting for her reaction.

"Wait Draco Malfoy. Slytherin pureblood, bully, forced death eater, and ferret?" Emma asked in shock her jaw hanging open.

"Ferret?" Draco asked amused, "That's new."

"Gryffindor thing," I shrugged and he needed as though it made sense, which it probably did, "Emma he's going to be staying with us for a while."

"Okay, but why?" Emma asked, "Is he going to that Hogwarts place with you next year?"

"Possibly," I said with a side glance at Draco, "And you're going to, remember that."

"Yeah I know. Godmother crap and all that," Emma sighed waving her hand dismissively.

"You're her godmother?" Draco asked most likely confused by age.

"Yeah, its a long story," I sighed, "I'll explain but first, Emma this is Draco Malfoy a friend of mine and Malfoy, this is Emma Burden. She is a muggle just so you know. Her parents passed away three years ago and my mum and dad were her godparents. Since I erased my parents memories, I sorta faked their death when I couldn't restore them and in the will it said if anything were to happen that Emma is my responsibility. She's the same age so that's why your confused."

"That makes sense," Draco said slowly wrapping his head around the information.

"Great. You're rooms up here," I said walking up the stairs with the two following behind me.

I showed Malfoy his room and told him to sleep. When he refused a gave him a dreamless sleep potion hoping it would help and went down the stairs with Emma.

"So why is he here?" Emma asked as we sat on the couch.

"Long story," I sighed as the memories came flooding back and tears welded up in my eyes, "Ron called off the wedding last night. And I had visited the Burrow and let me tell you, they were furious. Ron isn't making it out alive he runs into any of them. Anyways, I was hiding out in an alleyway the seemed to be empty. Its the one I always apparate us to. Turns out Malfoy was living there this whole time because he was trying to change his ways and drop the prejudice crap and his dad kicked him out and took away his inheritance for that. His friends were always trying to help him out but their families would disowm them if they brought him home. So while I was in the alley he just sat down and let me cry and then apologized for all those years at school and told me his situation and I don't know why I did it, but I just told him to pack his stuff and he was staying here."

"Hm," Emma said with a smirk, "I think I know exactly why you let him stay. But I'm not telling yet. At least not until Ginny and I make bets on it."

"What is with you two and betting?" I asked exasperated.

"Dunno," Emma shrugged with a smile.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes, "We have to meet McGonagall now. I left a note for Malfoy, so let's go. We're flooing over so hold onto my arm."

Emma nodded as we stepped into the fireplace and I grabbed the floo powder. I threw it down and yelled out, "Hogwarts Headmistresses Tower."

The green flames submerged us and transported us to a different fireplace and I was impressed when Emma didn't flinch, this being her first time traveling by floo.

"Miss Granger!" McGonagall said as we stepped out, "It is so good to see you. And this must be Miss Burden, correct?"

"Yes, Professor," I smiled, "This is Emma Burden, the muggle in my care. We are the same age and its because her original godparents were my parents but I faked their death when a memory charm couldn't be lifted and now she's in my care."

"All good," McGonagall smiled, "She'll stay in Gryffindor Tower with you and if she wishes may participate in most classes. Those that do not involve a wand seeing as though she would be unable to produce magic. I'll send a course list with yours."

"Thank you," I smoked winking at Emma, "Also can you send Malfoy's list with ours? He's currently staying with us. His father disowned him and he was barely staying alive thanks to his friends."

"Of course," McGonagall smiled and I swear she had the Dumbledore twinkle in her eye, "I also have, upon a private request from his mother, the ability to change his house to Gryffindor if he wishes. Miss Lovegood is in that house too now if it helps him."

"I have a feeling it will," I said gratefully whole Emma and McGonagall shared a look.

"Well, that seems to be everything," She smiled, "I look forward to seeing you both in a few months."

"Us too, Professor," Emma and I said at the same time.

"Perfect! The floo is still open if you wish to return that way."

"Thanks," I smiled stepping in again and taking the floo powder as Emma grabbed my arm, "London Fox Flats 3A" I called as I dropped the powder down and we came back.

"Hey!" Malfoy said as we stepped out.

"Hey Malfoy," I smiled while Emma smirked which was odd.

"Where'd you guys go?" He asked.

"McGonagall. Fixing arrangements for Emma to be at Hogwarts. Oh and I emtioned to her to send your letter here and she told me that you could switch to Gryffindor if you wanted. Luna's there to because of her part in the war," I said sitting down next to him on the couch while Emma took her favorite chair.

"That would actually be really great," he smiled looking down at me and for some odd reason my heart flipped and I looked away because I swear I was blushing.

Emma must've noticed since she burst out laughing and fell off her chair saying something about how 'I was right! Oh Ginny is going down!'.

"Is she okay?" Draco whispered in my ear sending a chill down my back.

"Yeah. She does this a lot. Just bursts into laughter without reason. Or she keeps it to herself," I laughed.

That night we stayed up late watching movies and talking and just being the teenagers we were supposed to be.

When I woke the next morning, the first thing I saw was Emma asleep in the chair she loves. I smiled softly to myself as I watched her peacefully sleep. She was the last thing I had left of my parents and my only friend from the beginning of my time on earth.

I moved to get up but found I couldn't. I looked around me and my breath got caught in my throat when I did. I was curled against Draco with my arms around his waist and head on his chest while his arm was around my shoulders.

He was looking down at me and quickly blushed when he saw I was awake. I slowly sat up, his arm still around me and adjusted myself into a more comfortable position.

A sudden though hit me and I looked over at Draco with an odd expression on my fave and found him looking at me with the same expression as though the thought had just hit him as well.

This was the first night since the Malfoy Manor that neither of us had had nightmares from the war.

A/N:   So I just realized that I left a lot of cliffhanger type things here and not as much Dramione as I should have. So, to try and clear up the cliffhanger areas and finish this story I could do two things.

1) Do a Part three and possibly fourOr2) Spend a little while longer but turn this one shot into a book of about ten chapters or so.

Comment which you'd prefer if you also want the little things cleared up and questions answered. Thanks!