An Unexpected Guest

"Morning Mione!" Harry grinned as Hermione sat in a chair at the table.

She was the last one downstairs for breakfast when though she hasn't gotten any sleep.

"You're a mess," George commented motioning her hair that could house owls.

"I've noticed," Hermione grimaced tapping her head with her wand and causing it to calm down a bit.

"Did you sleep at all?" Ginny asked handing her some coffee.

"No," Hermione groaned rubbing her eyes tiredly.

"Why not? You haven't been sleeping right," Ginny demanded resembling her mother.

"I don't know," Hermione sighed after a long sip, "I just have this bad feeling."

Harry and Ron immediately dropped their food and looked up at her. Everyone was slightly panicked seeing how had actually stopped eating and was listening to Hermione.

"Explain," Harry said nervously his wans now placed on the table as was Ron's, but upon the weird looks quickly explained, "When she gets a bad feeling something always happens. Sirius, Dumbledore, Malfoy Manor, and then the battle."

Eyes widened and choking on pumpkin juice became very common in a matter of seconds.

"I don't know," Hermione said, "Its like we're missing something... Its not another war or anything its more of the aftermath. Something bad has happened and I think we're left to pick up the pieces." She explained.

"Please do not be death eaters," Ron groaned, "They know how to fight."

Hermione gave him a sympathetic look while Ginny eyed her suspiciously.

"Is it something or someone," She asked suddenly.

"What?" Hermione questioned but knowing exactly what she meant.

"You know what I mean," Ginny said, "Its been three weeks and you're wearing glamour charms."

"Ginny stop," Hermione said her face paling rapidly, "Wait..... Fuck!"

"Told you," Ginny frowned.

"God damn it," Hermione swore, "Why didn't I see it before? The random bruises and cuts. I should've known!"

"Veela," Fluer breathed having caught on, "you are mate of a Veela."

Hermione closed her eyes and nodded slowly while everyone stared.

"Who is it?" Harry asked.

"Ever seen Malfoy's arm?" Hermione asked her eyes still closed, "If you look closely you'll notice a faint scar that says MUDBLOOD."

"No bloddy Merlin's pants way!" Ron exclaimed.

"Yep," Hermione said opening her eyes with a guilty smile, "You should've seen him at Malfoy Manor. He was ready kill Bellatrix on the spot but his mum stunned him before he could knowing they'd all die."

"Well that was unexpected," George said with a look of shock.

A thud outside the door causes everyone to jump and Molly hurried to open it.

"Can I help you?" She asked semi coldly to who ever was at the door, "Oh my Gryffindors! What happened to you? Come in now."

A tall pale boy was ushered inside, his silvery hair dirty and eyes filled with pain. He was led by Molly into the dining room and he looked up guiltily until he saw her and relief and longing filled his face as he stared at her.

"Y-Youre alive," he choked out.

Her face earned a small smile and she nodded confirming it. Hermione stood and walked over to him where he hugged her tightly, tears falling.

"You're okay," he breathed.

"In okay," Hermione smiled as she returned his embrace.

The Weasley's and Harry couldn't help but gawk at the scene in front of them. It was more how two people who looked so different fit together so perfectly than who they actually were. They didn't mind very much that Draco Malfoy was hugging Hermione Granger as though she was his life line(ironic since she is).

The biggest surprise was that he was crying as he held her and kept repeating the same words. 'You're okay'. When he finally pulled back he cupped her face with one hand and smiled a boyish smile that no one thought possible to appear on Malfoy's face.

"What happened?" Hermione asked him softly.

Draco's eyes darkened to a pure black and everyone but Hermione and Ginny stepped back.

"Father," he said darkly, "He'd rather I die than have you as my mate. He called you that word."

"Its alright, Draco. It has no meaning to me anymore and it shouldn't to you. Its just a label used by those who think their superior to others," Hermione told him.

Draco nodded and looked up at the scene before him, smile widening slightly when he saw Ginny.

"You're in for it, Weaslette," He said slyly.

"Oh god," Ginny groaned, "How long to brace myself?"

"I'd give you in three, two.... One," He said smirking.

On one the door crashed open and another figure came in, "Did you find them?" He asked worriedly.

"Hey Blaise," Ginny said silently casting body bind charms on her family.

"Oh thank the bloody merlin," Blaise exclaimed as he held her tight to him, "Never ever to that again." He said before looking over at Hermione, "You too. We were going crazy! You should've seen him when Lucius used that word. I'm surprised Lucius is even alive."

"Draco!" Hermione said slapping his shoulder, "I already told you. You do not kill people."

"He insulted you," Draco defended, "And I couldn't stop it. Sorry."

Hermione rolled her eyes and pecked his cheek, "Its fine. Just don't do it again."

"Mind explaining?" Bill asked.

"I can!" Fluer exclaimed, "Dey 'are Veela. 'Ermione and Giny 'are their mates!" She had large grin on her face and seemed excited to witness the exchange.

"THEIR VEELA?" Ron screamed.

"Yes," both boys answered momentarily glancing up from their mates that they had hooked to their sides.

"Why them?" George asked intrigued by the situation.

"Dunno," Draco shrugged, "We don't really get a say. It just tells us."

"Hm. Interesting," George said.

"Sorry about those," Draco said motioning the cuts and bruises on Hermione since the halmour charms wore off.

"Don't worry. I gave you a scar too," She shrugged pointing to his left arm in which he grimaced