Sive mors dilectio #2

A/N: Lupin is our DADA teacher in repeat of seventh year. Also, using the spell I created: (death or love). Spell is in the chapter Sive mors dilectio.

"Good morning class!" Lupim said as he entered the room.

"Good morning Professor," the class said with smiles. Everyone loved lupin. He was the best teacher they had and constantly helped them with personal problems as well as hand out chocolate after every class.

"Now today we are going to be studying an ancient spell only used a few times. Only one family still knows about it. I only happen to know since one of my good friends was in this family line before he passed away. This family is the Black family," Lupin said looking over a Draco briefly.

"My family?" Draco asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Yes, Draco. Your mother, Narcissa, was a Black before she became a Malfoy. As was Bellatrix and Andromeda," Lupin smiled, "Now this curse is called . Does anyone know what that means in English since it is Latin?"

Draco raised his hand as did his friend Blaise.

"Yes boys?"

"It means death or love," They said together smirking at the use of the language the spoke in when together.

"Correct," Lupin smiled before something caught his eye, "Hermione, are you alright?"

"Yeah, fine," Hermione said eyes shut tightly in pain, "Continue."

"Very well," Lupin said hesitantly, "This curse is very deadly. The victim of the curse has one year exactly until death. There are two ways to lift this curse. One is from the caster. The caster of the spell is able to lift it. The other way is quite cliché. A true loves kiss will break the curse. As mentioned before, of neither of these two happen the victim will die exactly a year after."

"So, professor, Let's say this curse was cast on March 16th 5:58 Would that mean the following year on March 16th 5:58 the victim will die?" Hermione asked opening her eyes.

"Yes." Lupin said.

Hermione's face paled immensely and she looked over at Draco whose face was just as pale and both their eyes wide and was looking at her.

"Fuck," they both said.

"Its five fifty now," Hermione whispered.

"You have the time wrong," Draco said slowly, "It was five fifty five"

"No," Hermione said, "No, no, no. No."

"Granger," Draco said, "It was five fifty five. After 'MUDBLOOD'. I was watching the time."

"Curse your fucking deranged aunt!" Hermione screamed as the time changed to five fifty one.

Draco was just staring at Hermione his face blank of emotions.

"At least you learned about it," He said.

Hermione shot him a death glare as she wanted the clock, "Four minutes"

"Weasel?" Draco asked and Hermione shook her head, "Potter? Thomas? Finnigan? Longbottom?"

"No," Hermione said, "Siblings."

"You're screwed," Draco sighed.

"Gee thanks, I hadn't noticed," Hermione whispered and the clock showed three minutes, "I'm going to die."

"Damn it!" Draco said.

"What's going on?" Blaise asked.

"The Manor," Draco said too Harry, Blaise, and Ron, "That was spell used at the manor. She has three minutes."

"What?" Harry and Ron screamed.

"No! Hermione don't you dare think about dying," Ron said.

"Not my choice," Hermione whispered as the clock changed to five fifty three

"Will someone explain what's happening?" Lupin asked.

"That spell was cast on Granger. She's dead in two minutes," Draco said.

Lupins eyes bulged out of his skull and his jaw dropped to the floor.

"Draco," Pansy said and he turned to face her.

"Stop thinking it," He growled at her.

"I'm not thinking it," Pansy said.

"We know it," Blaise finished.

"Just stop," Draco said, "Its not true so stop."

"One minute," Hermione said loudly.

"Someone has to love her!" Harry exclaimed, "Someone has too. We are not losing our sister!"

Ron nodded in agreement and the two started glaring at every boy in the class. Daring them to speak up.

"Draco! You're up!" Theo yelled out.

"What?" Draco asked as he and everyone else turned to Theo.

"Kiss the girl!" Theo smirked.

"What are you talking about?" Draco asked.

"Come on, you're not that dumb. Obssesive talking, following, that's love. Go kiss Granger!" Theo cheered.

"What did you just say?" All the Gryffindors said whipping their heads to look at Draco.

"Draco loves Granger!" The Slytherins said as though it was obvious while Draco turned red.

"Worth a shot," Harry and Ron said to each other.

"She's got ten seconds," Harry said, "Malfoy come kiss her."

"No!" Draco said, "I don't love her."

"Don't care," Ron said, "You're the last chance."

"Not happening," Draco said stubbornly.

"," Blaise said, "Kiss Granger."

Draco stood up, clear he was trying to fight it, and walks over to Hermione. Right before the time changed to her death, Draco leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips.

Hermione, taking a chance at not dying, kissed him back praying to merlin she wouldn't die.

They pulled back after a minute and Blaise lifted the curse while Hermione looked down at her body.

"Am I dead?" She asked.

"Nope," The slytherins said while grinning at Draco who was standing against the wall where Harry and Ron had their wands pointed at him and were threatening him about hurting Hermione.

'Boys will be boys' Hermione thought as she smiled to herself from the weird feeling in her stomach. The feeling of love.